American expat in the Philippines
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Registration: 17 May 2021

When you DO get covid - what's next?
Hey, A friend just emailed me from hotel in HCM, while just visiting Viet this week - symptoms and tested yesterday +. I have no handle on how Viet will deal with that - in a good hotel, says a clinic next door.He not have bad ... Read More

Magnitude 7.2 earthquake-strikes-luzon-philippiness-emsc-2022-07-27/ by manwonder
News Just In :https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/magnitude-72-earthquake-strikes-luzon-philippines-emsc-2022-07-27/Take Care & Stay Safe

I know that a certain accounting firm was in a building in Makati, after Japan earthquake somebody had bright idea of being Japanese engineers down to evaluate their building...they then vacated the whole thing and I can see it from my office with a ... Read More

Beware of clear title by Okieboy

Bottom line is unlike other countries where there is title system and title insurance, you have to be very very careful about transfer of whatever you getting, titled land or just "tax declaration" as potential heirs, estate tax, etc., etc., can ... Read More

Best Drinking Water? by PhilRes
Maybe just for the NCR crowd: I had delivery that was delivering water that was under the Coke-owned company banner and at least pretended to meet various standards and discovered that they have switched for a brand I NOT know and ...

Hey,Thanks for all the comments. So I looked up Wilkens and that what I wanted. Is distilled to International Standards & I trust that they not lag on any safety and willing to pay a premium for that.I called delivery number got from ... Read More

Best Drinking Water?
Maybe just for the NCR crowd: I had delivery that was delivering water that was under the Coke-owned company banner and at least pretended to meet various standards and discovered that they have switched for a brand I NOT know and ... Read More

Laws ..what is that? by Wingfat
Living here and building a home here I've learned a few things about laws and such. The first is driving laws. I'm sure they have plenty of driving laws but you would never know it. Since there is NO enforcement no one gives a ..... I use to dream ...

1. traffic laws - now w/BBM back have noticed the cops have returned to NCR street corners, particularly on Fridays - they will pull you over for changing lanes too close to the intersection even if at 2 mph coming up to a red light, going straight ... Read More

Wise Exchange Rate Today June 16, 2022 by Enzyte Bob
Today I transferred money from the US. Wise's exchange rate was P53.36 per US dollar. (June 16, 2022)coach with that exchange rate (P317) you can buy 1lb of Swedish Meatballs at Ikea. in fact ...

Just to add to the pile - guy I trust as seriously wired-in and active with major banking/invest: not if banks will fail but which ones. Coming from him was very very sobering and I still trying to consider what that may mean. I note there was ... Read More

Where is the best place to live in the Philippines by bmasters150665
I have been living in Thailand for the past 17 years and getting really sick of it so I'm thinking of moving over there any help places that have a great vibe and plenty to do without the poverty

where have you been living in Thailand to be getting sick of it and are you looking for a beach life / city life, etc? Need to be employed & at what rate? Just too broad a question to be that helpful. Read More

Health care (Medicare) by Guest34824756
Have you heard of Juventas medical group? They help me with my medical bill while i am here in Philippines, as long as you have your medicare. If you need help too, you can contact them un this what’sapp number 09158532933.

Just to reply on this thread on point: Medicare is a Provider reimbursement system - the idea that you could get coverage in Philippines from a Provider here raises a big red flag to me. NOT SAYING it not possible but I am saying that it ... Read More

Covid Masks by PalawOne
Have to say, it's often smart to wear a Covid mask.Especially if you are an expat, and in the Philippines.Why? Three reasons ...1. It's the law in the Philippines. Quote: "All persons shall wear well-fitted face masks .. especially in public areas ...

Hah! did not know that, thanks! Read More

Covid Masks by PalawOne
Have to say, it's often smart to wear a Covid mask.Especially if you are an expat, and in the Philippines.Why? Three reasons ...1. It's the law in the Philippines. Quote: "All persons shall wear well-fitted face masks .. especially in public areas ...

I started using filters in China over 20 years ago, used to be much more expensive and not simpler HEPA versions, but it was an imperative. Have continued the practice in in Makati, though think adding a charcoal filter may be worth the ... Read More

Presidential Election - changes for expats? by BillyJack CDO
Do you anticipate changes (good or bad) for expats here with the new administration? I know it's impossible to predict. Just wondering if there are informed opinions out there.I'm now on a tourist visa, since balikbayan expired. Working on 13A ...

BB has diplomatic immunity now and State has confirmed that it extends to that warrant for contempt issued by Federal Court in Hawaii. So he is free to move about the USA so long as his purpose is as President of the Philippines (no ... Read More

More Inflation by Enzyte Bob
Yesterday I had mail forwarded by US Global Mail, a few letters but one with a charge card. The cost via FedEX was $76.62 USD.Now in August 2021 I had Global Mail forward about the same amount of mail. Cost $51.56 USD. Almost a 50% increase.Of no ...

ouch - I used a service when I was in Central America and was cheap enough that it just sent mail every week there was anything. So you have a way to do it but only when you need some USA residence only item to get to you? As to ... Read More

if i buy a land for name of my girlfriend and then i do leasing by giovannigio
If i buy a land for name of my girlfriend and then i do leasing for 50 years , and then if some days i have some problem with she, i want know she still can get back from me that land where i have a house too? I want buy land then build house ...

"Then as a foreigner... I can OWN a home (residence only... not business property)... with the title in my name."Nope, you can't. Own improvements (house) but not land - need to lease land. That is why SSRV holders can put their ... Read More

LOOPHOLE on need 6mths on your passport to enter by PhilRes
US embassy just alerted me to this rule and they checking with immigration it still stands: not sure link permitted but can find the order searching the immigration website - basically if yo a visa free country AND your embassy here will ...

to add DATA for anybody that may benefit. SSRV office said 6 months validity, US embassy DC said 6 months validity, clearly the immigration department, NOT embassy or Retirement Authority, knows their own regs and it NOT 6 months BUT do you want to ... Read More