American expat in Brazil
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Rio de Janeiro
Registration: 06 January 2014

New Tourist overstay penalty from 8 Reais to 120 Reais ?!?! by olepistole
Hello, i am here on a 3 month tourist visa and was told in the beginning i can just overstay and pay a fine of 8 reais a day and maximum 780 reais. Now i heard from a lawyer in Rio that this was changed and its now 120 Reais a day, Can anyone ...

Thanks for your help! I I got "Atenção: Número de Protocolo Inválido." The number included a period, a slash and a hyphen, so I tried variations of it, but I got the same result each time. Read More

New Tourist overstay penalty from 8 Reais to 120 Reais ?!?! by olepistole
Hello, i am here on a 3 month tourist visa and was told in the beginning i can just overstay and pay a fine of 8 reais a day and maximum 780 reais. Now i heard from a lawyer in Rio that this was changed and its now 120 Reais a day, Can anyone ...

It's just the stamp with printed numbers and barcode. Read More

New Tourist overstay penalty from 8 Reais to 120 Reais ?!?! by olepistole
Hello, i am here on a 3 month tourist visa and was told in the beginning i can just overstay and pay a fine of 8 reais a day and maximum 780 reais. Now i heard from a lawyer in Rio that this was changed and its now 120 Reais a day, Can anyone ...

I left Brazil after a long overstay, with the immigration official saying nothing except to wish me a good flight home. The whole process of scanning my passport and getting a stamp lasted less than a minute. I’m not looking for trouble, but I ... Read More

New Tourist overstay penalty from 8 Reais to 120 Reais ?!?! by olepistole
Hello, i am here on a 3 month tourist visa and was told in the beginning i can just overstay and pay a fine of 8 reais a day and maximum 780 reais. Now i heard from a lawyer in Rio that this was changed and its now 120 Reais a day, Can anyone ...

Well, Portugal came to mind, but thanks for your responses. Read More

New Tourist overstay penalty from 8 Reais to 120 Reais ?!?! by olepistole
Hello, i am here on a 3 month tourist visa and was told in the beginning i can just overstay and pay a fine of 8 reais a day and maximum 780 reais. Now i heard from a lawyer in Rio that this was changed and its now 120 Reais a day, Can anyone ...

Thanks. I'm asking about the passport stamp because of consequences when traveling to other countries. Read More

New Tourist overstay penalty from 8 Reais to 120 Reais ?!?! by olepistole
Hello, i am here on a 3 month tourist visa and was told in the beginning i can just overstay and pay a fine of 8 reais a day and maximum 780 reais. Now i heard from a lawyer in Rio that this was changed and its now 120 Reais a day, Can anyone ...

My question is about the stamp that's put in your passport when you've overstayed and are leaving the country. Is the stamp a declaration of the multa/fine or a declaration of the overstay? In other words, can you avoid getting the passport ... Read More

New overstay fee?
There's a rumor going around (rumor, because I can't verify the information) that the overstay fee will increase from about 8 reais a day to 100 reais a day, effective September 1. Looking for credible verification and more information, ... Read More

We'll miss you James by Julien
Hi everyone, I am very sorry and sad to announce these sad news, but our expert James passed away in horrible circumstances. I haven't got all the details, I've heard he got murdered last week in Macae. I've lost a friend, a mentor, ...

there simply are no words. james gave of himself more than could be expected of one, kind soul. my deepest condolences. Read More

Replacing Expired Debit and Credit Cards from the USA by Alascana
I understand the nightmare of trying to open a bank account in Brazil, so let's not go there/lol. What I need to know is how does one go about replacing a expired debit or credit card from the USA,now before the anwsers start flying, here is my ...

this is interesting because my bank, hsbc, just issued my new debit card with a chip, and i was concerned that the atms here WOULDN'T be able to handle a card with a newfangled chip. sounds like this is more the rule than the exception. Read More

IMPORTANT NEW CHANGES FOR THOSE APPLYING FOR PERMANENT VISAS *************************************************************************************************** EDIT OF JULY 17, 2015 INFORMATION REGARDING NEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR PERMANENCY, ...

Thanks to both of you. Read More

IMPORTANT NEW CHANGES FOR THOSE APPLYING FOR PERMANENT VISAS *************************************************************************************************** EDIT OF JULY 17, 2015 INFORMATION REGARDING NEW FEE STRUCTURE FOR PERMANENCY, ...

Hi, James. I've tried to review all the pages on this subject, so I apologize if I missed something. I'm trying to find the most updated requirements for getting a permanent visa based on retirement, but even the "official" ... Read More

In Rio - Where to buy Asian Food and 2nd Hand furnitures? by asian.rio
Hi there everyone! I'm new to this forum so I'd appreciate any help at all. My wife and I have recently moved to Rio and being Asians, one of the first things we would like to find are Asian food stores along with places that sell spices ...

Hi, newcomer. The first store you mentioned, Mei-Jo, has a pretty good selection of Asian foodstuffs. mei jo - r. marquês de abrantes 222, flamengo. sauces, oils, cooking wine, rice, noodles, wrappers, implements, some prepared foods and ... Read More

What do you like the most in Brazil? by Christine
Hi, Living abroad, expats discover and enjoy a new environment. What do you like the most in Brazil? What seduced you when settling and living here? Share with us your favorite part of living in Brazil and the reason why you enjoy your ...

I'd like to shamelessly borrow James' post, virtually word for word. Thanks for saving me the time, James! Read More

Renting on expired visa by nsellen
Hi, William. I've been renting an apartment in the name of my sponsor and want to rent a new place in my name on a standard 30-month contract. My sponsor's my fiador, I have a CPF and I can prove my overseas income. I'm not employed in ...

Success, after much trepidation. The man at the cartório barely glanced at the first page of my passport, took the photocopy and a copy of my CPF. Maybe going very late on Friday helped - who knows? Several documents later, I had a rental ... Read More

Renting on expired visa by nsellen
Hi, William. I've been renting an apartment in the name of my sponsor and want to rent a new place in my name on a standard 30-month contract. My sponsor's my fiador, I have a CPF and I can prove my overseas income. I'm not employed in ...

Thank you both for the dialogue. It's exactly why I didn't spend hours trolling the web and came straight here instead. This site and all its contributors are invaluable. I'm stealing the tiger line, by the way. So apropos for this ... Read More