
Cost of living in Italy

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Hi everybody,

It would be very interesting and useful to exchange informations about the cost of living in Italy. The idea is to help those who would like to live in Italy.

Don't forget to mention where you are living

Let's compare the:

> accommodation prices (how much does it cost to rent or to buy an accommodation in Italy?)

> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc ...)

> food prices(per month, how much does it cost you?)

> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)

> eduction prices (if you need to pay)

> energy prices (oil, electricity)

> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)

> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant

> prices of a beer or a coffee in a regular pub

Thanks in advance for your participation!

See also

Living in Italy: the expat guideTravelling to ItalyTax implicationsMoving from USA to ItalySingle, Senior Woman

Sent by here by Loloieg


I live in Lecce, South of Italy, small ciy with around 150 000 people...

- accomodation : 500 € per month for 50 sq.m very close from the centre (2min walking)

- public transortation : 0,80€ for a single ticket - 4€ for a 6 courses ticket - 20€ for a monthly subscription

- food prices : less than 200€ per month for two people

- health prices : 1/3 of 19% of your gross salary

- education price : don't know but I guess it is "free" (a couple of euros per year)

- electricity : I pay 10€ per month (I have Air Conditionning)

- gas : 10€ per month (the water is heaten by gas)

- gasoline : 1,20€ per liter

- internet : 35€ per month for ADSL 4Mbps - 20€ per month for 640Kbps - 2€ per hour for 640 Kbps - 0,01€ per hour for 56Kbps

- telephone : 15€ per month + communication + 140€ of installation

- mobile phone : 0,07€ per minute - 0,10 per SMS

- good menu in a restaurant : 9 - 12€

- beer : 4€ half pint of guiness

- coffee : 1€

My budget for two people to live without counting each euro is about 1000€ per month (for two)

Sent by Melinda in December 2005

Here in Florence, Italy things are a bit more expensive...

- accommodation: 1000€ per month for 65 sq.m downtown near Santa Croce

- public transportation:
  - 1,00€ for a 1 hour ticket
  - 1,80€ for a 3 hour ticket
  - 4.50€ for a 24 hour ticket
  - 31€ for a monthly subscription

- food prices: About 400€ per month for two people (grocery store and open market)

- health prices: If you don't have insurance, a doctor visit is about 50€

- education price: N/A

- electricity: We work from home and pay about 50€ a month.

- gas: 20€ per month (we have a gas heater and cook with gas as well)

- gasoline: 1,20€ per liter

- internet: 35€ per month for ADSL 4Mbps

- telephone: 15€ per month (we generally use our cells)

- mobile phone: 0,07€ per minute - 0,10 per SMS

- good menu in a restaurant:
  - Lunch 10 - 16€/per person
  - Dinner 15 - 30€/per person

- beer: 2,50€ for a half pint

- coffee: 1,20€

Salaries are supposedly not that high either. Some people take home about 1200€/month here in Florence, so I've heard.

Sent by LN in oct 2006

Since I am just arrived in Milan, I cant say much more than accomodation which is sooooooooo expensive. If you want to live by yourself, it is at least 700 euros for one room+bathroom (+expenses). due to the high prices a lot of young people live at 2 in the same bedroom (from 200 to 400 euros/month!!!). moreover don't hope to get a living room, it is rented as a bedroom!

well for this i have been quite lucky because I found a room 450 euros/months all inclusive in a small house, not so far from a metro stop...but it is extremly rare!

otherwise, prices seems quite normal. Public transport are not that expensive, 1 euros/ ticket and 30 euros for a monthly card.


I really struggled when I first moved to Italy on my own to cover the costs - mainly due to the high price of living alone. I've since moved in with a partner and so everything is shared making life much more comfortable. I'd say I generally find Italy to be more expensive than my native UK - but perhaps this could be due to not finding the cheaper local alternatives just yet (I've been here only 8 months).


Cost of living in Monaco / Italy

Hey all!

Yes, this is a great topic I am looking for information on. I too want to move to Monaco, and anything would be appreciated. Is the tax shelter worth the extra cost for rent, food, and everything else? Would I be better off in Southern Italy paying upwards of 35% Income Tax, and basically every other form of taxes that are to be paid, but, everything else is easier on the pocket book(Rent, Food, etc)?? Is Monaco set up the same way as Italy? Do they have like 20 different taxes for assets and property, and capital gains? In any case, like I mentioned before, any information would be vital, and totally appreciated.

Thank you!

Ben From Montreal...


