
I want to go to Brazil

Naik Mohmmad

hi how are you all i want to go to brazil i applied for visa on november 5th os still not reply me

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

11/19/22 hi how are you all i want to go to brazil i applied for visa on november 5th os still not reply me
-@Naik Mohmmad

  • Good morning, Naik.  14 days would be very early for a Consulate to respond to a visa request - chances are that they expect 15 -20 business days, or 3-4 weeks, excluding Saturdays and Sundays.   Still, there should be no problem in emailing them to inquire about the status of your application.  There are no alternatives to the Consulate. 


hi how are you all i want to go to brazil i applied for visa on november 5th os still not reply me
-@Naik Mohmmad

Every Consulate, and in every country is different, workloads etc. I had excellent luck in emailing mine, much better than trying to call or visit, (pre-Covid). My Cosulate is San Francisco. I would recommend that course of action to you, just try to email them for an update. Remember, be brief and courteous, they are the ones in control.


And as you deal with Brazilian Consulates abroad, expect long waits.

They are not famous for being efficient and expeditious.  People who work a these places often have a sense of self entitlement. 


To all you folks from Islamic Countries, whether it is Lebanon ( the Maronites are pretty much gone, they are part of Brazil ),Syria,

Palestine ( huge contigent coming through lately ), Pakhistan, Afghanistan ( a lot arriving lately as refugees ). Not a whole lot from Iran, them being mostly Persians. 

There is your place to actually sort your questions on how to land in Brazil, through the Mosque's  Mulá. He is the person who can converse through your langugage, source help for your legal immigration status, help you with housing, a job, even  to arrange for a bride ( slim pickings ).

Mesquita Abu Bakr Assidik

Rua Henrique Alves dos Santos - Jardim das Americas, São Bernardo do Campo - SP, 09725-730

+55 (11) 4122-2400

+55 (11) 4337-3434

Mesquita do Brás

R. Eliza Whitacker, 17 - Brás, São Paulo - SP, 03009-030

(11) 3315-0569

Mesquita Cambuci

Associação Religiosa Beneficente Islâmica do Brasil

Rua Barão de Jaguara 632

Bairro: Cambuci - Região Centro Mesquita Brasi

+55  (11) 3208-3726.

You won't get much help from Brazilians, at least of latelly, short of any kind soul. And most of the expats in this forum came in through legal means. So you will get what the paper trail and their dustups with Brazilian bureacracy gave them.  You will need to talk to someone that understands you better. So, the local Mosques are where you will get help.

I do not know anything beyond the Greater Sao Paulo. Most of the recent settlers are living around the ABC Region (Santo Andre, Sao Bernardo do Campo , Sao Caetano do Sul), and Sao Paulo's East Side ( Bras, Camubuci, Belem, Pari, Belenzinho, Penha )

There has been some rough encounters between Arabs and Brazilians ( some of which documented on You Tube ), this generation has totally forgotten the value of hospitality, and what it means to add migrants to their environment in terms of learning new things. So you better to seek guidance on getting your visa, settlement from your own kind. 

Given cultural differences and customs between your stereotypical Brazilian women and Islamic males, my advice is to forgo these arranged marriages if you can.  These marriages by convenience don't end well, most of the times. Brazilian women tend to be more sexually liberated, and while this might be alluring to guys on your corner of the world, when it comes to actually living under the same roof, that's when things go sour.  They are not easily tamed, and you are at loss upon confrontation.

Michel Duce

please forget this last statement.... this guy will actually recommend you to go to Australia, way better than Brazil...

actually,  a good thing compared to Europe is that we have few islamistes here...


Hello sprealestatebroker,

As far as I have understood, Naik Mohmmad has not said that he wants to marry a Brazilian woman. He also hasn't specified his religion.

So why are we assuming things and bringing religion in this discussion?

Yoginee team



The overwhelming majority of Arabic or Persians that land here are Muslim.  It's all over the news, and you will cross paths with them.  My region had none way back in the 80's, now they even managed to erect a Mosque.  If I am at the local Farmer's Market, or Public Health Clinic, you will see wives and kids. At the subways, same deal. Always wearing a Hijab, and sometimes chaperoned by a male .

The so called Orthodox ( mostly Armenian ), and Christian ( Lebanese Maronites ) already came through decades ago ( after the fall of Lebanon during their 80's Civil War ).  The last ones to get on the ship came in the 80's, some headed to Canada, US, Brazil.  These groups are already established here and well entrenched into the local life. They are your professionals, business people, some made their career in public office.

That's your Malouf, your Adib, your Khoury, Coury, Kfhoury, Farah.

The ones coming through now, by a wide margin, are Muslim. Whether they came by the way of Afhganistan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine.

There are some Pakhistanis, mostly bound to North America, and the UK,  and Muslim Indians, some persecuted for actually being Muslim..But they seldom ever land here. Not at least for now.

Some of them are by-passing Europe, out of the fear of the widespread Anti Muslim sentiment there, and making the long trek to Brazil ( this is actually what they say on record ).

You will find some religious diversity it would be Iran ( there are Practicing Jews, with their Synagogues, and Christians, with their Churches,  in Iran, contrary to the general public perception ). But they seldom ever make to Brazil. Most Iranians who leave Iran end up in America ( Washington DC, LA, around Detroit ).

It makes a whole lot more sense to assume most if not all are Muslim, and redirect them to the local Mosques so they can actually get all the help they need. Whether you are in Brazil or in the US,  even if they are not practicing Muslim, they will always get the help they need at those places.

Going with them in Bureaucratic procedures to land in Brazil is a Merry Go Round, and they will get nowhere. 


and Jesus got most of his ideas from Zarathustra.....


Hello everyone,

Please let us go back to the topic.

@Naik Mohmmad, any update about your visa ? have you contacted the authorities ?

Please let us know so that we can guide you.

All the best,



@abthree any idea about their email ? i've been waiting as well  and need to email them , got lost looking for it


11/28/22 @abthree any idea about their email ? i've been waiting as well and need to email them , got lost looking for it

Hi, Menna.  Which city?


@abthree Cairo Egypt, just found this will fill out the form (point No3), still will be glad if you shared their email


11/28/22 @abthree Cairo Egypt, just found this will fill out the form (point No3), still will be glad if you shared their email

The email of the Brazilian Embassy in Cairo is

The telephone number is +20 2 2461 9837


The telephone number is +20 2 2461 9837

many thanks , they never answer phone calls (for over than 2 weeks avoiding weekends and Brazilian holidays )

also i sent someone to ask about few documents (as i live in another city ) the guard said is not allowed to enter and everything in mentioned online, not sure if they have reception or no, so again thanks for help

Roddie Simmons

@Yoginee Good Point! Naik, please Tell us

more about your trip: Why, Where, When, Who (going solo?)

Roddie in Retirement🕵🏽


@Naik Mohmmad

You are going to be on that wait for ages...

Please refer to my post on this thread. 

Get some kind of sponsorship.  Brazilian consulate clerks are the pits. 


And there's is also the security due dilligence.  They will; fine comb you to death, even if you are an exemplary  citizen.