
Najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city

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najran----can anyone tell me about people from this city?  anybody know if this is a good city or bad?  what its like there, etc.........?  please advise.

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loool ,, well , it consider as a border city , i guess most of Najrani people are from Yamane . Najran is a poor area .  the same taken to its people .  native Saudis don’t like to go there . but it's safe any way .but culturally , native people hate that area due to many reason I guess.  heeey good luck .


Azee wrote:

loool ,, well , it consider as a border city , i guess most of Najrani people are from Yamane . Najran is a poor area .  the same taken to its people .  native Saudis don’t like to go there . but it's safe any way .but culturally , native people hate that area due to many reason I guess.  heeey good luck .

No on hates that area, I never heard anything like that, and I don't think it's that bad.

It's one of the big towns of Saudia, an agricultural city with amazing weather that you would forget its Saudia.


well , i hate it myself and i hate London ..  that doesn’t mean itss a bad city ..sir


are they good, honest they accept foreigners, or are they closed minded?


One cannot put a finger on a single city and generalize it as good, bad or ugly. The people within may have varying traits, personalities and attitudes. Thats common across the planet. Crime is very high in many US States. That doesnt make those States bad or unlivable. We dont see people moving out of these locations en masse at any point of time.

Foreigners are located everywhere in KSA since they have tasks and activities to carry out that cannot be done by locals. Imagine the garbage disposal situation in KSA if all the Baladiya employees were to leave? The whole nation would end up like Smokey Mountain in the Philippines...


The only generalization I will make is that the smaller the city, the more conservative it is. Is this fair?


People there are better generosity. And a little different in customs and traditions. I am not from there. But if you need more a details about it, I would love to help.
Best Wishes,


Heres the Wiki version of Najran:


i know for sure that its hard to generalize.  i know najrani people have a different culture and different form of islam than the rest of saudi.  i am familiar with the basic history of najran.  i have met a few najranis here in the us, and was wondering to see perceptions of other people of najranis.......
for example...if an american married a najran man, is that a really big no no?  does anyone know if najran people accept outsiders in that way.  i agree in gerneral terms, the smaller the town, the more conservative....but, from what i have heard, they dont have the same wahabbi hang ups..............???




hi i am a doctor i have been posted at najran to work for moh .but considering the current situation there and also in genaral is it a good place to live.


Hi zaraar,

Thank you for posting and sharing information :)

Note that this topic was created 5 years ago - a bit old now  :(

Feel free to start a new topic on the Saudi Arabia Forum and maybe share more information as it might help other members seeking for feedback or else please

Thank you very much



Hello all. Can some one tell me about current security situation in najran? Can I move my family to this place? Please I want detail answer since I have to decide accordingly :)


I am sorry for replaying really late but i want to let you know that I'm from Najran porn and raised and i will be happy to answer any concern you may still have about Najran
best of luck


I'm here Ali almonajjem in FACEBOOK


Its all about making money. Mmmm you may find a beer somewhere, good company maybe. DAMN hot


If you are married and your husband go with you just go don't worry. 
But u have to know it's a small Town not city the people ther maybe 30000 .
But it's traditional area if u like history visit it you will be happy .
People there are closed mind but very very generous 👍


Hi guys

I got an good opportunity in Najran is it safe and good place to come for  job

Please reply to my message...

Thank you


@asnaasnamaheen  Yes its totally safe and secure, its nice and calm city.

Sam Sayyed

@amyasb  its good city but not metro city like jeddah riyadh

Sam Sayyed

@amyasb  look in whole world all people have different mentality . as i have seen culture here all over saudi arabia they respect mostly all people dont worry about acceptance


@asnaasnamaheenHave you moved to najran and how was your experience in najran i am also moving to najran with is the schooling in najran


Hello rizwan685,

Hopefully, asnaasnamaheen will get to see your message and will be able to provide you with the information you need about Najran.


Cheryl team


@zaraar are you in najran now?



hello, it's been 8 years since he last visited the website...



Ali Alswar


i am from najran , people here are welcoming, generous , and friendly. not alot of people speak english but there some who can in every place. The living expenses are cheap relatively. the weather is wonderful not very hot and not very cold. You can move easily in najran we don’t have traffic jam. it has more than five malls recently and more are openning. there  a lot  of natural parks. good luck to you in Najran. if you need anything please feel free to contact me. 

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