

Active member

American looking for information about India

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Lives in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Registration: 23 March 2013


jmagill created a thread
last year

1 year and 5 year e-Visas

I am Jerry from the US. I am new to as well as new to India. I expect to make my first visit to India starting in October and probably for 3 months. Upon reviewing the e-Visa options, the 5 year e-Visa sounds most appealing to me. My ... Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
last year

New members of the Kenya forum, introduce yourselves here - 2023 by Julien

Hi all, Newbie on the Kenya forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on your expat ...


I am Jerry from the US. I am 73. I expect to make my first visit to India starting in October and probably for 3 months. Upon reviewing the e-Visa options, the 5 year e-Visa sounds most appealing to me. My only concern about it is, 5 years is a ... Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
10 years ago

Buy viagara type drugs over the counter? by jmagill

Can I buy viagara type drugs over the counter in Kampala? Jerry


Ah, finally an answer from someone. Haha. Good to know. And local brands are fine. Thank you. Jerry Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
10 years ago

Buy viagara type drugs over the counter? by jmagill

Can I buy viagara type drugs over the counter in Kampala? Jerry


Oh... I asked if these drugs can be purchased over the counter in pharmacies. I thought you were trying to answer me. I now think you are asking the same question. Is that right? Jerry Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
10 years ago

Buy viagara type drugs over the counter? by jmagill

Can I buy viagara type drugs over the counter in Kampala? Jerry


I already said in Kampala, so I think you mean what store. Any reputable pharmacy in Kampala. Read More

jmagill created a thread
10 years ago

Buy viagara type drugs over the counter?

Can I buy viagara type drugs over the counter in Kampala? Jerry Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

Paying for things in other currencies by jmagill

I will be arriving in Nairobi next week. In checking various websites and with some emails sent back and forth, it seems that many Kenyan businesses have no problem discussing prices in US dollars (I am from the US). And those businesses also seem ...


Thanks for the info. Is there a forex bureau or other money changer at the airport when I arrive? Read More

jmagill created a thread
11 years ago

Paying for things in other currencies

I will be arriving in Nairobi next week. In checking various websites and with some emails sent back and forth, it seems that many Kenyan businesses have no problem discussing prices in US dollars (I am from the US). And those businesses also seem ... Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

Safety in Nairobi and Mombasa by jmagill

I will arrive in Nairobi in June and 2 weeks later go to Mombassa. It will my introduction to Africa and if it goes as hoped, I will move to Kenya. I have been reading many of the forum posts. As to general safety, the biggest problems I have ...


Downtown and yet deserted at night. Never heard that one before. I obviously have a lot to learn. And can't wait. Thank you Anna. Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

Safety in Nairobi and Mombasa by jmagill

I will arrive in Nairobi in June and 2 weeks later go to Mombassa. It will my introduction to Africa and if it goes as hoped, I will move to Kenya. I have been reading many of the forum posts. As to general safety, the biggest problems I have ...


Anna you said you can hang out until 10pm. Did you mean in both lower and upper Nairobi? If not, what are your recommendations for lower Nairobi? Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

What is the best cell carrier for me? by jmagill

I will be coming to Africa for the first time in June. I will be using my phone in Kenya, mostly in Nairobi and Mombasa, mainly for texting, some calls, no internet. From what I know so far the main carriers are Safaricom, Orange, and Airtel. I ...


that would be great if you do find out Pradeep. I could not find anything online. As to safaricom, I found a 500 texts per day bundle, but the webpage was not safaricom so don't know if updated. Here ... Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

What is the best cell carrier for me? by jmagill

I will be coming to Africa for the first time in June. I will be using my phone in Kenya, mostly in Nairobi and Mombasa, mainly for texting, some calls, no internet. From what I know so far the main carriers are Safaricom, Orange, and Airtel. I ...


Pradeep, is a voucher the prepaid cards with which one would buy a load of various ksh amounts? Or is it what in some asian countries what is called a bundle - a special package. Like a special package I would hope to find is one offering ... Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

Safety in Nairobi and Mombasa by jmagill

I will arrive in Nairobi in June and 2 weeks later go to Mombassa. It will my introduction to Africa and if it goes as hoped, I will move to Kenya. I have been reading many of the forum posts. As to general safety, the biggest problems I have ...


Ah upper and lower Nairobi have nothing to do with north and south. And they are both in the downtown area. I have it now. Thank you again Anna. Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

taxi from Nairobi airport to downtown Nairobi by jmagill

I will be taking a taxi from NBO to downtown, near the Globe Cinema roundabout, at around 9pm at night. I know I need to negotiate the price. What would be an okay price for that time of night? Thanks, Jerry


Lizah, I am well used to colorful areas. They can be interesting as long as the usual guidelines - things like wallet in the front pocket, walk like I live there, etc keep safety in my favor. You say be inside at night. What time at night would ... Read More

jmagill replied to a thread
11 years ago

taxi from Nairobi airport to downtown Nairobi by jmagill

I will be taking a taxi from NBO to downtown, near the Globe Cinema roundabout, at around 9pm at night. I know I need to negotiate the price. What would be an okay price for that time of night? Thanks, Jerry


Thank you for the nice price Anna. I would love to say yes. My problem with pre-ordering a ride from the airport is I never have used roaming before. So I cannot guarantee it will work in Kenya. If my plane is late, or early, or if the ... Read More