Diabetes Type 1 Treatment in Costa Rica

Hi all,

I am a type 1 diabetic currently living in Germany but looking to move to Costa Rica.

Currently I am using the Ypso insulin pump with novorapid insulin and the Freestyle Libre 3 CGM. Does anyone know if I can continue to use these in Costa Rica or would need to make any adjustments? Also, what expected costs would be?

Thank you!

Hello kathrynw,

Welcome to Expat.com 1f601.svg

Thank you for starting this new thread on the Costa Rica forum to ask your questions.

I hope someone will enlighten you very soon so that you can be better prepared before you move in.

All the best,


Expat.com team

Sorry, cannot help you with answers, rather adding to the general questions.

I am a Type 2 diabetic, insulin dependent plus Metformin. Same question about availability, and is either instance covered under the National health program?

Thanks in advance.