Here in Chiusi (Siena) prices are quite similar to those of Florence. Although this is a small town with about a population of 9000 including all smaller towns in the periphery, everything is quite expensive. We are a family of four (2 adults and 2 children). We spend over 500 euros a month only on food. Daycare is 350 euros a month and preschool is 170 euros a month (private). I have listed a detailed expense report on my blog under Cost of Living. If you have specific questions, let me know. Lucia


For Trento, Italy and as a broke University student prices are as follows:

> accommodation prices (how much does it cost to rent or to buy an accommodation in Italy?) To buy, more than I would ever pay. To rent, 250 euros per month for a nice new single dorm room with expenses included

> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc ...) 25 euros a month to ride all the city buses all you want, or some 200 euros a year if you want to ride all buses and regional trains in the province (if you are a student!)

> food prices(per month, how much does it cost you?)I spend on average some 100 euros a month, but i do buy an awful lot of pasta and rice.

> health prices (for those who need medical insurance) I am lucky enough to be covered in the EU, so I have no idea

> eduction prices (if you need to pay)Grad school, for example, is like 5 thousand euros. For the whole program. So far I don't need any books. I know, it's weird.

> energy prices (oil, electricity)Not sure, but a friend who came to visit from Madrid said that gas in Trento was considerably higher than in Spain.

> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone) I spend like 1o to 15 euros a month on my prepaid mobile. We have internet in the dorm, and the center of the city is completely wi-fi enabled (I live in the richest province of Italy), so we just skype and facebook each other a lot, even though I live in a small 100,000 inhabitant city.

> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant 10 to 15 euros. If you think pizza is traditional, 5 to 7 euros.

> prices of a beer or a coffee in a regular pubI try to hit the "aperitivos" and "happy hours", which usually get you a small beer or spritz for 1 euro or 1.5 . Coffees are in the same range.


I'm a mother and professional educator seeking advice on families relocating to Italy, prefer the southern regions with warmer weather.


My house renovation in Tuscany is to be finished by Spring 09 (you can follow progress at … r_tuscany/). Whilst I've thought about most things, what I haven't considered in detail is how to get internet access (preferably fast-broadband), but I've heard stories that such technology isn't available in the Italian countryside.  So, if you live, work or surf (outside of major towns), how is it, what does it cost to set up/operate, and what contracts or equipment do I need? all answers gratefully received. Grazie


What can you say? Living in Milan is expensive. Personally I'm not one to openly compare prices. I don't even know how much a litre of milk costs. But even I can see that a trolley full of food costs around 50% more than it did a couple of years ago. It's all relative of course. If you earn 50% more then who cares? The problem is most people don't. People working in the public sector are struggling to keep up with inflation in general. The current economic downturn is only making things worse.


I know what you mean about the economy and prices. The after Xmas sales are a joke this year. Many stores don't even have any sales at all and those that do only reduced exaggerated original prices anyhow so the discounted prices are still very high. I pretty much wait until I go home to LA to buy staples of things like clothes, etc especially for the kids. It was never like this in the past. Gosh do I miss the Lira!!Lucia


Interesting that you are from LA. I was in California last year and I was amzed at how cheap some things were in comparison. If you find yourself on the road to Las Vegas for example check out the outlets at Barstow. Fantastic! In the meantime I'll take a look at your blog. You might like to see mine at


we recently moved from a small hill town in the marche hinterland to the center of lucca in tuscany...

> accommodation prices (how much does it cost to rent or to buy an accommodation in Italy?)
- inside the walls, apartments go for about 7 - 10 thousand euro /square meter. Outside the walls, depending on how far a radius we are looking at, from 2 - 6 thousand euro / square meter. We sold a 220 square meter villetta... with the same money bought a 55 square meter mini-loft about 100 meters from the "mure"
- in my neightborhood rentals are about 700 euro for a 50/60 squ.meter apartment + condo fees and expenses

> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc ...)
- I really don't know, I think the round trip fare by train or bus to Florence is about 12 euro, my husband commutes and spends 75 euro for a monthly commuter train ticket
as for busses - Lucca is a great bike city, I either walk or use my bike for everything, even light shopping.
We filled the tank on the car yesterday, diesel 1.04/liter - down alot as compared to last year

> food prices(per month, how much does it cost you?)
- I spend about 200 - 300 euro / month. Two adults. We eat very little red meat, drink very little wine (although wine is not a big expense in Italy). I do buy top quality products.

> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)
- we are covered by state med. ins. Private studios charge anywhere from 50 - 150 euro for a consultation/visit.

