

New member

Canadian expat in Germany

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Buhl

Speaks English, German (Basic)

Registration: 23 November 2009


LisaT replied to a thread
15 years ago

Travel/Work Visa post 30 years old? by nojoe

Hi, I am trying to find our whether any countries in the world offer a travel/work visa for people over 30? I am currently 32, i was originally thinking Canada, but their travel/work visa ends at 30.... do any countries extend their travel/work ...


What is your field of expertise? What countries are you thinking of? Maybe I can help if I have any contacts in those areas. Another way I am looking into is finding a local company that may have branches in other countries. Have you tried looking ... Read More

LisaT created a thread
15 years ago

Canadian looking for job opportunities in Europe

Hi everyone, I'm a media/web designer who mainly works with Microsoft SharePoint but also have skills in graphic design for web and print, web design, audio and video editing with an education degree (primary school and ESL). I'm looking for ... Read More

LisaT replied to a thread
15 years ago

Travel/Work Visa post 30 years old? by nojoe

Hi, I am trying to find our whether any countries in the world offer a travel/work visa for people over 30? I am currently 32, i was originally thinking Canada, but their travel/work visa ends at 30.... do any countries extend their travel/work ...


Hi Joe, I'm in the same boat as you and have researched working holiday visas that extend beyond the age 30. It really depends what has been worked out between the country you are from and the other countries. For example, for a Canadian I can work ... Read More