


Active member

American expat in Brazil

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Salvador da Bahia

Speaks Portuguese and English

Registration: 03 September 2011


MotoEspresso replied to a thread
last year

Anyone been hassled for not replacing CIE with CRNM? by jonesio

Hi all.I have CIE that doesn't expire (I'm over 60). I have not replaced it with the newer CRNM. I am not inclined to do so because I have applied for Brazilian citizenship and the card will be replaced with a citizen's ID when that is granted. I am ...


@Peter ItamaracaI've had my RNE for 15 years and have never had it questioned by anyone in all it's usage. TE PF , banks, borders, is never questioned. At 71 years young, I'm inclined to do nothing! Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
last year

If you have permanent residency here in Brazil by NewBrazil

I was wondering if you have permanent residency in Brazil. If your passport expires I am from the US. Since I don’t have to renew my residency here in Brazil. Has anyone had this experience you don’t need to renew your passport to live ...


@sprealestatebroker What us the Geezer age..does 71 qualify? Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
last year

Farewell to Texanbrazil, Brazil Advisor by abthree

It is my deep sorrow to inform you that our colleague and friend here on the site, and my good friend in Real Life, Texanbrazil, passed away this morning after a long illness. Tex joined Expat in February of 2018, and enjoyed helping ...


Very much saddened to hear of his passing. He was so knowledgeable traversing the bureaucracies and perks of Brazil. He will be missed by many. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends. Lembrancas, Deus e Fiel! Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
2 years ago

The cost of living in Brazil. weekly / monthly / yearly expenses by john8670

Weekly / Monthly Costs:Grocery BillRent Cell Phone Service Internet Cable TV / Satellite Car if leased or typical payments Taxes:House (Property Tax if owned) Are there any other taxes I should be aware of?


Weve found that Uber is so prevelent in Salvador, we dont need the car or bus anymore. The Uber cost is laughable too. Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
2 years ago

Permanent residency invalid due to not entering brazil within 2 years by n_ali

Hi, my permanent residency is valid till2024. I live outside Brazil.  But i couldnt travel back to brazil within 2 years. Is my residency expired? How can i renew it ? 


@n_ali If we are truly, card carrying, Permanent Legal Residents why should we have any restrictions and time limits on our whereabouts?We've jumped through all their hoops and we only have a 2 year, restriction of visiting outside? Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
2 years ago

When to Carry US Passport by jasonlovesdogs

Hello, Does anyone know if I should always carry my US passport at all times in Brazil? Like even doing daily activities like going to a restaurant, shopping or the gym? Someone told me to carry a copy of my passport in case I get robbed but is ...


@jasonlovesdogs When out and about in Salvador, like shopping or Ubering, I carry a color, laminated copy of my RNE Card. It has been accepted as ID anywhere without question. I carry minimal cash in my wallet and leave the debit cards at home. ... Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
3 years ago

What the best city to give birth in Brazil by nemair

hi, I will visit Brazil this April with my wife to give birth with our first baby in sha'a Allah, the main target is to get the Brazilian Passport for my child, I have read many articles regarding this but still there are some unanswered ...


Since our home base is in Salvador, my wife chose, Santo Amaro Hospital in Graça. Since our baby girl just had her 10th birthday, it's been awhile on the memory of details. All I remember is that it was extremely affordable and possibly ... Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
4 years ago

Anybody receive money sent from the U.S. sent via Zelle by mberigan

Subject line says it. Somebody sent me money via Zelle and I can't seem to download the app (or even find the right app) and via a browser I'm supposed to ID my bank but it isn't listed. Anybody receive money sent from the U.S. sent ...


We are stateside (CA) and highly recommend TRANSFERWIZE when sending $ to Brasil. I've used them twice and just recently sent USD to Santander and it arrived today, Monday. Their rates are low and transfers quickly. Get the app and when you ... Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
4 years ago

currency crash, best time to buy real estate in Brazil? by GringoLouco

I work and live in Europe, with my Brazilian girlfriend who studies our language. 1 euro trades for 6.16 reais today, which is historical. We are preparing a life here, saving money to buy a house. But if the real keeps falling (let's say 7-8 ...


Thank you Robal, you're very kind. You hit each nail squarely on the head! Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
4 years ago

currency crash, best time to buy real estate in Brazil? by GringoLouco

I work and live in Europe, with my Brazilian girlfriend who studies our language. 1 euro trades for 6.16 reais today, which is historical. We are preparing a life here, saving money to buy a house. But if the real keeps falling (let's say 7-8 ...


Robal and kedelinsky, After reading both your comments and suggestions, I've resigned myself to exactly that. It was more of a dream than investment and dreams can be dashed. The initial building costs are all long gone and thats fine. In ... Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
4 years ago

currency crash, best time to buy real estate in Brazil? by GringoLouco

I work and live in Europe, with my Brazilian girlfriend who studies our language. 1 euro trades for 6.16 reais today, which is historical. We are preparing a life here, saving money to buy a house. But if the real keeps falling (let's say 7-8 ...


correction Cardholder for 15 years..not 25. Typo Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
4 years ago

currency crash, best time to buy real estate in Brazil? by GringoLouco

I work and live in Europe, with my Brazilian girlfriend who studies our language. 1 euro trades for 6.16 reais today, which is historical. We are preparing a life here, saving money to buy a house. But if the real keeps falling (let's say 7-8 ...


We bought land and built a house in Salvador, Bahia 20 years ago. I saw it as an investment for the future as well as retirement. In retrospect, it's mostly been a liability and loss of investment. Even though its a desirable and growing ... Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
5 years ago

About the prices of giving birth in Brazil by SweetGirl1900

Hello everybody, Well , I'll say what I want to say directly. Actually I'm really shocked :o I'm pregnant and coming to Brazil in September due to my husband's work and my due date in November. I contacted some well known hospitals ...


wow..what a horror story and sad for the one who passed away. Any chance you know Gloria F. from Bahia? Have a good day! Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
5 years ago

Transferwise....Experiences and Fee's & Exchange Rate USD to Real by Alascana

Has anybody recently used the " Transferwise" service to Brasil from the USA. ... Just the SWAG'$..... Thanks in advance, all info appreciated! And how did the service work for You?...


Ive used them twice without issue, sending money from California to Bahia. Will use again. Read More

MotoEspresso replied to a thread
6 years ago
james calvin

How to check my Permanent Visa Status online!i by james calvin

I received my Permanent Visa in 2009. Have a V number but no expiration date. Do not have my card because I applied and received it in Fortaleza and my card was never sent to Caçoeira where I was living. I have lived in several different ...


PTRio, Yes, I can relate to the airline not allowing you to board. That also happened to me at SFO on the way to GRU. I my case, I had the Card but it showed expired. I explained to the counterperson and then to the supervisor that I was over 60 ... Read More