
French and English language tandems

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Dear all,

do you know of any locals that would like to improve or practice English? Because I would like to improve my French and am a huge fan of language tandems.

It works like this: 30 minutes conversation in English with hints and corrections, 30 minutes the same in French.

No grammar, just speaking and giving advice on wording, etc.

No financial interest, just having a walk, coffee, lunch or diner together, everyone paying their share.

Does anyone know anyone interested? Or have you got any hints on where to look or who to ask?

Many thanks in advance!

Cheers, Harry.

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If I may offer a suggestion.

Make themes such as things on the dining table, vocab based around ordering coffee or food, and so on (flash cards are good), then teach each other the words in your language, followed by simple sentences with them in.

Themed vocab with basic sentences gives you an easy to reach target, but introduces sentence structure in easy to swallow bites.


If you make flash cards, NEVER add the word - It's about remembering, not reading.

However, printing the words on the back could make them into a quiz - Perhaps the prize could be that the loser buys the next coffee.