Mahmoud Ezz
Egyptian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Egyptian, Single, 31 years old
Speaks English Russian little Germany little
Registration: 19 May 2023

Leaving Egypt with an expired visa December 2024 by Faithhope404
Hi everyone,Couldn’t find any up-to-date information regarding leaving Egypt with an expired visa. My visa hasn’t expired much (10days) but I was wondering if there is anyone in the forum that has experience or heard stories from people ...

Hi how are you doing, you can go to gawazat and pay there, or as many doing at same of departure day go to airport and pay there, but please be there early before the flight within 3 hours, it will take a little time and check in employee will fix ... Read More

Marriage advice by annamanning123
Hi does anyone know how to go about marrying my Egyptian partner. I'm English We both are pretty clueless as to how we can. And also what types of prices are we looking at. And I read we need health checks. And can I get married on a tourist visa. ...

@Peony_xo , I had a question, Why is all this hate to the Egyptian, seems you insist to convince others with an idea which is not fair Read More

Leaving Egypt no visa by Jilldedesouky
Hi everyone.So I came to Egypt (from UK) with my Egyptian husband and our 3 children, on arrival in Egypt I didn't need a visa due to being married to my husband. Whilst living in Egypt we contacted a lawyer to get a residence permit, however, after ...

Regular or charter you can book anytime.... Regular flights have only one rule that not started in country more than 45 days or had extended your visa with gawazat already, and Charter have some rules like same airport for arrival and departure and ... Read More

Leaving Egypt no visa by Jilldedesouky
Hi everyone.So I came to Egypt (from UK) with my Egyptian husband and our 3 children, on arrival in Egypt I didn't need a visa due to being married to my husband. Whilst living in Egypt we contacted a lawyer to get a residence permit, however, after ...

If you stayed more than 45 days ,You must went to immigration or gawazat belong to your nearest area to get stamp and pay fees and getting a stamp, and then you will need to book with Charter flights only, Read More

Visa on arrival for Nigeria by yemithe
Who can state how long it takes on the average to que at the port of entry to get the entry tourist tourist visa and the actual cost.

Fixes price and already written at visa steker, and then get luggage, it's around 15 minutes Read More

Tourist Visa to resident visa to open a bank in cairo by Kingnass
Good afternoon i am canadian/ palestinian I have few questions if any one can help me please? first how long does it take from tourist visa to resident visa. I know 6 months to stay in egypt but is there a way to make it less then 2 ...

Resident at Egypt can make bank account, also about receive the money, Western Union is available Read More

Tourist Visa to resident visa to open a bank in cairo by Kingnass
Good afternoon i am canadian/ palestinian I have few questions if any one can help me please? first how long does it take from tourist visa to resident visa. I know 6 months to stay in egypt but is there a way to make it less then 2 ...

Hi , Canadian must get visa before arrival, please many people refused when they arrived and send them at same aircraft, it's from Egyptian empassy at Canada , about accommodation, visa for 45 days , so if you need more just go to office at Hurghada ... Read More

Luxor Wives by Peony_xo
Morning all. I am curious to know, whether there have been any stories or successful marriages or relationships between men from Luxor, and foreign women.By successful I mean examples where the woman is not the one paying for everything in order to ...

Happy new year 😂 Read More

Luxor Wives by Peony_xo
Morning all. I am curious to know, whether there have been any stories or successful marriages or relationships between men from Luxor, and foreign women.By successful I mean examples where the woman is not the one paying for everything in order to ...

😂😂😂😂😂, ok seems it's big issues with men's from luxor, but I want to say I have apartment in Hurghada gave it to foreign friends when they come , from Holland and Germany and Russia also for free , I know ... Read More

Luxor Wives by Peony_xo
Morning all. I am curious to know, whether there have been any stories or successful marriages or relationships between men from Luxor, and foreign women.By successful I mean examples where the woman is not the one paying for everything in order to ...

The man , of course his name cause of this 😂...the wife might be helping her husband sometimes but he is the main source of money to go through the family Read More

Contact at Hurghada airport by ebroadbent
Hello,Seeking a contact at Hurghada airport, aside from the general info one!The short story is that my 4yo daughter's passport has taken so long to renew we are back in possession to start the process again. However this means my daughter's ...

Understood, I saw many cases accepted, and won't be a problem as I hope, or you can get the quickly passport it's made in most of Europe airports, for one year , I saw it all of time and it's take few hours Read More

Hi guys! I m Beatriz, i m a spanish Girl married with an egiptian man.We are trying he come to Spain but they put a lot of problems with the visa.Could you please help us?How could we get a visa so he can come as soon as possible to Spain?Thank you ...

Then married will be easier their, he needs to get certificate as he is single and get stamp at your empassy and Egypt minister of foreign and then go to Spain, or here , simply get certificate that you are single stamped from Spain and married here Read More

Hi guys! I m Beatriz, i m a spanish Girl married with an egiptian man.We are trying he come to Spain but they put a lot of problems with the visa.Could you please help us?How could we get a visa so he can come as soon as possible to Spain?Thank you ...

Invitation visa , it's all on you , guarantee to accept due to your inf Read More

Adopting a pet in Egypt by Loïc
Hello, Are you a dog or a cat person? A pet can add life to a home and make an ideal travel companion during your expatriation in Egypt. However, formalities or regulations might put you off traveling with your pet making adoption a better ...

@cherylmcmurray yes and it's different from airline to another I mean about prices, and instructions, vaccine is so important and also the cage or bag for pet's Read More

Egyptian marriage by GuestPoster2013
I am from England and got married to someone from Egypt start of this year I was not happy with the marriage at all and we are still going through the process of divorce nothing has been finalized yet but I have a boyfriend and we want to travel to ...

Also please get divorce, Read More