
Visa Entry Date Question


Maybe I'm just having a brain fart right now but is the entry date inclusive or exclusive? I.E. If I entered on January 5th last year, can I enter on January 5th next year and that starts a new tourist visa? Or would that need to be on January 6th?

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is Online

Its when you left that counts as it's a rolling year.


Sovelove, I created an excel spreadsheet with one column that had the days of the month. (Remember that months have different  numbers of days. ) I had a row for each month. Then I made a second column with the days I spent in Brazil. That way I only had to count the number of days in Brazil on the arrival month and the departure month. Then I summed up the number of days in the second column to determine how many days I have.  BTW, I had a flight canceled, so I couldn't leave for two days, so I was glad that I included a couple of buffer days.


11/18/22 @sovelong.  Inclusive, in that day of arrival and day of departure each count as a full day.


Yes, so, I'm just using the aforementioned dates as an example. So I'll stick to the same date of January 5th.

To my understanding, these allotted days are issued in a rolling 365 day (12 month period). For example, let's say you arrive on January 5th and stay 30 days out of the 90 days allotted. The day that you're able to come back and start a new 3 month period is on January 5th of the next year, no?

Even if you come back for one week in say, May, then leave again. Your new 90 days would still start on the next January 5th?


@abthree Thank you, that was my question 1f604.svg


I believe it's a rolling year so if you stay say two weeks in December 2022 those dates come off in Dec 2023


@ltoby955 I'm trying to use a specific date to alleviate confusion. But it sounds like my thinking is correct and in line with what you're saying. So going with January 5th again:  if you entered on January 5th, leave on some date, then come back on January 5th of the new year then everything should be reset.

I guess the confusing part of that is, and maybe I'm wrong, is that with the rolling 365 days if you entered for a random week during the year then that week resets later? For instance, I'll go with another random but specific date, if you enter on June 5th and stay for a week then you may be missing a week from from your 90 days when you re-enter on January 5th? Because that particular week would reset on June 5th? <--- This particular instance isn't really applicable to me but now I'm curious to understand.


11/19/22 @sovelong.  It's always been my understanding that the calendar resets on the first of each month.  So days used in January 2022 drop off your record on February 1, 2023.  Current computer technology would allow the PF to update daily on an individual basis, but I haven't seen any indication that they actually do.


@abthree Oof, sounds precarious. Well, as you could probably guess, the situation I'm describing is essentially mine. So I'm basically planning on entering 366/367 days from my previous entry hoping that's the beginning of a new 90 day period for me. I'm also planning on going to the federal police station and applying for a visa extension as soon as I get there so if anything is off hopefully I find out during that application. I'd imagine the date you need to leave is more clearly stated on the extension?


11/19/22 @sovelong.  If you're planning to arrive on January 5, 2023, how many of the 365 days immediately prior to that did you spend in Brazil? 

Were you in Brazil from January 5 to January 31, 2022?


@abthree @abthree Previously I was there from Jan 5 2022 - Mar 15 2022 and recently from Oct 29 2022 - Nov 13 2022.

I'm planning on arriving on Jan 6 2023 or some days later. I'd intend to head to apply for the visa extension within the first few days. So, ultimately, I was planning on staying for 6 months unless there's an issue.


11/19/22 @sovelong.  There shouldn't be a problem, since you were only here around 90 days during the 365 before your next arrival.

By late April, which is probably the earliest that the PF  will be willing to talk to you about an extension,  the Jan, Feb, and Mar 2022 days will have dropped off your record, and the only 2022 days that will still count against you will be those two-plus weeks in Oct-Nov., as well as your 90 days starting in Jan 2023.


@abthree Ah, amazing. Thanks so much for all your responses by the way!