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Filipino looking for information about USA

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Registration: 11 April 2023


jbsmiles replied to a thread
last year

Property prices in Boston by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Finding affordable housing in Boston is number one priority for newcomers. Tell us more about the estate market in your district/city/region. What are the most desired places to live? What are the most affordable ones? What is ...


Hey Bhavna, I think prices will stay the same for a while. I would keep an eye on That's where i found the first room I rented out in Boston before i found a longer stay apt. One of my friends recommended that site. Read More

jbsmiles replied to a thread
last year

Property prices in Boston by Priscilla

Hello everyone, Finding affordable housing in Boston is number one priority for newcomers. Tell us more about the estate market in your district/city/region. What are the most desired places to live? What are the most affordable ones? What is ...


I used to live in the heart of Boston Read More

jbsmiles replied to a thread
last year
EL KHAYARI Abdellatif

living in Boston by EL KHAYARI Abdellatif

Hey all, I'm coming to the USA for a training program next month, and i will have to live on my own? So i wonder if there is anybody here who can provide information about life in Boston. rentals ? transportation ? and other stuff i need to ...


Hey! Did you ever find a place to stay? I found this very challenging and was wondering how it was for you Read More

jbsmiles replied to a thread
last year
Mario Rodriguez

Looking for a room to rent by Mario Rodriguez

Hola! I'm moving to Boston on January to start a LLM, looking for a room/studio to rent in a location that keeps me close from Harvard U and Suffolk U. Can anyone advise me the best location, and rooms available, in a friendly and welcoming budget ...


Any updated info or websites to look at when looking for a place to stay in Boston? Read More