American expat in Dominican Republic
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Santiago de los Caballeros, Sa
Registration: 11 November 2015

Completing your Residency with DGM Solo Challenges , success, by CHRISTOPHER DAVID56
Can anyone that has obtained their VISA residency with DGM solo/alone , share what challenges and successes you may have had?1. What to do and what not to do?2. Did anyone at DGM provide any English support?Curious Thanks

@UncleBuck Thanks alot!!!! Read More

Completing your Residency with DGM Solo Challenges , success, by CHRISTOPHER DAVID56
Can anyone that has obtained their VISA residency with DGM solo/alone , share what challenges and successes you may have had?1. What to do and what not to do?2. Did anyone at DGM provide any English support?Curious Thanks

Hi everyone, can anyone tell me how to get the website to apply for the buena conductor? Thanks!!! Read More

Veterans from the USA by scoldoc
Im looking for a way to reach Disabled Veterans to inform them they can get Chiropractic care with no out of pocket expense. Does any one know if there is a VFW post on the island.

Hello all, I,m an Army vet in Santiago....1/2 ACR among many others.....1975-2015.Hope to meet up with some of you guys someday! Read More

Veterans Health. Please Read by StevenMIA
Good morning, I was just put on noticed that there are many Veterans clinics opening, especially in the Puerto Plata/Sosua Area, which have about 6-8 clinics. Please note, these clinics are NOT affiliated with the Department of Veterans Affairs. ...

@Michael Shirley How many veteran expats do you think will look in the classified ads for help relating healthcare info. I have also used iwellness in Santiago.....excellent service, advise and assistance with my claim resulting in an increase in my ... Read More

What do I miss the most living in DR? by polo1club
I was wondering if everyone has a certain thing they miss from home that is not available in DR?I think one of the things I would miss most would be Home Depot or Lowes. I know ferreterias have a lot of stuff but from past experience I spent weeks ...

I miss New Jersey Taylor Ham or (pork roll) depending which part of the state you're from!!!! And yes LOWES!!!!!!!!!!!! Read More

A CLOSER LOOK by groby57
A Closer Look 0001 Where is home? Ascending through the clouds, coming into view was the lush vegetation and visual beauties of an island not yet known to many, yet known to a few as home. The island has its very own rhythm and dance. No matter ...

@groby57 Once again, welcome back. I always enjoy your writing and look forward to "A closer look"! Read More

Medical Services for Retired Military Personnel by jim1942
Any medical facilities/offices for retired military personnel? Thanks, Jim

I can tell you from personal experience that https://iwellnessvetcenter.com in Santiago WORKS!!!! You must first make your claim through the VA website and be SURE to tell them that you live in the DR. My appointment was made for me at no expense ... Read More

Insurance over 65 by planner
This has been discussed multiple times here on the forums. Its fairly easy to get coverage under age 65 but almost nothing available over 65. Well now there is! I have a group package available to expats for anyone from age 50 and up to ...

Hi Planner, my brother in law is 72 and interested! Read More

What are you missing in Dominican Republic? by Diksha
Hi everyone, Living in Dominican Republic, on the long or short run, it is completely normal to feel homesick sometimes. We would like to know what you are missing the most about your home country in Dominican Republic. Do you miss any aspects ...

Just a thought.....think of the education level of these folks answering the phone or working as a cashier.....they seem to have a sense of entitlement. Unlike most expats, they are "working" and are proud to wear an official carnet. ... Read More

10 or 20 year Term Life Insurance for Dominican Citizens by Karin1
Hello We are trying to find out if here in the DR, we can get a long term life insurance policy (10 or 20 years). We want this for the kids. One of us is under 40, in good health, and a non smoker so we think the price should still be reasonable. ...

Sorry, soon to be 64, American, live here in Santiago for 5 years now. Read More

10 or 20 year Term Life Insurance for Dominican Citizens by Karin1
Hello We are trying to find out if here in the DR, we can get a long term life insurance policy (10 or 20 years). We want this for the kids. One of us is under 40, in good health, and a non smoker so we think the price should still be reasonable. ...

Hi Planner, we too would like any info that you could provide.....I'm soon to be 64....Thanks Read More

Veterans from the USA by scoldoc
Im looking for a way to reach Disabled Veterans to inform them they can get Chiropractic care with no out of pocket expense. Does any one know if there is a VFW post on the island.

These clinics are NOT..... VA sponsored. The only VA clinics outside of the USA are in the Philippines. These folks, as helpful as they are, merely assist you with claims paperwork; be it for medication or whatever....... Read More

moving to RD - 401k drawing and Social Security pension implications by beckdeisimoniei
Hi, I am planning to retire in RD and wondering how my drawing on my USA 401k and my USA pension will be taxed; any help? thanks.

Your pension and Social Security will be taxed as normal in the USA. Read More

Filing US taxes. by cindyscruise
We moved here in Sept as retirees. We use my sons address in the US for social security and pensions that are direct deposited to a YS bank. When we file taxes do we use that address or do you file using your Dominican address. I also understand we ...

That is correct Legs; I do not pay or file any state taxes since leaving NJ in 2016. Read More

Filing US taxes. by cindyscruise
We moved here in Sept as retirees. We use my sons address in the US for social security and pensions that are direct deposited to a YS bank. When we file taxes do we use that address or do you file using your Dominican address. I also understand we ...

Hi cindyscruise, I am a retired American living here in DR for three years now. I have two pensions and social security. All are direct deposited into my US bank from which I make monthly transfers to my Banreserva dollar account. I have and use on ... Read More