Spanish looking for information about Kuwait
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About me
Lives in Kuwait City, Al Asimah
Speaks español, inglés, italiano, chino, ruso, lituano, francés.
Registration: 11 December 2009

Why is socializing in Kuwait so difficult? by pakonas
Hello everyone!! Before coming to Kuwait I read some opinions from expats concerning social life here and how difficult can be to find friends and interesting things to do. However, I couldn’t imagine that my experience would confirm these ...

speaking of run, lets all get together for the gulf bank marathon next saturday! Riba, i'll see you there ;)I am in too, see you soon!! Read More

Why is socializing in Kuwait so difficult? by pakonas
Hello everyone!! Before coming to Kuwait I read some opinions from expats concerning social life here and how difficult can be to find friends and interesting things to do. However, I couldn’t imagine that my experience would confirm these ...

We are running weirdos, but still weirdos :)) Read More

Let's meet this Thursday? by pakonas
Hi everyone! In other post, about socializing, we started to propose to have a meeting to discuss about this topic and others concerning life in Kuwait. We decided this Thursday evening could be a good day for that, but we still need to decide the ...

Ok, we are meeting today at 17:15 at The Lake mall, in Mahboul district. See you there!! Read More

Let's meet this Thursday? by pakonas
Hi everyone! In other post, about socializing, we started to propose to have a meeting to discuss about this topic and others concerning life in Kuwait. We decided this Thursday evening could be a good day for that, but we still need to decide the ...

Hi Busnade, where is your location? If the distance is not a matter for you, we can think about somewhere near Fintas or Mahboula area (since, as far I know, three of the potential attendants are quiet far from Salmiya). Would anyone else like to ... Read More

Let's meet this Thursday?
Hi everyone! In other post, about socializing, we started to propose to have a meeting to discuss about this topic and others concerning life in Kuwait. We decided this Thursday evening could be a good day for that, but we still need to decide the ... Read More

Why is socializing in Kuwait so difficult? by pakonas
Hello everyone!! Before coming to Kuwait I read some opinions from expats concerning social life here and how difficult can be to find friends and interesting things to do. However, I couldn’t imagine that my experience would confirm these ...

For me Thursday night sounds better. Let´s do it! Read More

Why is socializing in Kuwait so difficult? by pakonas
Hello everyone!! Before coming to Kuwait I read some opinions from expats concerning social life here and how difficult can be to find friends and interesting things to do. However, I couldn’t imagine that my experience would confirm these ...

I think let’s all meet over a cup of coffee to discuss this and get to know each other moreHehe, right, that's good idea :) Maybe some place in Salmiya area? I think many people here live and/or work there. Read More

Running in Kuwait (Long Distance) by varty ian
anyone around? any running groups? Running a long distance

I will send you a message with my whatsapp number, so we can keep in touch easier. Read More

Running in Kuwait (Long Distance) by varty ian
anyone around? any running groups? Running a long distance

I think we could set up a meeting at 4pm near Babel entrance, in Salmiya, what do you think? The idea is running towards Two Towers, run 5 kms in one direction and then 5 kms back again to Babel. Later we can go for a drink or eat something around ... Read More

Running in Kuwait (Long Distance) by varty ian
anyone around? any running groups? Running a long distance

Hi Ronel, that´s great! Would you like to join tomorrow for some running in Salmiya area? Read More

Running in Kuwait (Long Distance) by varty ian
anyone around? any running groups? Running a long distance

Yes, 4pm can be good, so we will finish around sunset, good time. If you pass by Fintas, I really appreciate if you can pick me and go together from here. Thanks man!! Read More

Why is socializing in Kuwait so difficult? by pakonas
Hello everyone!! Before coming to Kuwait I read some opinions from expats concerning social life here and how difficult can be to find friends and interesting things to do. However, I couldn’t imagine that my experience would confirm these ...

So we will meet when i arrive ther at kuwait right???..... Need to make friends there.....No problem, always ready for a coffee during weekends ;) Read More

Running in Kuwait (Long Distance) by varty ian
anyone around? any running groups? Running a long distance

Hi guys, I registered already too to both races!! This Sunday there is one more race, but I won't be able to join this time. Here is the link if you are interested: http://www.kuwaitup2date.com/event/fun-run/ About meeting this Friday, are you ... Read More

Why is socializing in Kuwait so difficult? by pakonas
Hello everyone!! Before coming to Kuwait I read some opinions from expats concerning social life here and how difficult can be to find friends and interesting things to do. However, I couldn’t imagine that my experience would confirm these ...

Okey then once i come there iam ready for the meet up.... But the problem is i don't know spanish languages.... 😐😐😐No problem, I think my English is not bad :) Read More

Why is socializing in Kuwait so difficult? by pakonas
Hello everyone!! Before coming to Kuwait I read some opinions from expats concerning social life here and how difficult can be to find friends and interesting things to do. However, I couldn’t imagine that my experience would confirm these ...

A *lot* of people coming to Kuwait from abroad are weirdos. ...Also, a lot of them have strange history or are running away from something and Kuwait is a great place to disappear.I remember when I was in China, sometimes I met some peculiar ... Read More