Ventsislav Tomev
Bulgarian looking for information about England
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Sofia
Speaks Bulgarian, English, German
Registration: 04 May 2013

Plywood in Sofia by lauraball
Hi all, Laura's husband here. Not to fit gender stereotypes to much but I have a question about building materials! I have been trying to find somewhere that sells real plywood, decent grade birch preferably. The only thing I have found is ...

Hi, you can try Bauhaus. From their site it looks like they have exactly what you need and not construction ply - https://bauhaus.bg/shperplat-breza-1525x1525mm). They also provide delivery and can cut it into size, if needed. You can also try the ... Read More

Selling deceased relatives car in bulgaria by Paulbarrett1983
Hi all, We have left in a situation where my late step dads car in bulgaria needs to be sold. The car runs but has a fault. I know nothing of the vehicle owning system here in bulgaria, tax insurance etc. We just need to get The car sold. Any ...

Hi, it is best to list the car in the car ad sites(send me a message, if you want me to give you the URLs for them). If you are really in a hurry, visit a used car brokerage in your area. They will offer a low price usually, but will be the easiest ... Read More

New member, wanted to say hi and after advice really! by AppsFamily
Hi everybody, I'm Dan, new member here, I have been anticipating buying a house in Bulgaria for around 4-5 years really however with brexit coming up and the possible implications it may cause doing so, I'm sort of thinking it's now or ...

Hi Dan, there are great areas in Bulgaria for different type of people and experiences. If you want to be very close to the most lively area you should buy a house around Sofia or Plovdiv and you will also be close to the airports, good hospitals, ... Read More

Rabbits by bartt444
Hello i looking for 100 young rabbits 6 or 8 weeks old new zeeland or flamisch rabbits.In Velika tarnovo.Thanks for your help. Bart.

Hello Bart, you will most probably not find the rabbits you are looking for here, as you need a more specialed place to search for. There are rabbit farms in many places in Bulgaria and to get large quantity and good prices, you may need to travel ... Read More

Buying a Bike in Veliko Tarnovo by sarov
Hello. Can anyone advise me where exactly I can purchase a bicycle from in Veliko Tarnovo, and how much I'd expect to pay? Thanks in advance, and a Happy New Year to you all!

Praktiker is good for getting a cheap bicycle, but if you are looking for something with a high quality or need accessories or a place where you can repair it, you can go to the Gorgona shop on Zelenka 2 street. The guys are really passionate about ... Read More

TV Repair Shop,,VT by eddieg
Hi All,,,Anyone know of repair shop in VT for TV repair,,,,looked on internet & nothing,,,????,,,Regards Eddie

Hi Eddie, I know a very good repair shop located here: https://www.google.bg/maps/@43.0782218,25.6019739,3a,75y,354.11h,92.07t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2pinPBmbyiyhYq16io3IrQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=bg The guy working there really knows what he ... Read More

Man with a van in Pamparovo or Smolyan Bulgaria by Trudy15
Hi, I have an apartment in Panorama complex in Smolyan and am looking for a man with a van to travel to IKEA in Sofia to purchase soft furnishings for me to get my apartment ready for renting - I will need it big enough to take (compact mattresses ...

As discussed in the private messages with Trudy - IKEA does deliver items now. Here are the prices(http://www.ikea.bg/files/1/Image%20Gallery/IKEA%20Services/Home%20delivery_ecommerce.pdf)...in bulgarian only sorry, but you can check the second part ... Read More

Best ways to find flat shares in Sofia? by Lizzie-Simp
Hello! I'm moving to Sofia on Saturday! & starting work on Monday! I was wondering if anyone knows the best way to find reasonable prices flats in the centre, I can't afford flats marketed at foreigners! Looking for something under ...

If you are looking to share a flat with someone, you may try the Facebook groups like (facebook.com/groups/442753539091332/). The word for roommate in bulgarian is ... Read More

Delivery/man with a van? by stepool1970
zradveite forum, or hello forum. I am looking to either find a service or delivery of furniture IE: Man with a van? I was kindly given a link to a antique furniture store in Sofia I have seen a few items I like but need to get them delivered to ...

Hi again, sorry for the late reply. No problem for delivering some small items, I travel to Sofia from time to time and is not a problem, as Tyrnovo is not far away. We used the person with the large van this weekend actually for driving 2 large L ... Read More

veteri by eddieg
Hi all,,Urgently need info on nearest Veteri near Vinograd please,,thanks eddie

Hi Eddie, you can ask some of the locals who they call when their animals(cows, sheep, etc) get ill. Usually they have a phone of the local veterinarian. Other option is to look for some of the veterinary clinics in Veliko Tyrnovo(or whatever is ... Read More

Delivery/man with a van? by stepool1970
zradveite forum, or hello forum. I am looking to either find a service or delivery of furniture IE: Man with a van? I was kindly given a link to a antique furniture store in Sofia I have seen a few items I like but need to get them delivered to ...

Hello Steve, I noticed there is an Econt express office in Byala. They are one of the best couriers in Bulgaria and offer fast delivery for all kind of items. Most of the shops in Bulgaria work with them or one of the others companies, as they ... Read More

Bus(ticket) from : Veliko Tarnovo to Elena? by backpacks
This summer my friend and I are planning to visit Bulgaria ( destination Elena ) This means we have to take a bus ( probably Biomet ) from Sofia central bus station to Veliko Tarnovo and take a transfer to Elena. I was wondering are there indeed ...

I'm very sorry for the late reply. I hope this is not too late, but the buses from Veliko Tarnovo to Elena are at 15:00(without weekends), 17:15 and 18:00. You can buy tickets inside the bus station and just get a taxi between the 2 bus ... Read More

Moving to veliko tarnovo; any advice? by Cuba
Please Give me the best advice on 1 - the best places to buy a property within 15 km of veliko tarnovo 2 - names of private schools in the area 3 - contacts of english specking builders and interior designers 4 - where to buy the cheapest ...

Hello Terry, Veliko Tyrnovo is a great area and I hope you will have a great time around here! On your questions: a) The most suitable villages to purchase a house in. Elena looks good from the pictures on the internet. VT-> Elena is actually a ... Read More

Bus(ticket) from : Veliko Tarnovo to Elena? by backpacks
This summer my friend and I are planning to visit Bulgaria ( destination Elena ) This means we have to take a bus ( probably Biomet ) from Sofia central bus station to Veliko Tarnovo and take a transfer to Elena. I was wondering are there indeed ...

Hi, yes, there are 2 bus stations in Veliko Tyrnovo. You will arrive on south with Biomet and Union Ivkoni(and close to it with Etap and Group) buses from Sofiq. In both cases you will need to go to the other bus station to board the bus to Elena(a ... Read More

biomet buses from Sofia to Velico Tarnovo by markleu
Hi I need to get a Biomet bus from the central bus station In Sofia at 10.30pm to Velico Tarnovo. I am trying to find out if I can buy a ticket on the Biomet bus

Usually, if it is not some kind of holiday, there are no problems buying tickets directly from the bus station. The companies that are travelling to Veliko Tyrnovo from central bus station are Biomet, Union Ivkoni and Etap Group. I think there is a ... Read More