Filipino expat in Azerbaijan
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Baku
Speaks English, Russian, Tagalog
Registration: 08 May 2009

Nearly New in Baku by kuanyin
Well, firstly, I am British, and I have just joined Expat.com and thought I'd write a few words about Azerbaijan. As I write, I have now been here for nearly seven months and am finding it okay. As an expat of many years standing, one cannot help ...

--tried to visit your blog but the link doesn't work. Read More

Moving to Azerbaijan by Mako
We might be moving to Azerbaijan with the family, and I am looking for someone who could tell us a bit about life there. I would really appreciate any comments from experience, good or bad. How is ordinary life, things for children, things for ...

--schools possible for your child- TISA (BP school which means will cost you about 30k+ manat, BIS stands for Baku International School (american school, prob. 24k manat a year) BSB stands for british school in Baku, will cost you 14k manat a year) ... Read More

Filippino baby sitter by Ramin973
Hello! We live in Baku and have a 3-month old baby girl. We are looking for a Filippino baby sitter to live together with us. Any help or suggestion is highly appreciated. Ramim

Nadi Khan, it must be 500$ per month. With flight ticket back and forth to the philippines fr once a year holiday.:)you must get the nanny a visa and work permit. Read More

Filippino baby sitter by Ramin973
Hello! We live in Baku and have a 3-month old baby girl. We are looking for a Filippino baby sitter to live together with us. Any help or suggestion is highly appreciated. Ramim

I can help you find one but is it possible if employ her from the philippines? Read More

Expat blog gatherings in Baku by Julien
Hi all! What about meeting the other Baku Expat.com members in real life? Organizing an Expat.com meet up would be an excellent way to know them! :) An Expat.com meet up can be a diner gathering, having coffee, a bring and share in a nice ...

Anyone who wants to play frisbee every saturday at 9ish in the morning?;) Read More

Baku - a City of Extremes for the Expat by kuanyin
Azerbaijan is a relatively unknown entity for the wealth-seeking expat because let's get real, we only ever go abroad to make money, pure and simple. For us British expats we're talking tax-free money. So whilst working in Oman back in 2010 I was ...

--I enjoyed reading this.:) Thank you. Read More

Expat blog gatherings in Baku by Julien
Hi all! What about meeting the other Baku Expat.com members in real life? Organizing an Expat.com meet up would be an excellent way to know them! :) An Expat.com meet up can be a diner gathering, having coffee, a bring and share in a nice ...

--this sounds really interesting!:) I have posted several here for those who ask about baku and I have no idea who these people are. It would be wonderful to meet them in real life!:) I am definitely up to it! :)meet in a pub for a pint, coffee ... Read More

Gym and Swimmingpool by bugthesailor
Hi all, Any good or bad experiance, advice with location and price level...new in Baku need your comments, Regards,

--swimming pool- most of the big hotels here normally open their swimming pools in the summer. Excelsior hotel, Hyatt, Ramada hotel, ISR/ Radisson plaza, not sure with Hilton (I haven't been there.lol) If you fancy a place that is quiet, go to Aqua ... Read More

Gym and Swimmingpool by bugthesailor
Hi all, Any good or bad experiance, advice with location and price level...new in Baku need your comments, Regards,

--gyms are everywhere. Check some of the popular hotels. I know that ISR plaza (located behind Mcdo. fountain square)has one and it is quite cheaper than the rest, Landmark Hotel (lots of expats), Hyatt gym is also full of expats and locals. Go to ... Read More

Book Club by lazyBarrientos
I wonder if there are other expats here in Baku who might be interested in organising a book club..:)

--yes, I have been there. Quite nice, could be a great location for the book club.;) unfortunately, I can not find a way to organise it. Too busy now at work, if there are poeple out there who are not working, please organise a book club and i will ... Read More

Looking for Accomodation in baku for eurovision by louise_keogh
Hi , I am looking for accodamation for eurovision for me and my daughter. I am from dublin ireland and i speak some turkish so if anyone could help me that would be great .. thanks Louise

--you can rent a room if you don't want to stay in expensive hotels. Avoid getting one in old city as they will just rip you off. try getting info from this-bakurealestate.net/ and CPS baku... Read More

Book Club by lazyBarrientos
I wonder if there are other expats here in Baku who might be interested in organising a book club..:)

--go to facebook and search this-- Baku Expat Community. You will get a lot of information there about expat life/people here in baku. You will also see many posts of IWC members. good luck. Read More

Book Club by lazyBarrientos
I wonder if there are other expats here in Baku who might be interested in organising a book club..:)

Agnes, There so many groups of expats here. If u like playing ultimate frisbee, I can introduce you to my friends. If you are quite an athlete person, you can join the baku runners, they have this group called "baku Hashiers if im not mistaken.:) ... Read More

Buying property in Azerbaijan by Christine
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Azerbaijan? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Azerbaijan? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...

--believe me, if you have no relatives or any other people closely related to you,NEVER buy properties here in Azerbaijan. Too complicated and you'll end up getting your own lawyer to get your money back..:) Read More

Tax registration in Azerbaijan by Jools H
Hi there, I'm an expat here (of course) from the UK as is my partner. I have potentially been offered a job here yet have been told i need to register and pay simplified tax. I have been to the Ministry of Taxes, they sent me to immigration and ...

--there is no other way to get your work permit but your employer to provide it for you. or at least the needed documents. Unless your husband's company can help you. You can not even get it processed without any representative. I have tried this ... Read More