Barbadian expat in Belgium
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 25 August 2020

Keep f card by Smlg
i have been in belgium since Sept 2019. I obtained student permit in April 2020 due to covid, and then obtained F card in June 23 due to legal cohabitation( Oct 22) we share adress since May 22.Now my ex endend the relationship up and doesnt care ...

Because you already demonstrate a high level of integration they may not act on it. The law gives them the possibility to not take away your card. they have discretionary power in situations like yours.they are overburden with dossiers. so the best ... Read More

Keep f card by Smlg
i have been in belgium since Sept 2019. I obtained student permit in April 2020 due to covid, and then obtained F card in June 23 due to legal cohabitation( Oct 22) we share adress since May 22.Now my ex endend the relationship up and doesnt care ...

Sorry you are in this situation. i was almost there. after a lot of legal advice of worse case scenarios the best you can do is come clean to the dvz. they can just do nothing and then you apply for your nationality. look up legal advice from agii - ... Read More

I have common child in belgium and can I get f card after orange card by shamisinghmultani
Dear sir,my wife is not working in belgium but I have common child in belgium.Please tell me how many chance to get F card after orange card if my common child is the citizen of belgium.I have visa 107days and stay 90days.

If you don't meet one of the core requirements for a family reunification application then they will deny your request. Read More

Does family reunification stops if I loose my job? by BasFont
Hello everyone! First, thank you all for all the information on this website, it's being extremely valuable for my wife and I. We are in a curious situation right now (a bit scared) and we would like to know more. I'm italian, my wife is ...

I don't think you should worry about them checking your application. What usually happens is that the city verify these documents when you submit. Usually the immigration do not directly verify when no issues have been raised by the ... Read More

first registration by shoqi maktary
I Have landed in Brussels on July 8th and need to register within 8 days due to covid the registration is done online in the form they are asking for aNational Registration number, strange since I am a non EU citizen I do not have this 11 number, I ...

Hi, I think you should first contact the immigration department of the municipality. Read More

Studying in Belgium then planning to work by kwakoudzi49
Hi, my name is Ami I am planning to come to Belgium for school master’s in medicine. I am coming along with my 7 year old daughter and she’ll be attending school in Brussels in an international school that speaks English while I am ...

...what happens if you don’t find a job in time will I and my child be deported from the country?You would not be deported unless you follow the immigration laws of the country, and in your case in a country that would allow you to stay to ... Read More

Card D leaving Belgium, do I lose the card? by Dom_ino
My husband will apply for card D/F. He has card A now after holding an orange card for 9 months. He has been living in Belgium since 2009 (studying then working). I just obtained the Belgian nationality. Would it be possible to obtain the D or F ...

If I was your husband I would first apply for a D card then apply for Belgian citizenship. Read More

Change status from 'Highly Skilled' to 'Dependant' by Bhargavi Subramanyam
Hello, Thanks for the community. I want to know what is the procedure to change from 'Highly skilled' single permit to 'Dependant visa'. How long it takes and can I do it while being in Belgium. I'm in Brussels for last 4years. ...

When you say getting a dependent visa, do you mean a family reunion residency application? Btw visas are something you need when entering the country and residency cards is what you'll get associated with an 'annex' which is the ... Read More

Divorce cases by Kaheti
Hey everyone am new to this forum and am kindly requesting for your help.I have been living here in Belgium for 2 years, married by a Belgium but my marriage is not working.What are the process to file a divorce? And will i loose my residential ...

It's a very personal decision but you should really balance the pro's and con's of wanting to stay in Belgium in the long term vs returning to your home country. Since he is Belgian then you will have the right to stay permanently in the ... Read More

Divorce cases by Kaheti
Hey everyone am new to this forum and am kindly requesting for your help.I have been living here in Belgium for 2 years, married by a Belgium but my marriage is not working.What are the process to file a divorce? And will i loose my residential ...

Sorry that your marriage isn't going good. Normally after exactly three years of marriage (with a Belgian) the DVZ (the immigration service) cannot withdraw your residency rights granted you can sustain yourself because you are employed or you ... Read More

Belgian Citizenship / Proof of Language by PeterBarkworth
Hello all, my first question on this forum. I am currently preparing a file at my local municipality, with regards to acquiring Belgian nationality by declaration. My file was marked as complete. This morning I received an email asking if I had ...

It is possible and can cause a negative response for your application from the public prosecutor's office if they advise negatively. It depends on your overall application though if they perceive you have a weak application (like meeting the ... Read More

Birth certificate for Nationality by adwiprath
Hi , For Belgium Nationality , 1. Is the Birth Certificate from India - Apostiled -from Foreign Public service would do? or else do we need to follow any additional legaziliation process here from Belgium. Or back from India? 2. Do we need to ...

These are very specific questions. Though you can get more clarification from the municipality or even the embassy linked to your nationality. There is always the option to consult a lawyer with these questions. That may cost a few 100 euros but ... Read More

Belgian citizenship and AI(Orange card) by Edigj
Hello, I came in BE in 2015 as Non-EU student. I was issued and 1 year A card. I renewed the card twice in 2016 and 2017. In 2017 I applied to changed the status to F card (Belgian spouse). Status F(family member ob Belgian was approved after 6 ...

Hello, This is the first time I'm hearing this. It seems a bit strange though before you go to a lawyer you can seek advice from allrights.be or myria.be Technically if you have not had a Orange Card then your A cards and F card should prove ... Read More

Domiciliation by Pietro Pantalissi
I would like to sublet my apartment. I need to maintain my domiciliation but also the new tenant needs to be domiciliated there. The apartment is very small and the agreement is that I will use it one or two times per month. When the police will ...

This is a tricky situation since local authorities (the police and municipality) can strictly apply the law concerning 'domicilie/domiciliation'... If you're not effectively living at the apartment you're registered at then ... Read More

Looking for MyRent and stamping contract by ArnoAdel127
Sorry for diseturbing you but i would like to get a small help from you to let my wife know where is My Rent or how we will make the Contract stamped

The official registration of your rental contract is done by the landlord. According to my understanding of the regulations, depending where you live this is either a strict requirement (in Flanders) or you have to officially request the landlord to ... Read More