

Active member

American looking for information about Ecuador

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Lives in Austin

Registration: 11 July 2011


carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Best place to live in Ecuador... by Bazseville

Hi Guys, How's it going? I lived in Ecuador a while back as a TEFL teacher. I lived and worked in Quito. I had a few run ins with the locals but in general I had a great time. What do you guys think is the best place to live in ...


Less than 1 hour without traffic. I solicited the services of the guy who drives for Hogar de la Abuelo in my neighborhood. That way I had flexibility to also visit other places in Yunguilla without the hassle of waiting for a taxi or standing on ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Best place to live in Ecuador... by Bazseville

Hi Guys, How's it going? I lived in Ecuador a while back as a TEFL teacher. I lived and worked in Quito. I had a few run ins with the locals but in general I had a great time. What do you guys think is the best place to live in ...


Rob supports my efforts to provide healthy organic fruits and vegetables to the children. One of his venues for marketing is next to my house so as a courtesy to me he delivers every Monday. I too am looking forward to the eggs from his free range ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Best place to live in Ecuador... by Bazseville

Hi Guys, How's it going? I lived in Ecuador a while back as a TEFL teacher. I lived and worked in Quito. I had a few run ins with the locals but in general I had a great time. What do you guys think is the best place to live in ...


OrganicMom, You are correct. I never thought about it but southeast would be a good description. By the way, I provide food for underprivileged children as well as health and dental care that is not covered by the government. You might be ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Best place to live in Ecuador... by Bazseville

Hi Guys, How's it going? I lived in Ecuador a while back as a TEFL teacher. I lived and worked in Quito. I had a few run ins with the locals but in general I had a great time. What do you guys think is the best place to live in ...


I can't believe some of posts I am reading here suggesting that my rent is so low because I live in a dump or that a family could not live as cheaply. Let me explain how I came to live in Cuenca and specifically el Vergel. Prior to formally ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Best place to live in Ecuador... by Bazseville

Hi Guys, How's it going? I lived in Ecuador a while back as a TEFL teacher. I lived and worked in Quito. I had a few run ins with the locals but in general I had a great time. What do you guys think is the best place to live in ...


Barrio el Vergel is just south of the Tomebamba roughly bordered by 12 de Abril on the north, Las Herrarias on the east and avenida Solano on the west. I don't know the exact boundaries but it is south of Parque de la Madre. I have lived in el ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Are you happy in Ecuador? by Priscilla

Hello everyone! According to the 2016 UN World Happiness Survey, Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland are the happiest countries on earth. How about you? Are you happy in Ecuador? Do you feel happier today in your host country than before in your ...


I am extremely happy in Cuenca. Every day I wake up looking forward to new adventures and interacting with the local people. All of my needs are taken care of from maintenance to healthcare. Someone else always works on my behalf to solve any ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

Is Ecuador clean? About Water quality? Anyone from Cotacachi? by KLC56

Buenos Dias, my husband and I are considering moving to Ecuador but are really up in the air about any particular destination. I have some questions and am hoping that those of you who have already made the move might be willing to help me out. We ...


The defining issue is healthcare and since that is the case, my recommendation is definitely Cuenca. I can walk a short distance to the clinic or the hospital and my healthcare is provided free of charge as a permanent resident. In an emergency I ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
8 years ago

First Visit to Cuenca in May by BGCG

My wife and I are considering retiring in Cuenca in 2017 and we will make our first exploratory trip in May. We would appreciate any tips on the best places to meet expats for meaningful conversation and also a recommendation of a realtor who can ...


My friends and I could not entertain the thought of living anywhere else. We are especially impressed with the free health care system the government provides for us and you do not even have to be over 65. Life here in Cuenca is tranquil, safe and ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Best place to live in Ecuador... by Bazseville

Hi Guys, How's it going? I lived in Ecuador a while back as a TEFL teacher. I lived and worked in Quito. I had a few run ins with the locals but in general I had a great time. What do you guys think is the best place to live in ...


Wow! You can get exactly the same in Barrio el Vergel for $380/mo fully furnished all utilities, WiFi, cable in high end, secure, tranquil neighborhood with house keeping, laundry service available for extra $20. Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Your experience of culture shock in Ecuador by Christine

Hi, Living in a foreign country implies to discover its culture, to learn and master the cultural codes. How did you deal with that? Share with us your culture shock stories where you experienced a funny or awkward moment in Ecuador. What ...


Culture shock, what culture shock ? I have traveled around the world and someone else said it before me, the only culture shock experienced was living in America. A salesman from Brazil told me before coming to Ecuador, "use a lot of gracias ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
9 years ago
Bob Way

The negatives about retiring in Ecuador by Bob Way

Please tell me all the negatives of retiring in Cuenca, Ecuador. What are the most important things I need to know. I don't speak Spanish, how much of a problem is that? I thank you in advance for your answers. Bob Way


Good for you AMIGA! I happen to be living in the now and not some alternate past or future universe ! Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
9 years ago
Bob Way

The negatives about retiring in Ecuador by Bob Way

Please tell me all the negatives of retiring in Cuenca, Ecuador. What are the most important things I need to know. I don't speak Spanish, how much of a problem is that? I thank you in advance for your answers. Bob Way


I'm sorry to hear of your plight Nataly. I know a few Columbians who work hard and make a good living. I know only one Cuban, a heart surgeon. The only Mexicans I know have high end restaurants and are married to locals. I have heard anecdotes ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
9 years ago
Bob Way

The negatives about retiring in Ecuador by Bob Way

Please tell me all the negatives of retiring in Cuenca, Ecuador. What are the most important things I need to know. I don't speak Spanish, how much of a problem is that? I thank you in advance for your answers. Bob Way


I live in Cuenca, Ecuador. Know what you must pay ahead of time. Ever since the government required taxis to have meters the service has improved with no ambiguities. I know how much to pay from point A to point B. Some rentals will charge more for ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
9 years ago
Bob Way

The negatives about retiring in Ecuador by Bob Way

Please tell me all the negatives of retiring in Cuenca, Ecuador. What are the most important things I need to know. I don't speak Spanish, how much of a problem is that? I thank you in advance for your answers. Bob Way


I have no complaints concerning my life in Ecuador. Every time the government passes a new law that might effect me negatively, I find an alternative. The pollution from diesel engines of buses is a problem and one that I hope someday the government ... Read More

carlmiller1944 replied to a thread
9 years ago

Robbed/Scammed By Farmer's Market Vendor by wlae84

This really has been bothering me. I have to get this off my chest... So I went to the farmer's market yesterday. I gave the old lady 50 cents and took 5 oranges. She took the oranges out of my bag, put them back in the bin. And then put her ...


I am happy to say I have never had this experience, although, one time I felt the cashier at the market did not give back the proper change, I had already put it in my pocket mixed with other coin and I decided it was my responsibility to have ... Read More