American expat in Guatemala
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Guazacapán, Santa R
Speaks English, Spanish, ASL
Registration: 30 January 2018

A guarantor to secure a visa in Guatemala by sabestuf
I am currently located in Japan with my family, and I want to move to Guatemala. The requirement for a visa is to have a guarantor in Guatemala. Can you link me up with a guarantor in Guatemala?

@iyokemmanuel I just asked my attorney because I didn't know, but she says yes and she is for a number of clients already. Read More

A guarantor to secure a visa in Guatemala by sabestuf
I am currently located in Japan with my family, and I want to move to Guatemala. The requirement for a visa is to have a guarantor in Guatemala. Can you link me up with a guarantor in Guatemala?

I have sent you the contact info for my attorney by PM, hope it helps. FYI you should expect to pay for legal advise and services. Read More

A guarantor to secure a visa in Guatemala by sabestuf
I am currently located in Japan with my family, and I want to move to Guatemala. The requirement for a visa is to have a guarantor in Guatemala. Can you link me up with a guarantor in Guatemala?

@iyokemmanuel I sent you a private message. Read More

A guarantor to secure a visa in Guatemala by sabestuf
I am currently located in Japan with my family, and I want to move to Guatemala. The requirement for a visa is to have a guarantor in Guatemala. Can you link me up with a guarantor in Guatemala?

I can recommend a good immigration attorney, but I don't know anyone who could act as your guarantor. I've never used one so I don't know how you go about finding one. Read More

Need information on importing household goods from USA to Guatemala by TORTUGA PROPIEDADES
Hello, I have property in Guatemala and I am trying to import/bring in household goods to furnish and set up a home in Guatemala. Has anyone gone through this process? What are the steps required to bring in such items? Thank you!

With the boxes, there wasn't any. With the moving company they handled everything. I mean there were papers to sign but they prepared them all. Read More

Need information on importing household goods from USA to Guatemala by TORTUGA PROPIEDADES
Hello, I have property in Guatemala and I am trying to import/bring in household goods to furnish and set up a home in Guatemala. Has anyone gone through this process? What are the steps required to bring in such items? Thank you!

I've done the 30" x 30" boxFor $300 and a professional moving company costing $4,000 for two palatts. Let me know and I will fill you in on the details. The 30" box is the way to go unless you absolutely need something that won't fit or can't ... Read More

property in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala by chitownlatina10
I need to find out how to find who owns a certain piece of property in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Which website or who to call? Thank you

If you can find out the property ID: Finca, Libro, Folio, etc. You can request a report from the Registro General de Propiedad. You can order it online and then go pick it up at one of their offices. You can do it yourself or aak your Lawyer to do ... Read More

A guarantor to secure a visa in Guatemala by sabestuf
I am currently located in Japan with my family, and I want to move to Guatemala. The requirement for a visa is to have a guarantor in Guatemala. Can you link me up with a guarantor in Guatemala?

@sabestuf I can recommend a good immigration attorney if you DM me. Read More

summers in Antigua by douglinebaugh
we are planning on spending our summers in Antigua, and would like any suggestions as to how to prepare for it.

Antigua has a nice comfortable climate, in the summer it can get warm, shorts and short sleeves, but in the evening it usually cools off significantly. Bring a variety of clothes, sweaters or jackets for the evening. Most of the weather websites ... Read More

Do you live in a gated community ? by sebastienpascal
HelloIn Costa Rica, many expatriates live in a gated community.According to Numbeo, insecurity in Guatemala is higher than in Costa Rica.I read in an article published in a major media outlet that Guatemala's economic elites live in "security ...

There are plenty of "gated communities" in small towns. Here in Chiquimulilla there are at least 4. Prices are about the same for inside as outside. Prices vary a lot with location, closer to town are more expensive as you'd expect.Before moving ... Read More

Do you live in a gated community ? by sebastienpascal
HelloIn Costa Rica, many expatriates live in a gated community.According to Numbeo, insecurity in Guatemala is higher than in Costa Rica.I read in an article published in a major media outlet that Guatemala's economic elites live in "security ...

I know three other expats in Guatemala, two plus myself live on farms, one owns a hotel in Panajachel. So from that small and un-scientific sample the answer is no. Read More

Buyers are asking for "numero de folo, finca y libro'' by TORTUGA PROPIEDADES
New to forum, looking to sell some land in Guatemala. Potential buyers are asking for "numero de folo, finca y libro...prior to purchase - is this information safe to give?

The buyer needs that information in order to request a title report from the National Property Registry. I've always asked for a copy of the registered deed so I could request such a report and compare the registered owner's name against the seller. ... Read More

Temporary Residence application by joellunasilva
How do I apply for a Temporary Residence in Guatemala.Thank you!

@joellunasilva you're welcome. According to the Attorney I use the easiest temporary residency to get is "Student", you can study anything you want as long as you do it at a school registered with the ministry of education. Read More

Temporary Residence application by joellunasilva
How do I apply for a Temporary Residence in Guatemala.Thank you!

You can find the forms and requirements on the government web site: https://igm.gob.gt/formularios-para-tramite-de-residencia-temporal/ Read More

residency process by yofatboy
I have started my residency process and have acquired my student visa. I have a DPI and am in the middle of getting my residency. I cannot get my lawyer to respond and my student visa expired the 4th of April. Do I need to start all over because my ...

@yofatboy Did your attorney tell you you needed an FBI report? I just got my antecedentes done here in guatemala. Might be different circumstances but you have me wondering now. Read More