Studying in Belgium then planning to work

Hi, my name is Ami I am planning to come to Belgium for school master's in medicine. I am coming along with my 7 year old daughter and she'll be attending school in Brussels in an international school that speaks English while I am trying to finish my education as well. After completing my masters in medicine how's the job market and what happens if you don't find a job in time will I and my child be deported from the country?. Do they accept BS from the United States ?. If yes which area ?.
how do I get a entrepreneur card to do child care at home and other businesses?.

Hi Ami,
Tyhe best thing willl be to speak to the organisers of the course. It depends where you plan to study. There are schools in brussels where your child can study in english. There's a British school in Terveuren in Bruseels. It's affordable to my knowledge. The European school is too costly.
After completion of your masters in Medicine the only obstacle tht you might come across is the language barrier. Belgium is a small country with two national languges. It's expected that a doctor should be able to communicate in thesse two languages or at leasrt one of them. Theselanguages are French and Dutch.  You'll have to be conversant wioth the medical jargons in at  least one of the two languages , which you can already discuss with the organisers of the course. Since belgium is a small country the job market is  not bery easy. However if you can overcome the language barrier then I suppose ther would be ample opportunities . Feel free to contact me at for further discussions if you wish. I'm a belgian national of Indian origin  , used to work in the IT sector  and had to learn the local languages.
Arvind Ghosh

Thank you for the information. But since she's not or we are not Belgium nationals would the child international school be out of pocket ?. How did you get the IT Sevtor Job?. Do you know anyone that can help with me resume to switch to a Belgium way and from my English CV to a Belgium CV. I'm learning the language now.

Dear Arvind,
Can you send more info on school on Tervuren ?
As far as I know, the international schools are expensive and running cost UpTo 17-18k per year...

Maybe it's good to start a petition for subsidizing English schools.


It's difficult to explai,n  things like this. I'm of Indian origin and I'm a belgian natioanl  since 2003. There are a few hurdles that you have to cross as we al have to  do when we migrate . But there are hundreds of issues . We would need to talk as writing is difficult ,as it's often bits of information and not concurrent. You can either contact at sujoanghoshé and we can chat on google hanghout or else contact me @ Whatsapp 0032472056439. But I don't know the exact time difference as I don't which cost you are from the US . Normally it's a difference of 7 hours for east coast and 9 for west .

Well here you go - … TZEALw_wcB

you're so right . there are loads of Briots and americans living in brussels as well as english being the lengua franca mondial  all the non native Belgians and expants should come up with ideas so that the We can get some aid from the Anglo saxon world or othere sources to open more english schools in Brussels and Belgium as such . But as we all know that in RU there's theis language issue and it's a big hurdle to cross.
All the best

We are planning to move soon to Antwerp and have the same issues with schooling. English schools are equal or more than the salaries. Even the erstwhile DY Patil school in Belgium is unaffordable.

For young kids below 12, its fine to switch to French or flemish but hard for the secondary kids. I have been looking at homeschooling options.

kwakoudzi49 wrote:

...what happens if you don't find a job in time will I and my child be deported from the country?

You would not be deported unless you follow the immigration laws of the country, and in your case in a country that would allow you to stay to study, which is explicitly for a temporary purpose. After your studies, permitted from a temporary residence card, there are options available:
A graduation residence card that can lengthen your residency for a year while you find a job and learn a national language to increase your chances to get a job. If you would be hired then you can switch to a work permit if you can get a job before your temporary residence card expires or during the one year graduation residency permission.

Thank you