American expat in Dominican Republic
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Las Terrenas
Speaks English/quite Spanish
Registration: 13 September 2013

Changes in Immigration policy by planner
Lishali and I were chatting! We started this thread to detail the changes that are happening! Lishali will post about them.By the way- her user was eliminated by Expat! So you will see her under a new name

@planner thanks for all the good info! Does she help people in reverse meaning a DR citizen married to a US citizen with two kids who are now US citizens as well? They have been waiting months to hear about her visa guess it is so she can start her ... Read More

Traveling with pets from DR to US by DRCulture
Hi, I am hoping for updated information on traveling with pets. I am in the DR and want to travel back with a cat that I am rescuing. I also have a dog that I want to be able to bring to the DR and take back home to US with me as we travel back ...

@DRCulture Well not sure whats current post covid but before we had paperwork filled out in advance by DR vet then our dogs flew to us and nothing special was done after we got back.We had originally brought them down and had filled out the vet ... Read More

Tropical Storm Fiona by planner
I am starting a thread for all of us to be aware. Currently she is off the east of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. She dipped a little south and has slowed her speed down.It is projected she could be near Hurricane strength when she ...

@snowinpalm Planner is HIGHLY respected on the island and always has everyones best interest at heart!Hurricanes can be quite severe there! Irma and Maria did alot of damage in my neighborhood when we were there and my neighbors told me about a ... Read More

HELP: Met someone in the DR and I don't know what his intentions are by travellinglady1429
Hello to everyone,This is my first time posting on a forum, desperate measures as I scour the internet to find out whether the intentions of the man I met in the DR are authentic or not. I vacationed to Punta Cana with a friend of mine about 3 ...

Ahhhhhh RUN! Rent a fast moving vehicle and GET AWAY!!Sure your sincere and naive but he is anything but....so my gut says!He's probably done this before, watched it happen from my neighbor female doing this to expat guys. If you fall into this trap ... Read More

Home security on Las Terrenas by Freedmeister
We are in the process of buying an older house in the "El Centro" area. It has a low wall in the front and high wall on one side and the back where it borders hotel/Condo complexes. There is nothing between the neighbor's house, which ...

My 2 cents or dos pesos is to agree with Planner. The security with the long battery is good because it will go far if you have images of people involved.Also my advice try to keep appearances of what you have low key. If they see/hear loud ... Read More

The best age to move to the Dominican Republic by Cheryl
Hello everybody, No two people experience expatriation in Dominican Republic in the same way, depending on their age and personal situation. We would like to know more about you and ask you to share with us when you decided to move to the ...

Just saying for myself that age doesn't matter....its when your ready. People move there at least to Las Terrenas at all ages and for lots of different reasons. If you have a plan and a way to have income either through a job where you can work ... Read More

What struck you about the Dominican Republic? by Cheryl
Hello everybody, When you first settled in Dominican Republic, you might have been struck by cultural aspects of life in the Dominican Republic and you might even have anecdotes about your integration here. We would like you to share with ...

Keep an open mind!!! Its NOT your home country! All in all I was surprised by the extreme poverty I witnessed and how many live in day to day survival mode. Life is hard for many in the countryside where we lived on the Samana peninsula. They all ... Read More

Vaccines required in Dominican Republic by Diksha
Hello everybody, When living or moving abroad, and in particular in Dominican Republic, vaccination against certain diseases is often required to enter the country or to avoid risks. We would like to ask you a few questions to help future ...

Hi....I did not need vaccines to enter the DR......pretty sure no vaccines are needed currently to enter. I do believe though that a negative test is required. Read More

Dominican Nationality obtained by marriage - any advice is welcome! by Elia86
Hi guys, I hope you are staying safe and healthy through these challenging times! After 4 years living in the DR, I would like to get the Dominican citizenship through the naturalization process. Right now, I have a tarjeta de residencia (RT-9 ...

Yes! I KNOW this woman also. She is in the town where I lived. Even there it was known that alot of hype but no results. Sadly can't think of anyone to recommend. I paid a deposit of $700 to one guy and got zip for it!! There is one guy ... Read More

Adopting a pet in Dominican Republic by Loïc
Hello, Are you a dog or a cat person? A pet can add life to a home and make an ideal travel companion during your expatriation in Dominican Republic. However, formalities or regulations might put you off traveling with your pet making ...

Never heard the word viralattas in four plus years there!!! We called them street dogs or beach dogs and after joining forces with DCDR we called them Coconut Hounds/Cats....they are very popular in Canada....No matter what you call them PLEASE ... Read More

Adopting a pet in Dominican Republic by Loïc
Hello, Are you a dog or a cat person? A pet can add life to a home and make an ideal travel companion during your expatriation in Dominican Republic. However, formalities or regulations might put you off traveling with your pet making ...

Great reply there!! Thank you for being such a good soul....Look up Brenda Van den Bosch, Coco Dog, Enrique the vet.....So much need....Thank you for caring! Read More

Adopting a pet in Dominican Republic by Loïc
Hello, Are you a dog or a cat person? A pet can add life to a home and make an ideal travel companion during your expatriation in Dominican Republic. However, formalities or regulations might put you off traveling with your pet making ...

Well there is so much to be said about this.. After living there for 4 years and being heavily involved in pet rescue work let me say this to start: PLEASE if you bring your dog or cat to the DR and then decide to return to your native country again ... Read More

Reality of living in Dominican Republic by Cookiea-z
I am looking for some honest insight about living in Dominican Republic, I get a lot of different input from family members, and I am open to all the realities of living abroad.

Well let me add for LT....it is a smaller beach town but has alot of amenities....The electric is pretty consistent here with planned outages that are usually announced ahead. They are to date not outrageously long ones either. We have two large ... Read More

The pet culture in Dominican Republic by Priscilla
Hey everyone, Pets are an integral part of a lot of families. So much so that they would never consider moving abroad without them. Before doing so, it would be important to know the pet culture in Dominican Republic just to make sure that their ...

A topic very dear to my heart. I do rescue work in LT. My experience is that expats as a rule take good care of their pets. But some expats do not! When they leave they abandon their dogs sometimes on the street or leave them at the former home to ... Read More

Shipping Company from DR to States by Glauriel
Ok soooooo we thought we were here for vacation but ended up building a house. Soooo sent some stuff down that was going to be used to furnish it as a rental and a vacation home. That got changed to ooops we are living here and now its changed ...

Not surprised except that its less than I expected....One must do what one must do... Read More