
Permesso di soggiorno for Family reason

Chavini Gunasekara


I am currently holding a schengan student visa issues by a EU country. I came to Italy by that and recently got married to an Italian citizen. I already submitted my application kit to the post office and my fingerprint appointment is on 20th December 2022. But my existing schengan visa expires on 15th December 2022. Will it be a problem?

Also I am in the UK family permit visa process. (My husband lives in UK) If I got this UK visa before receiving permesso di soggiorno , can I travel to UK without permesso di soggiorno ? This is really complicated for me.

See also

Long-term visas for ItalyResidence permits in ItalyShort-term visa for ItalyTravelling to ItalyTravel to home and return

The permesso di soggiorno has nothing to do with the UK or any other country, it only applies to Italy. If you have the correct visa to enter the UK, you will have no issues.

I don't see a problem as your application is submitted and you have an appointment, but I am not 100% sure, it would be best if you call them to make sure.

Chavini Gunasekara

@SimCityAT  Actually, it is really hard to contact the police office. I will try more. Thank you very much for the response !

Carel L

@Chavini Gunasekara your best bet is to go to the questura. Getting something out of them over the phone isn't easy, they usually just say wait for the sms.