Albanian looking for information about Nepal
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Kathmandu, Central Region
Speaks English, Italian, Spanish, Albanian
Registration: 07 November 2019

international secondary schools in Kathmandu by aldahasa
Greetings to everyone. I have just received an offer to work in Kathmandu and I am seriously considering but need to figure out the options I have to send my kids to school. I know there are international schools there but costs seem to high. Is ...

Thank you Francoise. Unfortunately this is the case with this school. Sounds incredible... most universities cost less Read More

international secondary schools in Kathmandu by aldahasa
Greetings to everyone. I have just received an offer to work in Kathmandu and I am seriously considering but need to figure out the options I have to send my kids to school. I know there are international schools there but costs seem to high. Is ...

Thanks again. It does not work in my country. Was hoping for info of schools in other countries that offer the service, say in UK for example. Read More

international secondary schools in Kathmandu by aldahasa
Greetings to everyone. I have just received an offer to work in Kathmandu and I am seriously considering but need to figure out the options I have to send my kids to school. I know there are international schools there but costs seem to high. Is ...

Thank you for your answer. it is appreciated. The schools you mentioned I am sure are very good but the prices are prohibitive for people on salary unfortunately. Do you know if there are people that homeschool their kids and how does it work? I ... Read More

New members of the Nepal forum, introduce yourselves here - 2019 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Nepal forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hello Julien. Thank you for the hospitality :). I am considering to move to Nepal on a contract but have kids that need to go to school. I am looking for information for any good and affordable international schools in Kathmandu before I make a ... Read More

international secondary schools in Kathmandu
Greetings to everyone. I have just received an offer to work in Kathmandu and I am seriously considering but need to figure out the options I have to send my kids to school. I know there are international schools there but costs seem to high. Is ... Read More