paula bartolome
American looking for information about Philippines
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 25 July 2021

Voluntary Deportation - Anyone have experience or knowledge? by allworknoplay
Hi, I am from the UK and have overstayed since 2007. I know I am in the wrong and have been reading as much info as I can on this, but I am still unsure as to how to go about rectifying my stupidity and getting out of the Philippines. My ...

Hey my husband is currently in blacklist due to overstaying .but he was granted as refugee so basically his name shouldve been lifted from blacklist but its still in the system . We wrote a letter to the commisioner of immigration to lift it up so ... Read More

lifting of BLACKLIST....does it lift after 5years or never...? by dreamstolive
hello there and thanks for looking and replying if you know of ANY information that will help... i have been to the phils many times and last time i went to enter,found i was on the blacklist. it was for swearing in front of an immigration officer ...

Hey did u write a letter to head of commisioner? Why its taking for them to lift ur name?😱 Read More

Blacklisted in the Philippines
Need some advises!! My husband was granted to be refugee in Philippines but immigration still havent got his name out of blacklist .he was blacklisted due to overstaying. We already wrote a formal letter to the commisioner to lift his name does ... Read More