> eduction prices (if you need to pay)
- both my kids came up through the ed system here. Elementary school/middle school: just lunch and bus costs (too long ago to remember how much! but it wasn't much by US standards); High School: bus pass (about 300 euro/year), tuition fees (state and regional) about 200 euro/year. The biggest cost was books for middle school and high school: I spent an average of 500 euro/year. University: tuition about 1000 euro/year, books about 500 euro/year. Living expenses: shared apartment, about 600 euro/month including food; dorm, about 300 euro/month with cafeteria meal ticket.
> energy prices (oil, electricity)
- my apartment is all electric, I spend about 70 euro/month on electricity
> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)
Internet: about 60/month, flat rate, fastweb w/tv included
state tv: about 120 euro/year
phone: I eliminated my land line years ago, too expensive
mobile: I have a sim ricaricabile vodafon, I spend about 10-15 euro/month. I use skype, msn and other voip options to keep in touch with my son in germany, my daughter and parents in the states.
> prices of a good menu in a traditional restaurant
- soup to nuts, about 25/30 euro/person

> prices of a beer or a coffee in a regular pub
beer or wine by the glass can get quite pricey
coffee - at the counter about €0.80, at a table it's double that or more


I am from India. I am getting offer of researcher in an IRCCS-CSS Hospital, San Giovanni Rotondo FG, Italy. They will pay 10,000 euro per year. But I don’t no whether it sufficient for living in Italy? I am married with 3 yr old child. Please tell me the cost of living in this city.


As previously mentioned Italy is not the cheap country it used to be. Since the introduction of the euro prices in Europe have generally become more standardized. Your quoted salary of 10,000 euros a year means life will be tough. I would say 1,000 euros a month means you can cover costs but not much else.

Hoping this helps


thaks for the reply


I want to know the cost of living of Trento (not as student but as salaried person). I got a job there.

I would also like to know about accommodation available there, in terms of price, location, access, etc.

Thank you.



Dear Nachiket,

Previous posts in this section will help with general costs. Things in Trento are more expensive than in the south of Italy but less expensive than a city like Milan. Rent should be around 800 euros a month for an apartment (furnished). A room in an apartment around 350 euro a month. For more on Italy google littleitalyblogspot and check out my weekly blog from here in Milan.




Hi all,

So this is my first post and I hope someone can help me. I'm probably moving to Rome in about a month to do a 6 month internship at Starwood (Westin Exelcior and St. Regis) and will probably have to fin my own accomodation. Does anyone know how much would cost me and where I can check online for a studio, one-bedroom appartment...


Ref. Alexander

Re. your note about Rome I might know some addresses where you can rent a room. If you are still interested let me know.

James Tierney at littleitalyblogspot


Hey everyone,
wondering if anyone can assist with accomodation sites, or know who I can talk to.
I'm moving to Rome in October, have an apartment for the first week or so (need to have a rest!!), then I'm doing a TEFL course for 4 weeks, Accom is covered during TEFL course, but post that, I have to find somewhere to live, and hopefully somewhere to work. Has anyone any ideas or contacts that I can use to find some accom in central Rome. I'd like to say money is not an issue, but hey, I'm a struggling mature age student!!!


Hello all, I am thinking of moving to Italy from Asia where I currently live. I speak Italian and a few other languages but my girl friend is American. I lived in Italy a longtime ago and have been back for holidays, last time in 2006. I have been reading, speaking with friends and doing a lot of research. It seems not the same country I use to know, much more expensive, taxes are very high, the new immigration law, cost of living, etc. I was wondering what advice or comments anyone has about living there again since I am thinking about it but have lived in Europe before and right now, looks like other countries are doing better than italia. My girl friend is an experienced english teacher, as I am but I am an Italian citizen so a little different for me. I have also heard unemployment is high and hard to find work in the country currently. Thanks. Ciao.


Hi all,
i've found some relly good website just from google. there'd about 10 pages of accom sites, just google "apartments for rent in rome italy" and they just show up!
I've been lucky enough to commect with another australian girl who I will be sharing with.
i guess it will all depend on where you want to stay and how much you wish to spend.
It seems that everyone is going there to teahc english, we should keep in touch to network and disucss schools and all other related issues.

Australia to Italy

Hi all,

I have lived in Rome, Taormina (Sicily) and Sorrento...and let me say they are all expensive places to live!

Rent: Rome depends on what you are looking for, and where you are looking. It is NOT cheap. A teeny, tiny studio flat on the outskirts of Rome will be about 800 euro. I used to live in San Paolo which was about 4 stops on the metro to the Colosseum and that was 2 bedroom = 1,200 p/month - not including bills.

I then moved to San Giovanni which is the centre of Rome, and for a dark and dingy 2 bedroom place it was 1,700 p/month plus 100 condo fees and bills on top. (thankfully my work pays my rent!)

Taromina and Sorrento are expensive, and it can be hard to find short term contracts in these places, but you'd be looking at about 600-800 for a one bedroom flat in the centre of both places. Obviously cheaper if you go out.

Transport wise Rome monthly unlimited pass on the metro and buses (trams to if you live near them) is 30 euro which is cheap, but then the public transport leaves a lot to be desired.

