Filipino expat in Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Buraydah, Al-Qassim
Speaks english
Registration: 29 April 2018

Saudi council license renewal rejected for nurses by neotess
Please can someone give an advice. My saudi council for nurses renewal got rejected. Saudi council want me to bring all my original documents for investigation. But I'm worried because my agency fake my experience in the Philippines. Please ...

Please ask your employer to give you exit visa ASAP!..explain to them the circumstances that Saudi is very strict now with regards to documents. You have to go back to the Philippines ASAP. Once the investigation at the police started you’ll ... Read More

travel ban issued by MOI by vicj
hi everyone, i received 2 messages from MOI and MOJ yesterday stating that they issued travel ban under my iqama number. the case number was mentioned and i immediately spoke with my boss regarding the issue. the case was filled by a local here in ...

my current status in MOI is banned to travel. is it possible that I can still travel within the kingdom? Read More