
Cars Pretoria, Transportation in Pretoria

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Articles to help you in your expat project in Pretoria

  • Driver's license in South Africa
    Driver's license in South Africa

    Do you wish to rent or buy a car in South Africa? You will need a valid driver's license. Find out, in this ...

  • Driving in South Africa
    Driving in South Africa

    This immense country, with its diverse landscapes, is an invitation to travel. Even if domestic flights are not ...

  • Working in Pretoria
    Working in Pretoria

    Pretoria, located about 50 km from Johannesburg, is the administrative capital and seat of the government of South ...

  • Find a job in Pretoria
    Find a job in Pretoria

    If you intend to settle in Pretoria, you will probably have to find a job. Find out how to proceed in this article.

  • Accommodation in Pretoria
    Accommodation in Pretoria

    Do you wish to rent accommodation in Pretoria? Here is some important information on its rental market.

  • Accommodation in Pretoria
    Accommodation in Pretoria

    With a conservative and often Afrikaans population, Pretoria is rather welcoming toward expatriates from around ...

  • The South African lifestyle
    The South African lifestyle

    Diversity is one of the words that could best describe South Africa: diversity of landscapes, languages and ...

  • Accommodation in Cape Town
    Accommodation in Cape Town

    Cape Town lies between Table Mountain and the Atlantic Ocean. It is a cosmopolitan, active and dynamic city with ...

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