English expat in Qatar
Forum posts
About me
English, Married
Speaks Managementese, level C1
Registration: 20 November 2016

The pet culture in Qatar by Priscilla
Hey everyone, Pets are an integral part of a lot of families. So much so that they would never consider moving abroad without them. Before doing so, it would be important to know the pet culture in Qatar just to make sure that their little ...

(OK David Attenborough, I get that mammals are de facto fur covered) Read More

On-line dating in Doha by T.E.Lawrence
Does on-line dating exist in Doha? I want to socialise with people who I don't work with. I'm too old for nightclubs but good elsewhere. Any experiences out there expats? Tom

This post did not end well Read More

The pet culture in Qatar by Priscilla
Hey everyone, Pets are an integral part of a lot of families. So much so that they would never consider moving abroad without them. Before doing so, it would be important to know the pet culture in Qatar just to make sure that their little ...

Doha is not a town for fur covered mammals Dogs are hated and mistrusted by the local people Most compounds have a collection of wild/feral cats which are a miserable collection of animals. I am a dog lover and I would ask you not to bring dogs here. Read More

Traffic in Qatar by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Which city or area do you live in in Qatar, and how do you find the traffic? How long does it take to commute to work or run errands? Is there a rush hour in your city? What times of the day would you recommend people to ...

Travel by car is always an ordeal in Doha. The standard of driving is appalling. They are just completing a program of ripping up roundabouts and replacing them with traffic lights because the drivers couldn't get the concept of giving way in a ... Read More

Keeping in touch while living in Qatar by Priscilla
Hello everyone, What are the best ways you've found for keeping in touch with friends and family back home while living in Qatar? How frequently do you stay in touch with loved ones? Are there local equivalents to common instant messaging and ...

Getting in touch with friends and family ain't so easy now clocks gone back in UK. 10.00pm here = go to bed time for me but it's 7.00pm in the UK so they're getting back from work. Skype (and most VOIP) is next to useless now for reasons ... Read More

On-line dating in Doha
Does on-line dating exist in Doha? I want to socialise with people who I don't work with. I'm too old for nightclubs but good elsewhere. Any experiences out there expats? Tom Read More

Recognition of foreign qualifications in Qatar by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Were your professional qualifications recognised in Qatar? What country did you complete your qualifications in? What profession are you in? Did you have to go through any formalities to get your qualifications recognised, such ...

UK how to: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/616227/Legalisation_of_UK_Documents_for_use_in_Qatar.pdf I did mine before arriving Read More

Studying in Qatar by Priscilla
Hello everyone, Would you recommend studying abroad in Qatar? Every year, 4 million young people from all over the world choose to study abroad for one semester or a full academic year. Would you encourage them to come and study in Qatar? ...

Studying abroad is great but Qatar would be the last place for cultural development. Great if you like shopping but :sleep Read More