HIV positive but fully treated can get granted a residence permit from MOI Qatar?

Hey there Expat!

I have enquiries regarding Qatar residence permit.

I'm currently still in my home country, and I've got a job offer in Qatar. I have signed my work contract and I have already received my WORK-YEARLY RESIDENT permit visa from MOI Qatar, sponsored by my company.

I purposefully performed my own medical tests four months ago to confirm my health status. Everything in my test result is normal (no other illnesses) except that I have HIV (early stage). The doctor immediately requested that I begin HIV treatment, and my blood test results have returned to normal. In other words, the HIV virus is no longer detected in my body (undetectable), but my blood tests (antibodies) for HIV will remain positive for life even though I am fully treated now.

My question is, does a person like me (HIV positive but fully treated) get granted a residence permit from MOI Qatar? Or will it be denied? Will they deport me back to my home country?

I'm a little bit worried since my company will issue my tickets to Qatar soon.

FYI, my work fields category in Doha will be customer service.

Thank you in advance. Cheers!

Hello willfirm3,

Welcome to Expat.com1f601.svg

Thank you for sharing this with us.

I am sure that someone on this forum will assist you and will be able to shed some light on that for you.

Best of luck,

Cheryl team

For Qatar

The Visa medical includes the following:

a.  General examinations:

Medical history and physical examination Vision testing

Recording of physical signs such as height, weight and blood pressure

b.  X-ray test: Chest X Ray, postero anterior view

c.  Lab test

Elisa Testing for HIV, Hbsag & Anti HCV

VDRL test for Syphilis

Biochemistry tests such as Random blood sugar, SGOT, SGPT, Serum Creatinine

Pregnancy tests for Women

Hemoglobin test

Blood thick film for Malaria and Micro filarial Parasite

d.  Issuance of Medical Certificate based on the above testing

@Wilson Hello Wilson, thank you for your detailed response, however I'd still like to know as well if a traveler with an undetectable HIV can be granted a work Visa?

or should any of these tests fail the traveller is then deported.

Undetectable is only relevant for viral loads.

In the GCC, they don't check for viral loads but for the antibody.  This will always be positive in your case.  HIV positive individuals are not given a residence visa in any GCC country.   In most GCC countries, being HIV positive leads to straight deportation. I would advise you to disclose your status up front to your employers and let them weight in on this discussion.

@willfirm3 Hi Will, any new developments from this?

@willfirm3 Hi Will, any new developments from this?
-@Lucia X

it wont be a problem for applying a RP under family sponsorship.  While going for Medical test just keep the Reports ready ins case if they ask, in few cases they got referral to Clinic and then given a fit letter.

Hope this helps

Hi, would like to know did wilson get thru the qatar medical examination ? Or whats the result?

Once banned on medical terms from uae, is ot possible to get visit visa for dubai?

Once banned on medical terms from uae, is ot possible to get visit visa for dubai?

1) This is the Qatar forum

2) If you did eye scan while being deported, then no