Marina Villar Argentina

Marina Villar

Expatriada argentina en Japón
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I am an argentinean living in Tokyo. I arrived in february 2014 and I am planning to stay here during the next few years. I worked in the hotel industry for the last 15 years but i am currently enjoying some free time to travel and to write I also lived in Seoul (South Korea). Please check my blog: (in spanish) or some of my articles in english here:

autónomo. Soy Degree in Marketing and Degree in Hotel Management.

Miembro desde el 24 Marzo 2013.

Registro de actividad

Experiencia de expatriado

Vivo aquí en ese momento
Ene 2013 - Ene 2014
Corea del Sur
Seúl, Corea del Sur
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I moved to Seoul because of my husband´s job.
