Ben de Saigon
French expat in Vietnam
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 10 September 2012

HCMC Guitar Shop by theschust
Hello Saigon locals I am from Nha Trang, in town to try to buy an octave pedal for my guitar. Can anyone recommend a guitar or musical instrument store? The bigger the better Thanks!

Guitar Street is nice for accoutic guitar. For effects you can also have a look at Doremi : doremishop.vn/danh-muc-san-pham/guitar-bass-voice-effect/230 And Vietthanh : vietthanh.vn/guitar-effects Read More

World Cup in Saigon by kong75
Hi all, Any idea where to watch World Cup. Especially France - Australia. Am french so would rather prefer a french atmosphere :) thanks! julien

Hi, At Papagayo Saigon, D2 : facebook.com/PapagayoinSaigon/ Read More

Reputable Vietnamese Language School by helloalegator
Hello, I've recently moved to Ho Chi Minh from Singapore and I'm keen to pick up the Vietnamese language. However, I'm a tad overwhelmed by the sheer number of Vietnamese language schools available. Especially when I can't seem to ...

I think only university has certification : http://www.vns.edu.vn/index.php/en/vietnamese-courses But they teach north vietnamese. Read More

TV Recorder by fitz12
Hi everybody, I live in Saigon since 3 months now and I'm looking for a TV recorder to watch football on the morning instead of in the middle of the night (I have K+ at home). I have been to different electronic shops but I didn't find any ...

Check the user guide of jour k+ receiver, I think you can record with it. I can record the TV with my sctv receiver and an USB key. Read More

Looking for French teaching materials by haivinh
I am studying French, looking for some French materials for teaching/learning. Great if anyone can help. Thanks. Hai

The books called "taxi" are great to teach/learn french. You can buy theim in fahasa hai ba trung. The website of TV5 is good too. Read More

where to buy energy bars in ho chi minh city? by Ben de Saigon
Hi, Do you know where I can buy energy bars in saigon ? I mean the kind of candies with a lot of calories, for runners.

Gnc stores look perfect thx. Read More

where to buy energy bars in ho chi minh city?
Hi, Do you know where I can buy energy bars in saigon ? I mean the kind of candies with a lot of calories, for runners. Read More

Best Internet Connection in Vietnam by yroftherat
Hi guys, Would you guys be able to let me know which ISP companies in Vietnam provide the fastest and most reliable connection at the moment? I've did some research on Google and it seems that many expat are reporting that the internet ...

Here's my result with FPT SIP in Binh Thanh district: http://www.speedtest.net/result/3612823716.png I pay 300k / month VOIP is working well sometimes, sometimes not... And sometimes there's no electricity Read More