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American looking for information about Philippines

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Registration: 04 September 2023


martyirish replied to a thread
last year

Makati or BGC by martyirish

I will be coming to Manila Dec. 1st. I am trying to decide between the area of Makati or BGC for my stay. My criteria is safety, walkability, shopping (malls) and nightlife. Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide.


Thank you, Mary for your input. Interesting that Makati is safer than BGC. Right now I am leaning to staying in Makati. Read More

martyirish replied to a thread
last year

Makati or BGC by martyirish

I will be coming to Manila Dec. 1st. I am trying to decide between the area of Makati or BGC for my stay. My criteria is safety, walkability, shopping (malls) and nightlife. Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide.


Thank you so much for your reply. The info you provided is very helpful. Read More

martyirish created a thread
last year

Makati or BGC

I will be coming to Manila Dec. 1st. I am trying to decide between the area of Makati or BGC for my stay. My criteria is safety, walkability, shopping (malls) and nightlife. Thank you in advance for any advice you can provide. Read More