Dutch Lesson

Hi! All just wondering if anyone knows about the new rule or terms and conditions to take a Dutch Lesson. Just got an information from my partner that the lesson won't be free anymore in 2023. Where can I check the details? (Website maybe) Thank you

@Dinzy If you live in Brussels, you can write an email to info@huisnederlandsbrussel.be or walk into their office near De Bruckere and they will guide you with all the official info/changes if any based on your eligibility

@Dinzy If you live in Brussels, you can write an email to info@huisnederlandsbrussel.be or walk into their office near De Bruckere and they will guide you with all the official info/changes if any based on your eligibility

They will be closed from Friday December 23, 2022 to Friday December 30, 2022.

In the week of January 2, 2023 we only work by appointment.

From 9 January you can visit us freely again.

@SimCityAT Hello but I'm in Antwerp

@SimCityAT Hello but I'm in Antwerp

Email them?

@Dinzy dualingo is a freewebsite to learn dutch