Sliema <3
English expat in Malta
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Qala, Gozo
Registration: 23 August 2011

Registering Terios by Sliema <3
I am looking at buying a Daihatsu Terios from a private seller for 3500. This is about 1500 less than other Terioses I have found, so I am thinking that it is not registered here in Malta. Can anyone give me any information on the registering ...

Ah it turns out that the car is registered just it's on the new scheme as it was brought over after 2009. I think that's right? So that is why it is cheaper than all the other terioses I have found, as the annual circulation license fee will be ... Read More

Registering Terios
I am looking at buying a Daihatsu Terios from a private seller for 3500. This is about 1500 less than other Terioses I have found, so I am thinking that it is not registered here in Malta. Can anyone give me any information on the registering ... Read More

Pet sitter by Myasha
Are there pet sitters in Malta? I am planning to move to Malta with 2 cats, so I need someone reliable to come and take care of them when I am away. I prefer a cat sitter to come, rather than taking the cats to someone's house. This forum is ...

I too have used Hannah's Pet Care Malta on several occasions to care for my cats. She pops over once a day to clean their litter, feed them and play with them a bit - simple! Always been pleased. Read More

Car hire recommendations by Sliema <3
My parents are coming over for a week in May and are insisting on hiring a car. Can anyone recommend reasonably priced, established companies?

I suggest contacting saviour@carrentalsltd.com. He gave me a really good deal. 7 days 100 in a great little car. I extended with ease and fair price, and the excess was the best I could come across, especially being under 25 years. Read More

How to deal with dog barking in Malta? by ricky
Hi all, Our neighbour lets his 3 bulldogs roam free of supervision in the tiled yard next to ours.Both yards are surrounded by multi-story apartment buildings so that the barking echoes around the yards.The wall between our yards is so high that we ...

Out of interest was that enforced simply by the police or through lawyers etc? And it sounds like they were barking all day every day, my problem is only probably for several hours one day a week... Read More

How to deal with dog barking in Malta? by ricky
Hi all, Our neighbour lets his 3 bulldogs roam free of supervision in the tiled yard next to ours.Both yards are surrounded by multi-story apartment buildings so that the barking echoes around the yards.The wall between our yards is so high that we ...

So is there a law against having a dog barking in an apartment during daylight hours? It turns out our dog is a barker when left alone (we were unaware until a neighbour complained earlier!). I am at home 75% of the time so he doesn't bark all day ... Read More

Looking for friends in Malta by sophie835
I've been living in Malta for a little while and am always up for meeting new people and making new friends! Thought this was a good way to meet some people. So if anyone fancies a drink, chat or just some company then let me know :)

I'm 23. I was thinking several drinks......like on a night out in Paceville?? Read More

Tattoo salons in Malta by Buds
I've been thinking of getting another tattoo, this time here in Malta. As a little souvenir and also to "mark" a personal moment. I would appriciate if someone could advise me (those who have experienced it here), which tattoo salons, or should I ...

haha yes, i meant where to go :P not where on the body, i've got my ideas! Read More

Tattoo salons in Malta by Buds
I've been thinking of getting another tattoo, this time here in Malta. As a little souvenir and also to "mark" a personal moment. I would appriciate if someone could advise me (those who have experienced it here), which tattoo salons, or should I ...

What about piercing places? Any idea? Read More

Moving to Malta by Groto
Just joined the forum and it looks as though there is a lot of useful information! I am an Australian born with a Maltese dad. Most of my aunties and uncles as well as cousins are all in Malta. I have only been ther once and that was last year. I ...

Hi Groto. I recommend Gozo, but then again I would: I am currently living in a farmhouse in Gozo. I am looking to hand over my contract to someone (not because of the house - it's LOVELY, just a change of circumstances). Here is the house ... Read More

20-25 Year Olds by Froome13
Hey! Just moved to Malta with my boyfriend about a week ago now. Just wondering how many 'young ones' are about as we're looking to meet new people and start socialising out here. Jess x

Heya, I'm up for maybe a night out in Paceville if anyone else is?! x Read More

Looking for friends in Malta by sophie835
I've been living in Malta for a little while and am always up for meeting new people and making new friends! Thought this was a good way to meet some people. So if anyone fancies a drink, chat or just some company then let me know :)

Hello! I'm up for going for a drink or something. How old are you guys? Read More

Property advertising websites
Does anyone know any maltese websites where I can advertise a property for rent for free? I have posted it in the housing section on this website and on Maltapark so far. I am trying to find someone to take over my contract on the 3 bedroom ... Read More

Array of questions about cars/driving in Malta by Sliema <3
A) I have a UK driving license. Once my car is over here, do I need to change my license to a Maltese one or anything or can I continue using my UK license? B) Anyone had experience with an importer that they can recommend to me? I'm not looking ...

I have a quote from Elmo of 300 (comp) which sounds reasonable to me. I'm thinking I'm going to looking into UKtoMalta more. The car I will be bringing over is a 3 door 2009 Chevrolet Aveo 1.2, 15000miles. Thanks! Read More

Array of questions about cars/driving in Malta by Sliema <3
A) I have a UK driving license. Once my car is over here, do I need to change my license to a Maltese one or anything or can I continue using my UK license? B) Anyone had experience with an importer that they can recommend to me? I'm not looking ...

Thanks for your replies. That leads me to question J! J) How do I get the plates changed to Maltese ones? Cost? Is that generally part of the importers service? x Read More