Eating out all 3 are expensive, Rome however there is a lot more choice so you can find something to suit every budget, where as in Taormina and Sorrento you are limited to more pricy places if you do not have a car to go out to the cheaper areas out of town.

I hope this helps anyone thinking of moving to these places!




8# really got the detailed guidance.:cool:


Hi, my husband and I have been offered a job in the Chianti region of Italy, all our accommodation and bills will be paid for by our employees, we only have to pay for our telephone calls and our food. We also have two dogs to cater for. We have been offered a starting salary of 15,000 euros per year and was wondering if this would be sufficient for our needs. Everyone on this site says about beer in a bar can someone tell me how much a bottle of wine and maybe a bottle of brandy costs in a supermarket. Also vet costs if anyone knows please. Thank you



I live in Brisbane Australia and I'm moving to Italy in June/July 2010. I want to live in Florence as it's close to other regions I want to explore. I wish to stay for as long as possible. I have no contacts over there so I'm wondering if there's any sites I could visit to find other people to share accom/expenses with? As for employment I've heard you can go months before acquiring any, so I'd like advice from anyone on ways to avoid this... if there is any :)

In terms of work what kind of work would you advise one looks for? I've worked as a Photographer, retail Manager, Buyer and am halfway through a Forensic/Psych degree... I'm happy to take on anything, even picking fruit would be fun. Is it easier to find work when I get there?

I don't drive so I'll be relying on public transport, I've heard this shouldn't be a problem. Especially in places like Rome and Florence, the two places I desire to live in. But if I travel into the Tuscan countryside is it hard to travel around? Do you have any advice? Should I obtain a license before I leave Oz so I have the option?

Thanks in advance for any replies :D


Hi I'm a married woman but without kids, and I have an offer to do my PhD in Trento with an annual scholarship of €20000,
So, before take decisions I want to know.
How expensive is Italy(Trento) to live?.
Currently I pay rent for one bedroom apartment (50 m2) + utilities around U$640 and I have a monthly payment of U$1600 and that amount is enough for me and my husband to afford our expense (transport, entertainment, food, clothes) with that money, is possible something like that with  €20000 before taxes to live in Trento.


Great info on the cost of living in italy. I'm going to live near Genoa for a few months - leaving in a couple of weeks, and probably WWOOF-ing so definitely living on a budget. Does anyone know how the train prices compare to the UK?


hello everyone!

i will be visiting milan, italy on june 15 until sept. i would like to know how much i will expect my basic monthly expenses.


many thanks for your time.

take care


We live in Mozambique, planning to visit italy Sept/Okt wishing to get more information on travel/food/accommodation expences. Will appreciate any help.

Jan & Shaan


well good question!
In as much I know life is always new for you in the first days of your arrival in any foreign country.
All you do go and see, then you will call the shots if you are not satisfied, but Italy is not a bad news and will never be for foreigners.


Hi! Can someone tell me whats the cost of living in Lecco? Thanks in advance for all the information you can give me.


Hi, I am new to this forum, so please be patient with me while I learn to navigate my way:

I am a 58 year-old woman hoping to live in Italy and to end my days there. I have Italian citizenship and reasonable-good standard (no dialect) Italian fluency. My parents, now deceased, were originally from Tuscany, so am familiar with many aspects of the culture.

I would be grateful for any advice anyone may have to offer, in particular, with regard to monthly cost of living figures, medical/hospital and to any entitlement I may/may not have at my age and in my situation. I have no family and would be there alone.

I had thought to settle somewhere around Lucca in Tuscany, but if too expensive then, perhaps, Barga or similar. I am prepared to be flexible. I don't wish to be isolated, so somewhere reasonably central, with appropriate facilities is needed.

Thank you in anticipation.


Welcome to, to all new members :)
Did you get the chance to browse the forums in search of useful information and/or like minded contacts?

@ Caterina, there's also a forum for Tuscany which you might want to explore?


I moved here from San Francisco, but find Milan expensive.  Prices seem to be the same as at home in dollars (but in Euros though), so once converting, it's steep!


thanks for the details...


Shall we also have a guide on salary range based on a variety of occupations? Oh my god! The cost of living in Italy is so STEEP!


We live in Rome and have found that, amazingly, it's more expensive than London!

To rent a small house outside of Rome in the contryside or near the coast €1,200+ a month. A smart 2 bed apartment in Rome is €1,800+

Gas €200+ per month, electrity about €150 a month

Trains/metro - about €1 a trip.

Food - easi;y €500 a month

Health - afraid I don't know, as my employer pays

Meal for two in restaurant - €35

Don't come to Rome unless you have plenty of money!


Articles to help you in your expat project in Italy

All of Italy's guide articles