
Waiting for verification against eu law


Hello everyone,

I am a bulgarian citizen and my husband is Turkish( has a bulgarian residence permit ) . We applied for verification against eu law for him on October and still waiting for a response. Shortly after we applied, we got a letter stating he can reside and work while waiting for a reply. My question is doesnt he need a bsn to be able to work? Can he get a bsn number while waiting maybe a temporary one? Is there a process for these situations? Thanks a lot in advance.

See also

Travelling to the NetherlandsProving *exclusive* relationship (recently divorced)How RNI - BSN worksMake an appointment to get the BSN in a different GemeenteCan I get Dutch citizenship as a UK Brit married to a Dutch person?

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

Your husband will require a BSN, but that doesn't stop him from working while he is waiting; he will just be taxed at the highest level until the matter is resolved.  Show his new employer the letter from IND.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team




@sevimhasanova  He needs to be registered at the Gemente to receive his BSN. With that letter, he will receive his BSN immediately. The letter should also state that he is allowed to work while he waits for the decision.


@Guurl thanks a lot! The letter says he is allowed to work. We didnt know he could get a bsn while waiting, thanks a lot!


@sevimhasanova make an appointment asap to go to gemente to get his BSN. Also, not registering him now will affect the verification against eu law application bc you have to show he has been living with you for at least 6months.

His name is not showing yet as a resident in NL. Pls make an appointment asap!

From experience, nobody will employ him without a BSN... they would not want that headache.


@Guurl thanks a lot! We are going to the gementee tomorrow. We thought he would get a bsn after the ind decision. We are married and registered are marriage certificate in the gementee while i registered, i think living together for 6 months is a requirement for nonmarried partners. Thanks a lot for your response!!


Just incase anyone needs the same information, we went to the gementee today and got my husband’s bsn with the paper ind sent stating he can reside while waiting an answer. It took us literally 5 minutes because they already had his info because we registered our marriage before.


Hello everyone,

I am writing about informing everyone about our application with verification against eu law. We applied on 29th september 2022, and it was concluded on 9th february 2023, we just got the conclusion letter with positive results. I was worried during the process and i know how stressing it can be so i wanted to write here incase someone in our situation wonders.

I was especially worried because we applied online and we were only able to upload our passports and my job contract, the system only allowed them. I thought they would need much more because a lawyer we talked said it was really hard to get a positive result and we needed a lot of documents. They didn’t ask for any additional documents. (Ofcourse i know everyone’s situation is different)

Also from now on (starting 1st jan) they dont need the eu citizen to apply for registration, ind says they will automatically check if the eu citizen meets the conditions to be registered.

We recieved letters stating they will grant a residence permit for 5 years. But first the IND will send a letter to the eu citizen to collect his/her card, then the partner can collect his/hers.

I know the situation is very stressful hope this is helpful to someone.


@sevimhasanova thanks for sharing your experience! Do you remember how long it took to receive initial letter from the IND after application was submitted? The one where you can temporarily work before decision is made. I submitted my application about a week ago, and I am wondering how long it might take for me to get the initial letter to do the biometrics?


@sevimhasanova hello and thank you so much for sharing. happy for you that it all worked out! i would like to ask what is the différence between registering at the gemeente and applying to get a BSN ?

i m super confused about it, because if i understand correctly i can apply for my husband while i am also waiting for my BSN appointment.

(I am french and he is South african)