New Zealander expat in Belize
Forum posts
About me
New Zealander
Lives in Wellington
Registration: 13 January 2010

Looking for a reliable lawyer for Cedula/citizenship by Michael_D
Hi everyone! I'm trying to find a lawyer that can help me through the process of getting the cedula and eventually after some years the citizenship. I have been reading a lot about this topic, and it seems realistic. I am currently working in ...

Jeronimo Finestra is the most trusted and offers the best service without killing your bank account in comparison to some of the other shady characters like Bettina Mueller (Stay away from her)How much is permanent residency and cedula from Jeronimo ... Read More

Lake Atitlan - Where to stay? by J@y
My husband, sister-in-law and I are take a short trip to Guatemala. I would like to visit lake Atitlan. Any suggestions on where to stay. We will only be there for 2 days. We are on a budget and looking for something clean, safe and affordable. Also ...

Thank you Guateliving and Misstrudy for your reply. I really appreciate it. I'm so looking forward to my trip.Don't I get a tiny TY ? :( Read More

Lake Atitlan - Where to stay? by J@y
My husband, sister-in-law and I are take a short trip to Guatemala. I would like to visit lake Atitlan. Any suggestions on where to stay. We will only be there for 2 days. We are on a budget and looking for something clean, safe and affordable. Also ...

Perhaps this will help at least generate some ideas for you... I got this in an email the other day from the people at Live and Invest Overseas dot com: "Lake Atitlan, of Kashmiri-blue sapphire hued water, set in an emerald green girdle fronted by ... Read More

Flooding and Volcano affected Antigua and Suburbs? by JamesB
Can anyone tell me if the flooding and the volcano has affected life in Antigua? Or was all that far from Antigua and its environs? Thanks, James

I did not see the pictures on your blog since I looked around on your nice blog but could not find them. Can you tell me if the part that houses the expats was devastated? Also, the location of the best English language schools.... was that part ... Read More

Living in Gua. and Getting Citizenship - HOW? by JamesB
Hello: If I move to Antigua and decide to stay for three or four years to study Spanish I would also like to leave the country with a dual citizenship and have a Guatemalan passport. Can anyone tell me who to hook up with during my first several ...

...I'm told citizenship can be acquired for $50,000 if you know the right people.I know where you can get it for $15,000 and you do not have to live in Guatemala, but since I would like to go to Antigua to learn Spanish I would prefer going the ... Read More

Flooding and Volcano affected Antigua and Suburbs? by JamesB
Can anyone tell me if the flooding and the volcano has affected life in Antigua? Or was all that far from Antigua and its environs? Thanks, James

How far are those affected communities from Antigua in miles since you probably use miles? Are they far enough so you can say that the small communities around Antigua were not affected? James Read More

Flooding and Volcano affected Antigua and Suburbs?
Can anyone tell me if the flooding and the volcano has affected life in Antigua? Or was all that far from Antigua and its environs? Thanks, James Read More

Receiving mail (post) safely in Guatemala?
I am asking this for a friend of mine from the states: If someone moves from the U.S. to Guatemala and they want to receive mail safely and securely, is there a courier service from the states that sends the accumulated mail via FEDEX once per ... Read More

Living in Gua. and Getting Citizenship - HOW?
Hello: If I move to Antigua and decide to stay for three or four years to study Spanish I would also like to leave the country with a dual citizenship and have a Guatemalan passport. Can anyone tell me who to hook up with during my first several ... Read More

Is Dual Citizenship Legal And How To Get It ?
People: The information I have seen says that Paraguay does not recognise Dual citizenship with Australia or New Zealand or the U.S. or other countries but only with Spain. In fact, they do not recognize dual citizenship with most countries if one ... Read More

membership marketplace by JamesB
How about making a membership marketplace on this forum so that those with a website that would be valuable for the membership may post it on the forum in the section called: "Membership Marketplace" ? James

We are actually thing about two new sections: "services" which would be a local directory of professionals, and "websites of interest". They should be available in a few months ;)Thanks and I am going to wait I believe since I want to update some ... Read More

quick residency in Paraguay by JamesB
Hello: I need someone to help me go through immigration to get a residency when I arrive in Paraguay. Can someone help me? I can pay you for your help. If you can not do it perhaps you know of someone who can help me. Thanks, James

With the right person who has the connections within immigration and knows how to do the translation and the paperwork the residency can be completed in a short time. I would be very interested in being connected to someone who has the skill and the ... Read More

membership marketplace
How about making a membership marketplace on this forum so that those with a website that would be valuable for the membership may post it on the forum in the section called: "Membership Marketplace" ? James Read More

Hello everyone by JamesB
Hello: When I first found this forum I saw the section on Paraguay and contacted quite a few people by private message asking if you had any contacts who could help with a permanent residency. If one of you complained to the admins of the forum ...

Thanks for letting me know the ropes and that it was automatic and not done by human hands. This is a fine forum you have here. James Read More

Hello everyone
Hello: When I first found this forum I saw the section on Paraguay and contacted quite a few people by private message asking if you had any contacts who could help with a permanent residency. If one of you complained to the admins of the forum ... Read More