Belgian looking for information about Australia
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Lives in bxl
Registration: 04 January 2012

PR application for Australia by vc_pandey
New in the group. planning to apply PR for Australia. Any pointers would be appreciated

The grass is always greener ...... In oZ the company salaries seem higher than in Europe although it is harder to get into a nice decent company job ! Need a lot of connections more than in your home country. The high pay jobs are really hard to ... Read More

PR Apply Moving to Australia by UtaAus
All, I have initiated a process for PR apply to Australia. I am contacting a Australian registered agent suggested by a friend. All data are shared and fine. He said it seems positive considering my exp and technical skills set of 12 years. Only ...

Congratulations, although be careful.... The grass is always greener ...... In oZ the company salaries seem higher than in Europe although it is harder to get into a nice decent company job ! Need a lot of connections more than in your home ... Read More

Negotiating salary and benefits in Australia by Bhavna
Hello everyone, Better job prospects in Australia can most certainly be an incentive to leave your country of origin. Securing a contract with the right salary and benefits for you can be crucial to make your move successful. Is salary and ...

The grass is always greener ...... In oZ the company salaries seem higher than in Europe although it is harder to get into a nice decent company job ! Need a lot of connections more than in your home country. The high pay jobs are really hard to ... Read More

work permit and get visa for Australia by kiransims1983@
Hello every one, Is there anybody from INDIA who can guide me how to apply for work permit and get visa for Australia. I am a civil engineer by profession. Can any one provide me some genuine Visa Agents, it would be really helpful.

Find a company who will sponsor you, probably the only way... besides without a job offered by a company in Australia it is almost impossible to find a work in there except if you dream about becoming a waiter or a casual sales in retail both ... Read More

finish masters and work in australia by anasjlassi
hello i'm a tunisian student i want to finish masters and work in australia how to proceed please

Nice idea, an idea shared by milions of students... No jobs in Australia if no networking and no proper working visa though... Read More

Please advise. by SisSue
Hi, My brother met a Vietnamese girl & got engaged within 1 month of knowing her... He is separated but not divorced. Are there any laws or issues he has to be aware of. Please help. Thanks. Sue

engaged or married? Read More

want to live and work in Australia by Emera Erasme
Hello, I need your help guys,am Emera Erasme from Rwanda,i want to move in Australia and work there and build up my career in forestry thanks!!

simple contact univeristies, show your degrees, ask visa and pay the money if they say yes 29000 Aud / year plus unit living and expenses.... good luck Read More

buy a business and move to australia by zarv12
Hello,my name is Csaba,i live in Hungary,want to buy a small business in Australia and move there,if somebody halp me with some tips?

buying business is possible but no migration visa received for that..... Read More

Advice for lonely kiwi by Michbill
Hi. I moved to Sydney on Monday from a small town in the Waikato. I'm trying to restart my career so have taken on a minimum 6 month contract. My husband stayed with me for the first week but is leaving first thing tomorrow. I'm feeling an ...

>>hi dont worry never alone in sydney. not like cairns though... Read More

Looking for good investments in Australia by JazzBongiovanni
Hi! Myself and my husband are looking for a business to invest in, anywhere in Australia. Any tips on where to look? We are both Brazilian/Italian citizens and want to move to Australia and have our own business.

Italians everywhere in there, sure they will help you with investments plans Il local padrino will provide you with the assistance needed. Sydney is the best and for many decades already. buona fortuna; Read More

Looking for good investments in Australia by JazzBongiovanni
Hi! Myself and my husband are looking for a business to invest in, anywhere in Australia. Any tips on where to look? We are both Brazilian/Italian citizens and want to move to Australia and have our own business.

Get Visa first Read More

Life in australia by ybcg
Hi, Im fr. the philippines. I just joined today. I wonder how is the life in australia? How to start? And also how to find a job there. I hope somebody would like to be my friend. Thank you and Godbless us!

Life is very hard and expensive for self migrants, if supported by company very good. Read More

How easy is it to find work without experience in these two fields? by shattter
Hi I looking for work as a counsellor or social worker, currently studying. how easy is it to find work without experience in these two fields?

without OZ studies or experiences probably more difficult but feel free already to apply to check feedbacks.. . Read More

want to live and work in Australia by Emera Erasme
Hello, I need your help guys,am Emera Erasme from Rwanda,i want to move in Australia and work there and build up my career in forestry thanks!!

If you study in Australia maybe you will get the chance to be offered a job after graduation if you have the proper visa Read More

Work chance in Australia by Ana Lucía Carro
Hello, everybody! My boyfriend has received one job offer in Sydney to start in August. We are from Uruguay but now we are living in India. If someone wants to advice or suggest anything, it will be welcome. We need to get VISAS. This is the ...

Company should take care of everything. Lucky for you. Read More