American expat in Dominican Republic
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Cabarete
Registration: 15 December 2017

Planning Our Trip by Tripp789
My wife and I are Arriving in mid-July for two weeks on the North Coast. We’re hoping to build in Casa Linda but we want to see a bit more of the area while we’re here. We’re two gringos with little Spanish, but we get by and ...

You might want to read online Dominican newspapers to take the pulse of the country. To far northwest closer to Haiti use caution. There ongoing problems with border protection. The north coast has a gentler pace with a lot of countryside to ... Read More

Convert your Canadian Driver's licence - what is the process called? by JoHickey
Evidently there is a process where you get your Canadian licence to the embassy and they certify them. Than you go to Santo Domingo and they convert it to a dominican licence. Does anyone know what this process is called? (In spanish please, so I ...

I don't know but your thinking is spot on. If one has not adjusted there turist card/visa status, there are areas of potential vulnerabilities. The courts have had people surrender their passport if involved in an accident with injuries which ... Read More

Is violation of the immeration law a criminal or civil matter. by Nosnownyc
I don't know. In America overstay comes with a 5 year no retry. If you enter America without visa it is criminal act. Anyone with legal knowledge about the laws in RD know about this question ? I am not referring to the actual enforcement of ...

Thank you , maybe a lawyer will chime in as time allows. Read More

Is violation of the immeration law a criminal or civil matter. by Nosnownyc
I don't know. In America overstay comes with a 5 year no retry. If you enter America without visa it is criminal act. Anyone with legal knowledge about the laws in RD know about this question ? I am not referring to the actual enforcement of ...

Yes , bringing concrete information to people that plan on coming to RD is the objective. There are numerous people making life time plans through the immigration process who need facts . I myself will not read his posts anymore. I find them so ... Read More

Is violation of the immeration law a criminal or civil matter. by Nosnownyc
I don't know. In America overstay comes with a 5 year no retry. If you enter America without visa it is criminal act. Anyone with legal knowledge about the laws in RD know about this question ? I am not referring to the actual enforcement of ...

I was looking for an educated response. Thank you Read More

Is violation of the immeration law a criminal or civil matter.
I don't know. In America overstay comes with a 5 year no retry. If you enter America without visa it is criminal act. Anyone with legal knowledge about the laws in RD know about this question ? I am not referring to the actual enforcement of ... Read More

Overstaying tourist visa by cemdev
Can you extend the visa? What's the cost? We're planning on staying 4 months. Border run to Haiti to renew?

One might want a digital record of transation that includes many parties and 2000 pesos more is simply the cost of a historical document they may come in handy is the future. What happens to the money is out of the control of the individual but the ... Read More

Overstaying tourist visa by cemdev
Can you extend the visa? What's the cost? We're planning on staying 4 months. Border run to Haiti to renew?

Which means excellent documentation since governments tend to creep up from behind. Read More

Immigration law enforcement - Take care ! by Guineo Verde
Hi, It seems that since December 2017 more than 3,000 people of 12 different nationalities were not allowed to enter the country and were deported to theirs. I mean led by custom officers to the area where they had to wait for a return ...

Yes on the surface they are seperate issues . The connecting theme is that the RD Government is much astute and forward thinking that one might believe due to the serendipity of the concrete executions of it's policies ( i.e. Dante's 10th ... Read More

Immigration law enforcement - Take care ! by Guineo Verde
Hi, It seems that since December 2017 more than 3,000 people of 12 different nationalities were not allowed to enter the country and were deported to theirs. I mean led by custom officers to the area where they had to wait for a return ...

Well stated , I wonder as a former government employee in the States when the government here will whip in tail when it has on it's side documented proof of violation of the law and if these over stays impact on the ability to attain visas ... Read More

Immigration law enforcement - Take care ! by Guineo Verde
Hi, It seems that since December 2017 more than 3,000 people of 12 different nationalities were not allowed to enter the country and were deported to theirs. I mean led by custom officers to the area where they had to wait for a return ...

Honey , the question was where else to migrate if due diligence had been done. I have to admit despite its flaws, I feel a need to defend my country when it is disparaged because someone cant negotiate thier feelings of frustration without attacks. ... Read More

Immigration law enforcement - Take care ! by Guineo Verde
Hi, It seems that since December 2017 more than 3,000 people of 12 different nationalities were not allowed to enter the country and were deported to theirs. I mean led by custom officers to the area where they had to wait for a return ...

Thank you , the thought of doing research is indeed an exercise of intellect. That is why I saw the attributes of RD several years ago and became a citizen . What you stated and your frustration doesn't hold water for one that has done one's ... Read More

Immigration law enforcement - Take care ! by Guineo Verde
Hi, It seems that since December 2017 more than 3,000 people of 12 different nationalities were not allowed to enter the country and were deported to theirs. I mean led by custom officers to the area where they had to wait for a return ...

Go some place else , where ? Border enforcement is happening through the world. When RD government goes after illegal Haitians they are called rasists. When they enforce they against people from across the pond they are stupid ? Do really think they ... Read More

Getting a Dom. cedula by rmulatre
Hi Everyone. I have a one year visa on my passport but get expired now, I would like to have a Cedula now to stay and work in Dom. Republic too. I wanna know when and How I can get one please. M. Ronald

I got my first RD passport at consult in NYC , a breeze ! Check your local resources. Read More

Getting a Dom. cedula by rmulatre
Hi Everyone. I have a one year visa on my passport but get expired now, I would like to have a Cedula now to stay and work in Dom. Republic too. I wanna know when and How I can get one please. M. Ronald

The newspaper DOMINICAN Today , last week it was published regarding DR citizens if they already have an existing passport will soon be able to renew online and pick up en the capital. Read More