Australian expat in Indonesia
Forum posts
About me
Speaks some indo my partner is teaching me
Registration: 18 October 2011

business in bali
hi to all question... do i need to register my business name in bali if i do how do i? BJ Read More

JOB IN UBUD NEEDED by Indoboundchick
hey fellow you Ubud people, I am a 22 year old Australian have been here awhile now living with my fiancé I'm looking for a job doing basically anything from office to fix it kind of stuff please contact me with a PM if you know of anything around ...

Hj I am speechless and disgusted my post was addressed to UBUD people. I have found a much better solution to all of this now and I wish you all well in Jimbaran. Warm regards BJ Read More

JOB IN UBUD NEEDED by Indoboundchick
hey fellow you Ubud people, I am a 22 year old Australian have been here awhile now living with my fiancé I'm looking for a job doing basically anything from office to fix it kind of stuff please contact me with a PM if you know of anything around ...

Thanks as the post says I have been here a while so I have done my research I am looking for a job not information regarding legalities but thank you all the same :) Read More

hey fellow you Ubud people, I am a 22 year old Australian have been here awhile now living with my fiancé I'm looking for a job doing basically anything from office to fix it kind of stuff please contact me with a PM if you know of anything around ... Read More

Moving to Bali by Tegan-Kate10
Hi, I am an Australian from Darwin. I am wanting to move to bali for 3-6 months. Could someone please express there expreince and how they got started in finding work, places etc. I am very intereted to here what people have to say. Thanks.

at the moment I'm teaching English and learning Indonesian :) Read More

Moving to Bali by Tegan-Kate10
Hi, I am an Australian from Darwin. I am wanting to move to bali for 3-6 months. Could someone please express there expreince and how they got started in finding work, places etc. I am very intereted to here what people have to say. Thanks.

hey I would look on the Bali advertiser it comes out every 2weeks and is the most popular place people advertise. Read More

any apartments or houses in Bali? by ibanez
Dear All, I am an Australian looking at working in Bali for a while. I will be working around the Kuta area.. However I know Kuta is sometimes more expensive than surrounding areas so I am ok to live in areas nearby that might be a bit cheaper. I ...

if you have facebook look up bali housing and accommodation or Bali House & Villa Rentals or BALI LONG TERM RENTALS there is no end of places for the area you are looking... good luck :) Read More

Social Visa Sponsor by Yearoff
I am taking a year off and thus need to apply for a 6 month social visa (twice). I have friends who live in Bali but they hold Java ID, and I do not know any Bali KTP holder. I will apply for the Social Visa in Singapore. is a Bali KTP holder a ...

hi there i had no trouble at all but i did have help from a place in ubud called highway immigration look them up on the net and maybe call them they are very helpful... good luck... Read More

2 things accommodation and the 3G net work
hey there, The time is coming close when I move to Bali for good but before that happens I'm trying to do everything can here that I need to so I'm looking at ipads at the moment and I don't know weather I should get cellular or just the wi-fi one ... Read More

Bali Street Children by Carolnoe
Hi Can anyone help me please. I've just returned to Australia from Bali were against my better judgement I got involved with one of the local street kids in Legian. He was quite sick so I took him to the doctor and looked after him for the last ...

i feel the need to tell you my thoughts on this subject. i love the positivity toward helping where one can it takes alot to help someone its something that you have or do not i feel sad for mas fred here it seems at some point you stopped seeing ... Read More

getting married to a local by Indoboundchick
Hi there, So on top of moving to Bali in July to live with my partner. we are now engaged... as all of this is very new to us we have no idea which way to turn now please HELP! :) we have plans to have a Hindu wedding but I also would like to have ...

im so sorry i have been very busy and i have just returned form bali... HJ, i went to highway in Ubud very helpful thank you. I have done my research re the multiple wife subject but thank you all for your concern as for the police side of things i ... Read More

getting married to a local by Indoboundchick
Hi there, So on top of moving to Bali in July to live with my partner. we are now engaged... as all of this is very new to us we have no idea which way to turn now please HELP! :) we have plans to have a Hindu wedding but I also would like to have ...

thanks for that we'll try both :) Read More

getting married to a local
Hi there, So on top of moving to Bali in July to live with my partner. we are now engaged... as all of this is very new to us we have no idea which way to turn now please HELP! :) we have plans to have a Hindu wedding but I also would like to have ... Read More

moving to bali in july by Indoboundchick
Hi I'll be 22 by the time I move to Bali in July.... I'll be living in the Ubud area at this point I'm thinking I'm going to take a chance and get a 2month holiday visa then get a working visa once there I need some advice from Aussies and if ...

Ok thank you very much for your help:) BJ Read More

Money in Bali by Indoboundchick
Hi guys I'm trying to find the best option without losing to much money... Am I better off having a Aussie travel visa card with an Aussie bank or just put all the money into An indo account? I know that when I'm in Bali I get charged $20 AUD every ...

thank you so much I will look in to it as I plan to be there a while. :) Thanks :) Read More