American looking for information about United Arab Emirates
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Tampa, Florida, USA
Registration: 22 October 2009

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

hindsight is 20/20 for sure! i am certainly not set on finding someone and settling down at this time. i am focusing on myself, my life, my career, and my travels:) i have tried "dating" recently with a few americans, and other ... Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

lool;) Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

Hello, I didnt move to Saudi, nor do I have any intension to at this time. I am single and headache free:) Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

you are very sweet:) thank you for the well wishes. Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

thank you;) shukran and eid mubarak! Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

thank you guys:) inshallah i will find another good job in uae for next year. my job here in the states is great, so i have no right to complain. i just really want the expat lifestyle and live in more of an international community. as far as ... Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

i actually didnt marry and go to saudi. after my saudi moved back and we broke up, he called me 6 months later to ask me to marry him that his parents accepted. at that point i said no. so his family arranged a marriage with another girl. so i ... Read More

Najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city by amyasb
najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city? anybody know if this is a good city or bad? what its like there, etc.........? please advise.

i know for sure that its hard to generalize. i know najrani people have a different culture and different form of islam than the rest of saudi. i am familiar with the basic history of najran. i have met a few najranis here in the us, and was ... Read More

Najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city by amyasb
najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city? anybody know if this is a good city or bad? what its like there, etc.........? please advise.

are they good, honest people...do they accept foreigners, or are they closed minded? Read More

Najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city
najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city? anybody know if this is a good city or bad? what its like there, etc.........? please advise. Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

i have decided not to marry him. when he told his family he wanted to marry an american girl, they said no. as an independent american woman, i cannot accept a man that is a puppet of his family. i have appreciated all of the posted replies. all ... Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

thx salman;) Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

hello, this is amyasb, i did not go through with the marriage....not yet. Read More

american girl to marry saudi amd move to riyadh by amyasb
Hello, I am an American teacher, possibly to marry a Saudi and move to Riyadh. I am very speculative about the differences in culture. I have only heard really bad things about the lives of American women in Saudi. Can anyone offer any ...

yes, i am the op, and i do read it:) Read More

new law allowing foriegn wives of saudis to travel freely without co
i have heard that there is a law that went into affect in 2008, that requires saudi men to sign an irrevocable contract allowing foreign wives and children to travel freely within saudi and out of without the husband's consent. does anyone know ... Read More