American looking for information about Brazil
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Norristown
Speaks Fluent English and Spanish; high school level French; learning Portuguese
Registration: 24 March 2013

Wanted in regard to parental kidnapping by James
http://s2.glbimg.com/gwkQ5r6SeQM-IolTs600zpvrCyE=/s.glbimg.com/jo/g1/f/original/2015/01/05/rafaelrueb.jpg Hellen Azevedo Lima (center) is wanted in connection with the parental kidnapping of 2-year-old Daniela Azevedo Lima Rueb Ferreira (side ...

Just so you know, that case I referred to was over 25 years ago, so you were probably still living in Canada at the time. That's why I asked if you happened to be familiar with that case, although I'm also aware that even Canada does not get ... Read More

Wanted in regard to parental kidnapping by James
http://s2.glbimg.com/gwkQ5r6SeQM-IolTs600zpvrCyE=/s.glbimg.com/jo/g1/f/original/2015/01/05/rafaelrueb.jpg Hellen Azevedo Lima (center) is wanted in connection with the parental kidnapping of 2-year-old Daniela Azevedo Lima Rueb Ferreira (side ...

That's, of course, very possible, but, again, maybe not. Something like being a member of the Armed Forces could be a factor when it comes time for weighing and tipping the scales of "justice," just like being a member of the Police ... Read More

Wanted in regard to parental kidnapping by James
http://s2.glbimg.com/gwkQ5r6SeQM-IolTs600zpvrCyE=/s.glbimg.com/jo/g1/f/original/2015/01/05/rafaelrueb.jpg Hellen Azevedo Lima (center) is wanted in connection with the parental kidnapping of 2-year-old Daniela Azevedo Lima Rueb Ferreira (side ...

That's why I was curious to know because I know that here in the states the mother is always considered more dominantly than the father although I also have seen signs that that is changing, which I'm all for, IF and WHEN there is justified ... Read More

Wanted in regard to parental kidnapping by James
http://s2.glbimg.com/gwkQ5r6SeQM-IolTs600zpvrCyE=/s.glbimg.com/jo/g1/f/original/2015/01/05/rafaelrueb.jpg Hellen Azevedo Lima (center) is wanted in connection with the parental kidnapping of 2-year-old Daniela Azevedo Lima Rueb Ferreira (side ...

Hi, William! And HAPPY NEW YEAR. Just curious...any information on why the mother did not get custody of the child instead of her father...? Read More


HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you too, my friend. I wish you continued health and peace alongside your beautiful family well into the brand new year. Personally, I will be heading, God willing, to Miami with my Mom to spend 2 weeks with my cousin who lives ... Read More

Should I purchase a new cell phone in Brasil? by artmunk
I will soon relocate from the US to Brasil (long term). Should I bring a cell phone with me or purchase a new one in Brasil? If I do bring one with me, will it be compatible with Brasilian phone systems and plans? Thanks in advance.

Oh, OK. Thank you. Read More

Should I purchase a new cell phone in Brasil? by artmunk
I will soon relocate from the US to Brasil (long term). Should I bring a cell phone with me or purchase a new one in Brasil? If I do bring one with me, will it be compatible with Brasilian phone systems and plans? Thanks in advance.

William, what's a "knock-off" cell? Read More

Where do I begin? by Triniguarani
:) This is an intro, so I'll be brief. I am a Trinidad and Tobago national residing in Brazil for the past 18 years. The opener above gives way to a flood of questions whenever I say that in a conversation - in English or in Brazil. This ...

Here's one: Not quite sure I understand what you or others (in English and Brazil, as you state) find so confusing about your situation, i.e., what "flood of questions" that statement could give rise to. Maybe I'm missing ... Read More

The ridiculous price of registering documents in Rio for marriage???? by msantunes13
Hi all! My partner and I are trying to get married. But our situation is a little but different. I am Australian, he is Brazilian. We have lived together here for almost 2 years. I already have all brazilian equivilent of documents here in Brazil ...

msantunes13 First, I want to also agree that having your Birth Certificate stamped in your country of origin is "far fetched," but as others have already mentioned here, welcome to the far-fetched bureaucratic world of Brazil...! And even ... Read More

Dating Brazilians by firlus
This might sound funny, but I couldn't help wonder since I'm a trained relationship and dating coach, how gringos are viewed in terms of dating? In other words, is it ever considered a bit strange or socially awkward for Brazilians to be ...

Although I am not heterosexual, I agree that "ALL" men do NOT consider themselves God's gift to women. I have known many men throughout my life in the U.S. (though of many different cultures and backgrounds, of course, as, this IS the ... Read More

Dating Brazilians by firlus
This might sound funny, but I couldn't help wonder since I'm a trained relationship and dating coach, how gringos are viewed in terms of dating? In other words, is it ever considered a bit strange or socially awkward for Brazilians to be ...

You... and everyone else, firlus. You'd think it was the Garden of Eden! Trust me, after being on this blog, if I wasn't MADLY and FOREVER in love with a worthy Brazilian woman who wishes to stay in Brazil I would no longer want to emigrate ... Read More

Dating Brazilians by firlus
This might sound funny, but I couldn't help wonder since I'm a trained relationship and dating coach, how gringos are viewed in terms of dating? In other words, is it ever considered a bit strange or socially awkward for Brazilians to be ...

LOL!!! Marco2013's reply WAS "a lot of info" as well as "interesting," as you put it, firlus. But YOUR summing-it-all-up-in-a-nutshell response, firlus, was TOTALLY amusing and entertaining...! :) Cheers to YOU!! Read More

Brazil Drivers License by JohnC
I know it is supposedly possible to Drive on an American (US Issued) drivers license in Brazil and to be able to exchange it for the equivalent Brazil Document. What I am told and this varies that it is not necessary to have it translated ( But when ...

You have NO idea how happy I am to hear that a US license can be TRADED IN for a Brazilian one!! If THAT much is ACCURATE, the fact that the US license may have to be TRANSLATED is the LEAST of what I thought was necessary in order to acquire a ... Read More

"Bicho de pé" (Tunga penetrans) by James
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QXCxpxAu_ns/UZqnAiY5hTI/AAAAAAAAFSM/qyilzRJJK7Y/s1600/bicho+de+pe.bmp If you are spending any time in Brazil during the fall and summer months, and are in the habit to walk around barefoot or in flip-flops like many of us ...

LOL. Read More

Tratado de Amizdade by firlus
I was speaking to my brazilian friend today...., as we were talking about me, making my way into the Brazil and ways I could stay, he raised something I wasn't aware of and I don't know if anyone has heard of the Tranado de ...

William: Exactly, as is made quite apparent in most inquiries on this blessed Blog. Firlus: Haha, glad to see you're catching on, firlus...! Those are definitely the first words I learned myself...lol. Read More