English expat in Libya
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Tripoli
Registration: 26 November 2009

6 month multiple exit/entry visa's - Boring I know! by Tarkus
I know this isn't half as exciting as posts on iPads or curry houses but all the same it is one I need an answer on if possible. Do I need to get my 10 dinar green triangular stamp put in my passport every time I re enter Libya - some people have ...

You don't say but I'm assuming your visa is a 2 month exit/entry? Anyway, how it works for me (UK resident) is this. I have a 6 month visa and I can come and go to various contries during the 6 months. Before the last day of validity I have to get ... Read More

6 month multiple exit/entry visa's - Boring I know! by Tarkus
I know this isn't half as exciting as posts on iPads or curry houses but all the same it is one I need an answer on if possible. Do I need to get my 10 dinar green triangular stamp put in my passport every time I re enter Libya - some people have ...

Thanks Kev, I think that about wraps it up - no more stamps for me! Read More

6 month multiple exit/entry visa's - Boring I know! by Tarkus
I know this isn't half as exciting as posts on iPads or curry houses but all the same it is one I need an answer on if possible. Do I need to get my 10 dinar green triangular stamp put in my passport every time I re enter Libya - some people have ...

Yes, I had a closer look: its a reddish postage stamp of what looks like LYD10 over stamped with a green triangle ink stamp and next to it is another green triangular ink stamp with date hand written in. So far I have got one every time I have re ... Read More

6 month multiple exit/entry visa's - Boring I know!
I know this isn't half as exciting as posts on iPads or curry houses but all the same it is one I need an answer on if possible. Do I need to get my 10 dinar green triangular stamp put in my passport every time I re enter Libya - some people have ... Read More

Rumours about Gems school by mightyblighty71
I heard a rumour that the Gems school may be closed down due to not enough time allowed for Arabic prayers/Study, does anyone know anything about this? thanks Katrina

Yes, i have heard this too; your reason plus one or two others. Read More

Schools in Tripoli by Pippa
I may be about to move to Tripoli from Oman and am interested in finding out about the schools available there. My children are 12, 8 and 5. Secondary school is my main concern, are there any decent schools for 12 year olds?? We are in the IB or ...

We needed English curriculum and the two we looked at for our kids ( both junior school age) were The British School in Gargaresh and International (Gems) in Saraj. As far as I remember Brit School doesn't go right through to A level age yet but ... Read More

English Premier League matches? by veechansa
Hello everyone my name is Vee from Bangkok, Thailand. I am new to this forum as I just learned that I will be heading to Tripoli for 4 year work assignment beginning this June. Glad to see that I am the first Thai national to register for the Libya ...

You will need to get Jazeera + channels for Champions League. Not sure who is covering the world cup but I'm thinking it will be either OSN or Jazeera. Read More

English Premier League matches? by veechansa
Hello everyone my name is Vee from Bangkok, Thailand. I am new to this forum as I just learned that I will be heading to Tripoli for 4 year work assignment beginning this June. Glad to see that I am the first Thai national to register for the Libya ...

You can get all the EPL matches live thru OSN. But what you can't get is BBC i player which is far more concerning on a Friday for a man from the UK but maybe not for a man from Thailand. Read More

Actually , You can Open You Tube. by Doctor X
I found out that LTT proxy settings to ban You Tube is weak. Server Can be broken so easily. I still enjoy watching Vids on there.

I tried changing the DNS on my echo life box ( to 8888,8844)but it hasn't worked? Would nyone be kind enough to walk me thru what I should be doing in case i'm barking up the wrong tree? Read More

Children friendly locations. by mp_garcia
Hi to all! I´ll soon have to look for an apartment for the family to come (wife & baby), and I´m loooking for children friendly locations to live. I was told Janzour was a good place but I went by yesterday and saw no difference with other parts of ...

I wouldn't bring them here - try Malta Read More

Multiple entry/exit visa by Tarkus
Has anyone recent experience of getting a multiple entry/exit visa from the Libyan embassy in London? I would welcome all tips on how to make it as pain free as possible as I am expecting it not to go smoothly!

Thanks for all your help Read More

Multiple entry/exit visa by Tarkus
Has anyone recent experience of getting a multiple entry/exit visa from the Libyan embassy in London? I would welcome all tips on how to make it as pain free as possible as I am expecting it not to go smoothly!

Yes, i know, not good but thanks, i will look on the forum for the info. Read More

Multiple entry/exit visa by Tarkus
Has anyone recent experience of getting a multiple entry/exit visa from the Libyan embassy in London? I would welcome all tips on how to make it as pain free as possible as I am expecting it not to go smoothly!

I'm currently here on a tourist visa and have arranged through the local company to get a multi exit/entry visa. This has been sorted and I have to go to London to process it next week. I'm asking for details of exactly what is required by the visa ... Read More

Multiple entry/exit visa by Tarkus
Has anyone recent experience of getting a multiple entry/exit visa from the Libyan embassy in London? I would welcome all tips on how to make it as pain free as possible as I am expecting it not to go smoothly!

Even if your just here on a tourist visa? Read More

Aramex - shipping to Libya by Sandman6
Some feedback on Aramex, who I've recently used to ship some goodies from UK to Libya. After setting up the account (very simple process) and paying the one-off $35 registration fee, you are given a c/o address and ref no. for Aramex offices in the ...

That's good , I didn't know this was here. I have used shop and ship in Bahrain and it is pretty good. A particular benefit is the US address for cheaper purchases from companies that don't ship outside the States. However one disadvantage is if ... Read More