Albanian expat in Italy
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Metropolitan City of Milan, Lo
Registration: 02 February 2021

Does it show that I am eager to be Italianised? by laytinsupreme
I am a Turkish person. I am willing to work in Italy and become a citizen. After I become a citizen, whenever I am asked, if I say that I am from the Italian city that I would currently live (such as Milano, Rome, Florence etc.), does it show that I ...

This is a stupid question , naturalisation doesnt work like that , it take 10 years if legal stay in italy to apply and 2 years of application processing time. Read More

raccoglitrice di frutta, insegnante di inglese o lavoro sociale umano by Guest6949
I am looking for a job in Italy

He asked for info about italy , English is irrelevant in this conversation. Read More

raccoglitrice di frutta, insegnante di inglese o lavoro sociale umano by Guest6949
I am looking for a job in Italy

Mi dispiace dirlo , al momento e immpossibile. Se hai la diploma di liceo , ti consiglio fortemente di entrare in Italia come studente , poi tramite un contratto di lavoro o doppo la laurea poi prendere un permesso di soggiorno normale. Read More

raccoglitrice di frutta, insegnante di inglese o lavoro sociale umano by Guest6949
I am looking for a job in Italy

Hai il permesso di soggiorno ? Dove abbiti ? Read More

Can an Italian dentist hire a foreigner in a non-clinical capacity? by Tarek Tantawy
Hi there! I'm a dentist by education/training/title but I'm currently working remotely as a content writer for a US-based dental company. I have an Italian dentist friend who runs a self-owned private dental practice. I was wondering if ...

Of course dentist are considered employers, he needs to apply to the Questura for you and they have to accept , at first they will give you a 9 month visa , then again the permesso di soggiorno(permit to stay in italy) will be for 9 months , after ... Read More

About staying permit by rosy30
I’m an asylum seeker in Italy and I have got permissio di soggiorno for 5 years. What happens if I don’t renew my permmisso di soggiorno. Will it become invalid ?

Do vbbzc Read More

Stay permit by rosy30
I got my asylum in Italy but never worked there. Currently I’m working in a different country. Can I still renew my permisso di soggiorno in Italy.

No you cant , if you already left italy they and have a permit in another eu contry they now you have that and will revoke it . If you are in that other country illegaly , you can , but if the authorities of that country catch you , your status in ... Read More

Moving from UK married to an Italian - VISA help! by Lentini74
Hi all, Apologies if this has been answered, but I have not been able to find a clear answer to my issue. I am live in the UK and am married to an Italian for 8 years. We are in the process of moving to Italy. My wife has a job in Italy and we ...

@stevewongchang ,you are wrong , UK is no longer in the EU and as of 01/01/2021 , the citizens of UK cant just come yo an EU country like before and neither can EU citizens go to UK . Dont speak of matters you dont understand , you will create a ... Read More

Moving from UK married to an Italian - VISA help! by Lentini74
Hi all, Apologies if this has been answered, but I have not been able to find a clear answer to my issue. I am live in the UK and am married to an Italian for 8 years. We are in the process of moving to Italy. My wife has a job in Italy and we ...

No you dont need to , just get the marrage certificate before you leave UK , come to italy with your passport , when you arrive here apply for your permit(your spouse needs to apply for you). After you get the illimited permit(they will give it to ... Read More

Changing Commune while waiting for Permesso renewal. by khanic
I have applied for my permesso renewal recently and got an appointment in questura which is in couple of months. I am planning to rent an apartment in another commune/city, can i change my address while the permesso is still in progress?

Not a problem, go ahead. Read More

Moving from UK married to an Italian - VISA help! by Lentini74
Hi all, Apologies if this has been answered, but I have not been able to find a clear answer to my issue. I am live in the UK and am married to an Italian for 8 years. We are in the process of moving to Italy. My wife has a job in Italy and we ...

Well , you are married to an italian citizen , it is very easy to get the permit even the citizenship. You said that you have been married to an italian citizen for 8 years , the law says after three years of marriage to an italian citizen(and ... Read More

EU Travel with Permesso by GJSanders
I have a valid Italian permesso di soggiorno. Assuming I arrive in EU from the USA after a short visit there, does the permesso qualify me to enter any EU country thru the EU Passport Holders line?

No. You should enter through the normal line. Just the permesso doesn't cut it . Read More

Permesso di Soggiorno - message for pick up not received by Danail Krzalovski
Hey guys, I applied for a renewal of my permesso di soggiorno about 2-3 months ago at my local questura and I still haven't received a message to come and pick it up. What is weird is that last year I was able to check on this site to see if it is ...

I know exactly ehat is going on , because i had to wait like 4 months for my permesso and my finance had to wat 7 months. The immigration office in all of italy is overloaded with work because they just legalised like 500000 people , and its a lot ... Read More

Buy a used car require Permesso di soggiorno ? by OsamaAfr
Hello all , I need to buy a used car , my residency situation as following : 1- Applied for permit of stay Oct2020 , And the Questora appointment Dec 2021 (😃) since that time I carry only passport and Postal recipits Can't apply for ...

No , it depends when you started driving , that rule applies to the people who just got the drivers license and of course having 0 experience driving they cant drive fast cars . I dont know how much time it has to pass for you to drive a normal car ... Read More

Buy a used car require Permesso di soggiorno ? by OsamaAfr
Hello all , I need to buy a used car , my residency situation as following : 1- Applied for permit of stay Oct2020 , And the Questora appointment Dec 2021 (😃) since that time I carry only passport and Postal recipits Can't apply for ...

Yes you can , to buy a car there are littke to no limitations , i bought a car when i had just the ricevuta , if you have codice fiscale you can. Codice fiscale is the most important one. Good luck ! Read More