New Zealander looking for information about Brazil
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New Zealander
Registration: 11 February 2021

New Passport - 90 days extension by KellyMarieD
Hello, I was in Brazil on a tourist visa, applied for an extension and received the 90 day extension. I left Brazil before the additional 90 days was completed. I stayed in Brazil for a total of 130 days. I plan on returning to Brazil this ...

Kelly, We are sorry for the theft. I would consider speaking to the Brazilian Consulate before returning. They may be able to help with documents for entering Brazil. All information is supposed to be entered in the Brasil MJ system, but there are ... Read More

Stay in Brazil with 'valid passport' but no CRMN by GermanBrz
Hello, i create this post as i think i'm in a huge problem. I'm a german student currently in Brazil, in Recife, and i have a vitem IV Visa that ends the 9th of August 2021. So technically my passport is still valid and i can stay until ...

Paying fines is only for people who have overstayed their visa. You have not overstayed . Your visa expires in August. So why worry? If you couldn't schedule to get yourself registered. Go personally to the PF office at the airport and explain ... Read More

CRNM and visa status by SameDame
Hi , I hope you are all safe and happy. I am applying soon for Authorizacao de Residencia em Base de Reuniao Familiar. My question is: will I get a stamp on my passport confirming that I have applied for CRNM or no? Or will I need to leave Brazil ...

adhiksaw, In order to work in Brazil as a non-citizen, you need a sponsor in Brazil who will request you be given a work permit to work for the company. Maybe you can find companies in which you have an interest and apply for an open position. In ... Read More

CRNM and visa status by SameDame
Hi , I hope you are all safe and happy. I am applying soon for Authorizacao de Residencia em Base de Reuniao Familiar. My question is: will I get a stamp on my passport confirming that I have applied for CRNM or no? Or will I need to leave Brazil ...

Awesome guys!!!! Thanks a bunch for all the information Read More

CRNM and visa status by SameDame
Hi , I hope you are all safe and happy. I am applying soon for Authorizacao de Residencia em Base de Reuniao Familiar. My question is: will I get a stamp on my passport confirming that I have applied for CRNM or no? Or will I need to leave Brazil ...

If your application is accepted, no. The protocolo that the Federal Police gives you will serve as your permission to remain in the country. As Texanbrazil wrote, if any of your documentation is deficient, the Federal Police will give you the ... Read More

CRNM and visa status by SameDame
Hi , I hope you are all safe and happy. I am applying soon for Authorizacao de Residencia em Base de Reuniao Familiar. My question is: will I get a stamp on my passport confirming that I have applied for CRNM or no? Or will I need to leave Brazil ...

SameDame You will not get a stamp on your passport. If applying at the Consulate they will enter the stamp-approved documents you have provided. You will probably enter under a tourist visa. As soon as you enter, go to the PF office and apply for ... Read More

CRNM and visa status
Hi , I hope you are all safe and happy. I am applying soon for Authorizacao de Residencia em Base de Reuniao Familiar. My question is: will I get a stamp on my passport confirming that I have applied for CRNM or no? Or will I need to leave Brazil ... Read More

Extension of a tourist visa by paulthepom
Hi I have a 90 day tourist visa and I need some advice with regards to getting a visa extension please Cheers Paul

The regulation isn't an automatic extension: it says that you still have to request the extension, but that it should be granted, as long as you arrived after March 16, 2020, and have not left Brazil since. Showing them that you have an ... Read More

Extension of a tourist visa by paulthepom
Hi I have a 90 day tourist visa and I need some advice with regards to getting a visa extension please Cheers Paul

Hi, does extension of touristic visa require an agendamento? Or It is possible to seek it without agendamento? Thank you Read More

Will Divorce (Longterm Marriage) Cancel My Permanent Residence Visa? by MangoMike
I am a foreign expat who married a Brazilian woman in my home country, returned to Brazil with her several years later, and received Permanent Residence and a CIE card (RNE number). The validade was and remains “indeterminada” — no ...

Sorry for the question, but 10 years in Brazil, why didn't you apply for naturalization? Read More

Uniao estavel OR marriage? 2021 by SameDame
Hello guys, I am getting married to my girlfriend in Brazil while I am on a tourist visa. I want to know which is the easier way to get residence permit: is it uniao estavel or marriage? I saw in other threads that applying on residence permit ...

I met with the Polícia Federal at the beginning of January and was told that I can go there and apply for the CRNM residence permit as soon as my girlfriend and I have made our união estável official at a cartório. They also ... Read More

Extension of a tourist visa by paulthepom
Hi I have a 90 day tourist visa and I need some advice with regards to getting a visa extension please Cheers Paul

Hi, Were you allowed to extend your tourist visa? Read More

CRNM e Residência; Agendamentos in Lapa by GuestPoster302
“Interviewed” and received my Protocolo today, and subsequently noticed several things. 1) It appears that the PF are accepting a very, VERY limited number of people who have not been able to schedule an agendamento online. Not sure if ...

I came here on a tourist visa at the end of august and got married around the first of November. Although I brought all my documents, I only used my marriage certificate for the permanent residence because it’s less paperwork and shows the ... Read More

CRNM e Residência; Agendamentos in Lapa by GuestPoster302
“Interviewed” and received my Protocolo today, and subsequently noticed several things. 1) It appears that the PF are accepting a very, VERY limited number of people who have not been able to schedule an agendamento online. Not sure if ...

HaDov, may I ask where are you from and how did you achieve your residence based on what? Today I was in Lapa as well and asking for a student visa (whilst in Brazil) and all I'm missing is my birth certificate with apostilha, which is ... Read More

CRNM e Residência; Agendamentos in Lapa by GuestPoster302
“Interviewed” and received my Protocolo today, and subsequently noticed several things. 1) It appears that the PF are accepting a very, VERY limited number of people who have not been able to schedule an agendamento online. Not sure if ...

HaDov, may I ask where are you from and how did you achieve your residence based on what? Today I was in Lapa as well and asking for a student visa (whilst in Brazil) and all I'm missing is my birth certificate with apostilha, which is ... Read More