American looking for information about Netherlands
7 posts
About me
Registration: 03 May 2022
Best Barbershop(s) in The Netherlands
I am looking for the barbershop(s) where the barber(s) are totally professional, dress in a traditional barbers uniform and do cuts that are consistently high quality. Any recommendations? Anywhere in The Netherlands! Read More
Significant economic opportunities for people in Egypt by robertwills
I recently met a person who sells his own software to large corporations. He earns up to US$1 million per year. However, he has no sales force at all and he believes if he had people simply marketing the software for him, like calling on the best ...
I can't believe no one has comment on my post. What I'm proposing is a solution to not only upgrade Egypt's economy but everywhere in the world by essentially having the developing countries interface with the developed. The only thing I can think ... Read More
Significant economic opportunities for people in Egypt
I recently met a person who sells his own software to large corporations. He earns up to US$1 million per year. However, he has no sales force at all and he believes if he had people simply marketing the software for him, like calling on the best ... Read More