American expat in Brazil
Forum posts
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Registration: 17 August 2024

Paying Boleto as a foreigner by roy_usa_2023
I am in Brazil but do not have a Brazilian bank account - only be here for 4 months- how do I pay the boleto for apartment I own given my credit card and debit card are american and I have an american bank account.Any suggestions?thank you,Roy

@TGB13 This is what I do but I'd also like to switch to controlling it myself...Hoping to check into some banks when I'm back in person in Dec but I also only have a CPF and haven't found a good bank option that will let me open an account without a ... Read More

Brazil to Require Tourist Visas for Some Visa Waiver Countries by abthree
*ETA* 08/30/23 Per an update on the Consulate General of Brazil website on 08/26/23, the implementation date for this change has been postponed to January 10, 2024.03/24/23 The following notice began to be posted on the websites of Brazilian ...

@Peter Itamaraca Yes I have been paying the IPTU. I'm in Barra da Tijuca and I haven't heard anything about the SPU? How do I know if it applies to me? Also if I Airbnb my place I just have to pay US taxes on that but not Brazilian taxes? I have ... Read More

USA Resident - Tax Declaration - Bought an Apartment in Rio by willgurs
Any advice on a good accountant for filing required documents well appreciated....

@willgurs Hi Will 👋 I was recommended to the Amorim group, here's their whatsapp: +55 11 5039-9403 for Rafael. She has been very responsive and helpful! I am trying to save money right now and I think my issue isn't so big so I probably ... Read More

Filing IRPF by californiainbrazil
My understanding was that I need to file an IRPF form for 2024 as I purchased a property in Brazil over the threshold amount. I am a foreigner who has not been in Brazil more than 180 days during the year. When I tried to send the online form, it ...

Hi- what is the property threshold value? I was told it was over $R788,000 is it really $R300,000?? Read More

183 Day rule for Tax exemption by *HernameisRio*
Hi! I want to make sure I'm under the 183day rule so I'm.not double taxed in the US and Brazil. It looked a little complicated and I talked to some lawyers and don't know if I should pay them for help or not. Basically if I just count my first ...

Thank you all! I feel alot better! So glad to have this forum!! 💓 Read More

Brazil to Require Tourist Visas for Some Visa Waiver Countries by abthree
*ETA* 08/30/23 Per an update on the Consulate General of Brazil website on 08/26/23, the implementation date for this change has been postponed to January 10, 2024.03/24/23 The following notice began to be posted on the websites of Brazilian ...

Thanks so much Peter! Yes I left on June 7th and won't return until after Dec 7th. So that was 6 months out of Brazil. Then if I stay 6months in Brazil starting in Dec, then I can leave after that for another 6 months and just keep rotating that ... Read More

183 Day rule for Tax exemption
Hi! I want to make sure I'm under the 183day rule so I'm.not double taxed in the US and Brazil. It looked a little complicated and I talked to some lawyers and don't know if I should pay them for help or not. Basically if I just count my first ... Read More

Brazil to Require Tourist Visas for Some Visa Waiver Countries by abthree
*ETA* 08/30/23 Per an update on the Consulate General of Brazil website on 08/26/23, the implementation date for this change has been postponed to January 10, 2024.03/24/23 The following notice began to be posted on the websites of Brazilian ...

Thank you both! I'm kinda tight on cash and trying to decide if I should have the lawyers help me out and get the digital.nomad visa or just go in with the visitor visa. I think I could even do the extension for a total of 6months - before April and ... Read More

Brazil to Require Tourist Visas for Some Visa Waiver Countries by abthree
*ETA* 08/30/23 Per an update on the Consulate General of Brazil website on 08/26/23, the implementation date for this change has been postponed to January 10, 2024.03/24/23 The following notice began to be posted on the websites of Brazilian ...

Any update on the timing of this? It's supposed to be April of 2025 now right? Read More

Rent a flat or a house in Vancouver by Christine
Finding a place to live is a priority when settling in Vancouver. Your experience will be of a great help for the members who want to settle in Vancouver. Therefore, we have prepared some questions for you: Is it hard to find a flat or a house ...

Hi! Looks like this chat is old but I would also love to find a place for rent- month to month now but then 6momths at a time starting next year. Any advice? I heard Craigslist amd Facebook were good to check out? Thanks! Read More

Brazilian bank account for expats by Kurterino
I’ve done a search on the topic and was surprised that nothing turned up, so here’s the question: which bank do you recommend for an expat? Meaning it should be easy and cheap to transfer money from a foreign bank account to it, equally ...

@Gasparzinho 777 Thanks! What are the online banks I could look into? Read More

Brazilian bank account for expats by Kurterino
I’ve done a search on the topic and was surprised that nothing turned up, so here’s the question: which bank do you recommend for an expat? Meaning it should be easy and cheap to transfer money from a foreign bank account to it, equally ...

Just checked and Brazil isn't listed on the HSBC website as one of the international locations you can open an account in :( Read More

Brazilian bank account for expats by Kurterino
I’ve done a search on the topic and was surprised that nothing turned up, so here’s the question: which bank do you recommend for an expat? Meaning it should be easy and cheap to transfer money from a foreign bank account to it, equally ...

@rsrenfrew Yes I have my CPF, I'll try to look into the one you suggested. And you are saying the big banks won't work? Thanks! :) Read More

Brazilian bank account for expats by Kurterino
I’ve done a search on the topic and was surprised that nothing turned up, so here’s the question: which bank do you recommend for an expat? Meaning it should be easy and cheap to transfer money from a foreign bank account to it, equally ...

@roddiesho were you able to open an account before you had your residency card? Also, does anyone know if I could get a Brazilian ID if I do a student visa, then open a bank account? Once my student visa expires, would my bank account and ID still ... Read More

New members of the Brazil forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Brazil forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your ...

@mike roe Hi Mike! I'm also from Oregon originally! I'm also switching jobs and have thought about teaching! We should keep in touch! Interested to hear what you find! I have a degree in Math and have also thought about doing the TEFL (teaching ... Read More