

Active member

Kenyan expat in Italy

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Rome, Latium

Speaks English, Swahili, French, Italian

Registration: 18 November 2017


refusenick replied to a thread
9 months ago

Lucca and Tourists by Celestinoanna

For anyone who lives in or lived in Lucca…I’m wondering what it’s like with all the tourists. Is there a way to live there outside of busy tourist areas? Thanks.


@ItaloFoxLike yorself, I live in a tourist destination city in a neighbourhood with no expats, never seen a tourist and English is not spoken I’ve never understood how people can move to a foreign country and still want to be around what/who ... Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
2 years ago
Merajul Islam Juman

Travelling with permesso di soggiorno receipt by Merajul Islam Juman

Hi, I am a Non-EU citizen, have a valid type D ( multi ) study visa till sep 2023. I applied for resident permit, have a receipt. Can i travel to my country and re-enter italy with only the sticker visa. Thanks


@Merajul Islam Juman Yes you can. Until September 23, your visa allows you multiple entries into any Schengen country. After it expires, you'll need to show your residence permit. Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
2 years ago

Looking for work visa by charlesumoh79

Hello, am a dental technician by qualification, presently a dentistry student in the Philippines. I have intentions of moving to Italy after my studies here in the Philippines. Will it be possible to get a job as a dental technician in Italy so as ...


@charlesumoh79  Seriously. Luna is right. There are so many other countries, even in the EU, that will recognise and accept your skills and qualifications. And I say this as someone who loves, Italy. Pick somewhere else if your priority is to ... Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Permesso di Soggiorno by SHANKU

Hello everyone, My permesso di soggiorno was expired in the month of October and applied for conversion (study to work ) in time.. And 2 weeks ago done with quastura formalities but I didn't submitted pending documents.. To get those pending ...


They'll take your fingerprints, current address and other details. Make sure you take 4 recent passport-size photos with you. Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Can you open a nonresident Italian bank account on line? by DrBillg

I was planning on looking for an apartment to buy in Italy. I’m not planning on giving up my residency in the US however because I’m still working. I have a Codice Fiscale . I was wondering if anybody knows in Italian bank that I can ...


Any new insights? Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Can you open a nonresident Italian bank account on line? by DrBillg

I was planning on looking for an apartment to buy in Italy. I’m not planning on giving up my residency in the US however because I’m still working. I have a Codice Fiscale . I was wondering if anybody knows in Italian bank that I can ...


Guys - I've been trolling through Trustpilot reviews and virtually all major Italian banks are rated abysmally, by both Italians and expats, for customer service, reliability and trustworthiness. Look for yourselves, it's really ... Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Can you open a nonresident Italian bank account on line? by DrBillg

I was planning on looking for an apartment to buy in Italy. I’m not planning on giving up my residency in the US however because I’m still working. I have a Codice Fiscale . I was wondering if anybody knows in Italian bank that I can ...


Zig Zag Wanderer - Most countries have reciprocal agreements that allow their citizens to purchase property in Italy. The UK isn't most countries. Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Can you open a nonresident Italian bank account on line? by DrBillg

I was planning on looking for an apartment to buy in Italy. I’m not planning on giving up my residency in the US however because I’m still working. I have a Codice Fiscale . I was wondering if anybody knows in Italian bank that I can ...


This blog recommends 8 banks to choose from. Can anyone shed light on CheBanca? [link under review] Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Can you open a nonresident Italian bank account on line? by DrBillg

I was planning on looking for an apartment to buy in Italy. I’m not planning on giving up my residency in the US however because I’m still working. I have a Codice Fiscale . I was wondering if anybody knows in Italian bank that I can ...


Yes, I heard the main problem with Monte dei Paschi di Siena (BMPS) was the high fees. I'm not sure how it compares with other banks in this area. With UniCredit out of the running because of their limited and restrictive mobile app and bad ... Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Can you open a nonresident Italian bank account on line? by DrBillg

I was planning on looking for an apartment to buy in Italy. I’m not planning on giving up my residency in the US however because I’m still working. I have a Codice Fiscale . I was wondering if anybody knows in Italian bank that I can ...


I'd like to know as well. My PDS is taking months to process thanks to the backlog caused by the pandemic and I couldn't open an account in any of the brick and mortar banks. So I went with N26 which was only giving German IBANs at the time ... Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago
Danail Krzalovski

Permesso di Soggiorno - message for pick up not received by Danail Krzalovski

Hey guys, I applied for a renewal of my permesso di soggiorno about 2-3 months ago at my local questura and I still haven't received a message to come and pick it up. What is weird is that last year I was able to check on this site to see if it is ...


Saw new Covid restrictions coming so I gave up and left Italy without mine. I have no idea how I'll get back in LOL. Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
3 years ago

Getting schenghen visa while living in EU by VANDINI P

Hello folks! Can someone please guide me on whether you can apply for a schenghen visa while living in the EU? If so, what is the process for it? I am in Indian national living in Italy and have the application for the permesso, but I need to ...


Why not the French border, out of curiosity? Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
4 years ago

help required on residence permit for italy by markdogma

hi, i am travelling with my wife and currently staying in switzerland before hopefully going on to italy at end of january we are travelling on british passports even though we reside mostly in australia ( we also have Australian passports) we ...


I'd try another country if I were. I don't know about other parts of Italy, but there's a huge backlog of residence permits due to the covid quarantines from earlier in the year. I know people who had their finger prints taken as far ... Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
4 years ago

Renting an Apartment in Rome for the First time by GuestPoster1258

Hello Everybody! My name is John, I'm from the UK, and from March 2020, Will be the first time ever, that I move abroad to Live and Work. I just want to ask for some Advice for People who have Experience in Moving and working in Italy. I have ...


Where on the internet are you looking for these apartments? Are they reputable? Beware of “hidden” costs. Read More

refusenick replied to a thread
5 years ago

Media in Italy by Diksha

Hello everyone, Being an expatriate in Italy is a golden opportunity to discover another culture and explore new perspectives. Each country has a unique radio and TV heritage and we would like to hear your opinion about it ! 1. What was the ...


TV: 'L'erdità' is my favourite show by far. I try to watch it whenever I can. I also liked 'Ci Vediamo in Tribunale' but I don't know if they'll make a new series. Movies: Haven't watched any 2019 movies, but I ... Read More