New members of the Morocco forum, introduce yourselves here - 2023

Hey Moroccan forum, I think I am on right path to figure the thing which I am thinking for long time. I am Indian Muslim like Moroccon girl and I wish to marry her. So I know the process with take times and both country needs to approve. But my though like did Moroccan family accept Indian guy to their daughter?

Hello to all,

I am glad that I've discovered this community and I hope that I can make some friends.

Let me introduce myself: I am Victor and I am coming to Casablanca for a work project and I am planning for a longer stay.

This is quite a new challenge for me and I have to adapt to the social and work life, but also to profit and enjoy what Morocco has to offer, as well to meet some friends with similar hobbies such as sports' activities: mainly fitness, walking, running, tennis, padel and other.

I am also interested in financial education, investments, FIRE and personal growth.

I understand some French but I am not comfortable to speak at this moment, hopefully I will be able to do it soon.

That's all for the moment. I am very curious avout your advices, tips and tricks!

Welcome aboard 😀

@Heart Collector

Thank you!


I'm Andre, an American currently residing in Boston, Massachusetts. I'm an entrepreneur with a background in both business and technology. I'm married to a wonderful Moroccan woman, and we share a deep love for Moroccan culture. I'm planning to relocate to Morocco and embark on a new project because I believe I can contribute significantly to the country. My educational background includes an MBA and an M.S. in Business Analytics, and I have diverse experience in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning.

My decision to move to Morocco is inspired by a deep appreciation for the country's rich cultural heritage, warm hospitality, and the opportunity to make a positive impact. I'm excited about the potential for collaboration with local talents and entrepreneurs, and I believe that my background in technology and business can contribute to the growth of the Moroccan business landscape.

As I embark on this new chapter, I look forward to exploring opportunities and partnerships that align with my expertise and interests. Morocco's vibrant and dynamic environment offers a unique platform for me to leverage my skills and contribute to its economic and technological advancement.

Thank you.

@Victor Zapo

Hello Victor,

Welcome to Morocco and to Casablanca! It's great that you're open to making friends and immersing yourself in the local culture.

Casablanca has a vibrant culture and history. Explore the Medina, visit the Hassan II Mosque, and try local cuisine. Engaging in local activities will help you feel more connected to the city.

Since you are intersted in sport, join local sports clubs or fitness classes to meet like-minded individuals who share your interest. It's a great way to make friends and stay active

Wishing you an incredible time in Casablanca, filled with new friendships and enriching experiences. If you have any questions or need more advice, feel free to reach out!



You are welcome to Morocco.To improve my English language speaking skills,i need someone to help me.

Hi everyone, I'm new here, my name is Geoff, English and living the past 21 years in Alicante, Spain. I am very interested in moving to Morocco, possibly Tangier or Asilah. I look forward to gaining more knowledge about living in Morocco and maybe I can also add some useful input.


You are welcome to Morocco.I'am a Moroccan citizen Living in Casablanca.You will by time like to stay,and live in Morocco, because everthing is affordable here.


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