André Marcil
Canadian expat in Italy
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Trento, Italia
Speaks English, Français, Italiani presto
Registration: 21 July 2012

The other side of the Italian postcard by Julien
Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...

Martina brought an interesting fact... Italy is the World Champion of bureaucratie. They have so many level of Government Agencies that needs 'all' your information. And they are so afraid that you will not pay your due on everything they think that ... Read More

The other side of the Italian postcard by Julien
Hi, As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover. Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face. When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I ...

Hey guys ! For us, what was a shock was that, being Canadian, our driving permit was good for 1 year. Afterward you have to pass the entire course to get your Italian driving permit (Patente). There is no equivalency for Americans. Only for the ... Read More

Cost of living in Italy by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Italy. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Italy. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...

The cost of living, anywhere from Naples going north is pretty much the same. It is expensive in general but you do have to watch for those special bargains. Rent is a good deal when it includes everything but try to avoid surrounding the U. They ... Read More

Trains/bus Venice to Trento by heretohomeandbeyond
I'm traveling from Venice (marco polo airport) to Trento on December 24th. Should I book a train online or do you think I will be fine without a reservation. Also, are there any bus lines from Venice to Trento (and running around xmas)? Whats my ...

Hi ! You will find that I am a new expat in Trento since October 2012 only but we learned stuff... I would also check the OBB trains - the prices I believe are cheaper. I was told that you can,even, pay on board if you wish... Check here -> ... Read More

Anybody else had problems with importing their belongings in Italy ?
We have a big problem trying to get our personal belonging to us in Italy. I was under the impression that you needed to have your belongings cleared once and that it can be anywhere when you go to Europe. We took the plane with a maximum of ... Read More

NEW in TRENTO by pinket23
i'll be happy to meet new friends, we're moving to italy any time soon we're just waiting for our visa to be released hope also to find jobs for english speaking, im from philippines and too bad im not good at italian. thank and nice to be part of ...

I would like to invite English and/or French people of Trento to a "meet and greet" on a Friday night somewhere downtown Trento - Ok! At Piazza Duomo then !!! Let me know if interested..... So if you are a Canadian like I am, an American or from an ... Read More

Cost of living in Toronto by amarcil
well..I chose Toronto for working reasons..and also its closer to europe than Vancouver and is an English region..plus it looks beautiful! :) is sad to know is such expensive..I hope I'll find a good place to stay... actually I have a couple of ...

Yes I get that ! There is a saying here that goes... In 4 hours in Canada you're still in the same Province. Where in Europe you could probably cross 4 countries. I like that ! I love the open Space !! About Toronto I forgot to mention that food ... Read More

Cost of living in Italy by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Italy. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Italy. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...

So I have transferred our discussion here....... Cost of Living in Toronto https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=181346#805236 Read More

Cost of living in Toronto
well..I chose Toronto for working reasons..and also its closer to europe than Vancouver and is an English region..plus it looks beautiful! :) is sad to know is such expensive..I hope I'll find a good place to stay... actually I have a couple of ... Read More

Cost of living in Italy by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Italy. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Italy. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...

Thank you for your offer... Of all the Canadian cities - Why Toronto ? If you think that Milan is expensive... But most people I know are living with others They tend to co-rent aparts because it is so expensive. I also know someone who, in the ... Read More

Cost of living in Italy by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Italy. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Italy. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...

Good to know ! According to our Budget, we figured that a house/apartment or whatever should be in the area of 650 to 900 Max Euros... We'll worry about it once there. My wife is going before me, like in August. So her job will be to hunt for ... Read More

Cost of living in Italy by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Italy. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Italy. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...

Thank you so much for the fast reply... And I am pleased to learn that !!! Would this mean that an house or an apartment smack downtown Trento would be under 1000 Euros ? Read More

Cost of living in Italy by expat.com
Hi everybody, It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Italy. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Italy. Don't forget to mention where you are living Let's compare the: > ...

I have read about everywhere in Italy but for Trento - as anyone an idea of the cost of living or is it similar to let say Milan or Rome ? Read More

NEW in TRENTO by pinket23
i'll be happy to meet new friends, we're moving to italy any time soon we're just waiting for our visa to be released hope also to find jobs for english speaking, im from philippines and too bad im not good at italian. thank and nice to be part of ...

But if you use Chrome or Firefox the pages can be translated in English that may not be perfect but it lets you understand what they write....... Read More