Engr AB

Engr AB

New member

Qatari looking for information about Maldives


3 posts

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Registration: 24 July 2023


Engr AB replied to a thread
last year

Converting Maldives tourist visa to work permit by mustaphafaruq976

Hello...... I'm planning on relocating to Maldives with a tourist visa, hoping to get a job that will provide me with work permit, can someone advice me on the pros and cons.....I really wish to Kobe to Maldives but am not getting any offer yet.

Engr AB

@Bhavna is it possible to convert Tourist visa to work permit? Read More

Engr AB replied to a thread
last year

Converting a tourist visa to work permit by emmamuoka11

Please an agent is telling me that I can travel to Maldives with tourists visa but can work with it, how possible is that

Engr AB

Can tourist visa convert to work permit Read More